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Everything posted by Behindenemylines

  1. I’ve gone from feeling we can beat any team anytime to feeling we can be beat by any team anytime. and I don’t like it!
  2. I’m saying the exact thing. The lane lane was open and that was Josh playing hero and it can’t be disputed. I want my QB to have the balls to want the ball but I also want smarts. When he pulled that back I was yelling at my tv “whyyyyy”. was the back breaker for sure. Last few games he’s looked like he doesn’t want to be there. At this rate we may be looking at a team under.50. Seriously
  3. Extra hour sleep? We always looked at it as an extra hour of “Drankin’ “
  4. I would think you could develop a series of plays that give you a greater chance of conversion countering any defense shown. if so I would go for a 2 PT conversion every time. Could be worth an “possession “ each game
  5. When I was younger I watched a car driving too fast cut in front of a semi and lose. Was literally run over by the 18 wheeler, which jackknifed and missed running me over by a few feet-literally. I ran to the car as I knew everyone in it personally. By some miracle nobody died or for that matter had long lasting injuries-they say because they were so hammered or passed out. I had to spend the next three years as witness dealing on and off with lawyers and court BS due to the lawsuits. and to this day 30 years later I still have occasional nightmares about it.
  6. He killed someone. Big difference than being buzzed and getting pulled over for a broken taillight etc. he hit that car so hard he caused it to catch fire. Did you see the pictures. Wasn’t a love tap will be dependent on “ how much above” he was even though over is over. I do agree that many if not most have driven that shouldn’t have. Been there myself but not to the point I’m driving fast and reckless.
  7. Without Henry the Titans are toothless. i see them losing at least 5 games: saints, Steelers, pats, 49ers, Rams. I can even see them losing a defensive battle to Miami.
  8. St Doug Syndrome is perfect. Sounds like something you get in a banana republic that gives you uncontrolled sh$$ts. Much like he has given every team he’s involved with!
  9. This is big boy sports. Play to win at every opportunity. Since we couldn’t just run off the clock a play was needed and you play to score. not scoring when given the opportunity is more insulting. I have no problem with the two point attempt other than we are not good at them so we need the practice.
  10. Just horrid play calling and not going for it on 4th down early killed this half. better get our heads out of our bums or we lose to Tua.
  11. My college buddies are big Jets fans. They are dying right now and longing for the days of Rex Ryan and Butt Fumble when they were less of an embarrassment. Zach doesn’t have a chance there. Darnold didn’t either and I think he has a stronger constitution than Zach.
  12. But what about those no-look passes and sidearm throws? Nobody else has ever attempted those in the NFL. And those State Farm commercials, amazing acting. Awards a plenty in the future. I’d say unstoppable god…definitely
  13. A question I have for which I wouldn’t know how to figure is what percentage of PA plays does Edmunds diagnose correctly? And if you were to take that same formula and compare it to the elite of same position and also the average how does he stack up?
  14. Allen is trash. Utter trash. Didn’t throw for 450 and 6 TD. We should have beat them by 28 Pts easily. He should have rushed for 150 with another 2 TD. He also needs to sack-up and start playing Defense and get a few sacks. Lazy trash for what we are paying him. I also think he should start playing center since that’s a weak spot. Direct snap to himself and maybe if he passed better he could pass it to himself too, in the end zone of course. That would be another 2 TD-easy. Utter trash
  15. So when do the “we should trade Knox and a third round for Ertz” posts begin. Not quite sure of the protocol/etiquette around this.
  16. I won’t say anything until they are out of the playoffs or we knock the snot out of them again in the playoffs. Can’t count them out until their out.
  17. I think we should start a new thread about Ertz as a Bill.
  18. Is there a way to mute Collinsworth but keep Michael’s. It’s painful
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