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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. how did the Eagles, have the best roster last year, lose 2-3 pieces this year, gain a piece and have by far the best draft in the league? and they not first? I do not have a sub, but would be interesting how they explained that
  2. for those who were not there or 2 young... its horrific. For those who were there? Pure Entertainment. Just to get there 4 times in a row again? I would do it all over again. Just wondering.. why bring this up though?
  3. This means nothing. Jets play more man, we play zone. I can not figure out for the life of me how you can compare the 2 concerning separation.
  4. I think this is at least half the train of thought around here, things Josh can control are fumbles and timely endzone/redzone turnovers.
  5. I think watching positional battles this year is going to be more fun then ever. Does anyone compete for #2 WR? The competition is huge at #3 Guards, RT, Mic LB. Going to be one of the more fun preseasons to watch.
  6. I think he can be yes Right now? I look at it as tiers. the 3 of them are in the same tier. Mahomes has had elite talent around him from day one. Can Josh Allen get there? I absolutely believe it
  7. then you CLEARLY did not see what he did in the Rams game. Short passing quick throwing all game long.... I think it is delusional to think any top 3 QB in this league Can't be the best in game at any given year.
  8. I just think JA has the chance to be the best damn QB in football today. Just hope he among others on this team improve to help him get there.
  9. you did not read my original post at al did you. read the title and replied didn't you? As stated, I was referring to what it would take for JA to be best in league.
  10. I mean, you really need to stop perching JA on cloud 9 acting like he can do no wrong. ENDZONE TURNOVERS! maybe I should of added that one.. He threw way many INT last year. These are things JA can easily improve but God forbid we question or hope he gets to the final level..
  11. no one here is slamming JA chaos. I think you need to reread my thread. I already said he was a top 3 QB. These are things that would make him #1 and he aint far from it. and yes I agree, the rest of the team does need to step it up as well.
  12. it is not even as much about the time as it is about trusting the line to do their job. When you lose trust... you get happy feet all game.
  13. the troubling thing about Gabe is, usually they get it by 3 years. Sadly we might of seen Gabes peek already.
  14. I agree to everything you said.... but... The bolded? That is just fun football man. I laugh every time JA does it lol
  15. this is where i disagree. getting hurt running is only a matter of time. To the Bold none of us have crystal balls.
  16. not necessarily a strong game but a run game without Josh being the lead rusher game in game out. The Planned runs by Josh have to stop. solid Center, Guards with significant improvement will make the Tackles better too. Lines seem to improve from the inside out more a less anyhow @blacklabel any reason for the sour face on my main post? If you disagree with something, I got broad shoulders... i can take it but lets hear it
  17. I think Josh Allen is a different beast when it comes to getting hit.. Getting hit I do not think will bother him as much this year but the next couple following years? oh yea I agree. we will never no how high JA Ceiling is if we continue to fail him at the OL position. This is what keeps me up at night... well kind of
  18. So for me there are a few things I need Josh Allen to improve on because I do not think we have seen his Ceiling yet. I think Josh has been playing to much of a different game then Burrow and Mahomes because, until this year... the makeup of this offense has not been right. There are 2 things you can do if you do not have a top 10 offensive line. 1. Have great WR's or 2 have a some TE's that do different things for you that can help in protection and another getting open more. We now have that so for me, There is little excuse for Josh to take the final steps to greatness. Do not get me wrong he is top tier and the most dynamic guy out there... BUT.. there is STILL room for improvement and that should excite this fanbase! Steps for improvement Fumbles. 8 freaking fumbles last year. I would like to see JA break his own record of 4 or less fumbles this year. (I think we can all agree with this) Find the open player faster while in the pocket. I think this can get achieved do to a better O'Line. Last year Josh got a little jumpy in there because the lack of trust on the line. Poise. I do not need to see him have Joe Burrow Poise,,, But I think we can all see he loses it in his head from time to time A better VOCAL LEADER on this team. LOOK... lol... i do not doubt JA is a good leader, BUUUUUUUUUUUT ... lol... when that RT or that LG breaks down over and over I want to see Josh in their faces on that sideline. I know some are going to bring up play-calling in this thread. That is fine... But lets concentrate on what the "MAN" can do better and not the men behind the MAN. 2 if's. IF we finally figured out the offensive line and Kincaid is as good as many are predicting? We have a chance to blow this out of the water. I will always call Josh Allen the most Dynamic QB in this league. HE will always be on my top 3... but this year... he has a chance to be #1. I think he can do it.. What do you think? EDITED A run game that does not include JA as a main factor should not be left out.
  19. My biggest comparison was the 2 teams offensive lines. I can only pray our line gets better...
  20. You have to remember that when the good ole bickering Bills were at it... it was multi levels... people going at each other's throats on both sides the ball and at different levels.
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