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Everything posted by BigDingus

  1. What are you talking about?! His sources are iron-clad, completely vetted by message board top-brass, and as genuine as can be! Hell, he even got him fired over this! Show some respect!
  2. I mean, they can still lose to the Dolphins while beating the Pats & make the playoffs as long as the Chargers lose once. Unfortunately that would likely lead to us playing the Patriots immediately the following week in the wildcard game since Jacksonville & Pitt are going to win their next 2 games, pushing the Pats down from having a bye.
  3. Also, Brady has thrown for over 300 yards 10 times against us, has thrown 66 TD's compared to only 21 INT's against us, and averages a 101.0 passer rating in his 30 games against the Bills. He's thrown for 7,574 total yards against the Bills... That's more than JP Losman, EJ Manuel, Kelly Holcomb, Kyle Orton, Trent Edwards, and many more of our starting QB's have thrown in their Bills careers. He's only 798 yards away from Tyrod's total career numbers in Buffalo, and if TT doesn't return next season, it's likely Brady beats that next year. It's just insane how much success he's had against us. Tyrod is 0-4 so far in games played against Brady. He's averaging 180 yards a game, has only thrown for 3 total TD's, and all 3 TD's were in his first game ever against them back in 2015. Since then, nada. He averages a 67.0 passer rating, and it has gone down every game since the first. In 4 games, his passer rating is: 1. 93.3% 2. 75.3% 3. 63.8% 4. 35.6% His completion percentage has also gone down each game: 1. 76.7% 2. 55.6% 3. 50% 4. 50% And his passing yards have gone down each game: 1. 242 2. 233 3. 183 4. 65 All I'm saying is the more you play against a Brady-lead & Belichick coached team, the worse it tends to get for you as a QB. The "Rivalry" gets more & more one-sided each year. Besides the Fitzpatrick game in 2011, wins tend to only come due to odd events (Milloy cut & signed), by their choice (resting starters) or outside circumstances beyond their control (Brady suspension).
  4. I wasn't around for the 70's Dolphins era, but I feel fine saying the Patriots teams of this era are much more despised. The Dolphins never lost to the Bills over a decade, cool. But the Patriots have been dominating the Bills for going on 2 decades now (and will likely hit that given how long Brady plans on playing). They also have been more dominant, and in the era of Free Agency where teams are supposed to have parity. Going to 7 Super Bowls & winning 5 over that time? That's a more impressive feat than anything I've seen in all of football. The fact that Brady has more wins in Buffalo than most all Buffalo starting QBs, the fact that Brady has more wins against Buffalo than any QB in history has ever had against an opponent, the fact we've only beaten them two times when Brady has played a full game and is 27-3 overall? Those show it's not much of a rivalry at all. I can remember off the top of my head all 3 games we won too, as they're that rare. First one was the Lawyer Milloy game to start the season. He was cut, signed with the Bills immediately before the season started, and gave us all the insider info on the Pats we needed. We won 31 to 0 in what we thought signaled the start of a great year for the Bills. It wasn't. We then lose the last game of the season to the Pats with the opposite score, 0 to 31. Second game was in 2011 when we started off 5-2. Fitzpatrick threw for over 350 yards & 2 TDs, and we won 34 to 31. Great game. Thought once again it signaled a true turning point for the team, but we crumbled. Third time the Patriots clinched everything they needed to before week 17, were 12-3 and weren't going all out. Benched their starters at half, as we lead 17-6. Finished the game 17-9. That's it. Brady has a 14-2 record in Buffalo. In comparison, Tyrod has 14 wins total as a starter in Buffalo, and he's been our winningest QB over the playoff drought. Just goes to show this isn't a rivalry, this is a massacre.
  5. I like this more than Dunkirk Don's vague & ridiculous posts! Also, it wouldn't surprise me if the first half was true anyway lol. You might come back to this post in a couple years & be shocked about how much you called! Btw, whatever happened to DD's supposed source he got fired? I'd love to hear more about how that guy lost his job over message board posts
  6. Or calling someone "Einstein" as an insult for being dumb.
  7. You'd think you would've learned by now what happens when you start to believe in the Bills... Also, we've had a shot at the playoffs this time of the season for the past several years now, but you know what happens. C'mon man, lay down the Kool-Aid (or crack pipe) and try to relax. Positive vibes & all are great, but no need to set yourself up for dramatic disappointment once again. "If we win both games." Yeah, and we had a legit shot if we won both games a few years ago but lost to the 2-12 Raiders in week 16 & the last game didn't matter. It's the Bills we're talking about here.
  8. I don't get why they keep saying the XFL is coming back... He's not going to use that name as others have outlined before. The league bombed in historic fashion, he would not use the same name if he wants any chance of success or to be taken seriously. The XFL trademarks have been renewed every year since 2005, so that's not indicative of the name. Also, ESPN is now reporting on it too - http://www.espn.com/wwe/story/_/id/21840316/vince-mcmahon-sells-some-wwe-shares-fund-alpha-entertainment-llc
  9. That would be fantastic. If we had Alex Smith instead of Kyle Orton & EJ in 2014, we'd have made a pretty impressive playoff push that year. He's a game manager but with a lot more upside.
  10. A few years ago when it was him as HC & Orton at the helm, all post season commentary said the same thing about us. It was just "the Bills are loaded with talent, have a dominant defense and are just a QB away from challenging the Patriots at the top of the Conference!" Then he left, Schwartz left, we got Rex, never got a QB, and the rest is history.
  11. I know, that would be an outrage! Who cares if he plays great, takes care of the ball, can move the ball through the air, can read a defense, can run the ball when he has to, go through his progressions, throw receivers open, can hit people in stride, can actually call audibles, and finds ways to win consistently? Apparently 33 is too old anyway. I mean these older guys can't play: Ben Roethlisberger (will be 36 start of next season) Tom Brady (will be 41 start of next season) Drew Brees (turns 39 next month) Phillp Rivers (36) Matt Ryan (will be 33 before start of next season) Carson Palmer (turns 38 in a week) Aaron Rodgers (34) They should've all been out of the league years ago!
  12. I mean you can try to act like it's arbitrary, but it's not. The real joke is that journeymen, rookies and backups have 300 yard games, luck into them, get so far behind they are forced to pass so much that hitting 300 just happens, etc. just shows how common it is, yet we cannot do it under any circumstance? As of last week Brady was AVERAGING 300 yards... Does every QB have to be as good as Brady to do it? Hell no. The NFL is a passing league. "But we're a run-first team!" Yeah, because we have no other choice. When you don't have a good QB, what else are you supposed to do? Even teams that like to run the ball still pass more & more often, and aren't LIMITED to passing only. Offensive coordinators have to work with what they have, and if you think offenses look simple, that's usually because they are handicapped by who the QB is... An open and diverse playbook is a luxury teams with good QB's have! Wouldn't want another Greg Roman situation where he expects more out of the offense, they can't execute, then he gets blamed & driven out of town. You know who else likes to run the ball? The Rams. But hey, they can pass too and it makes the whole offense better! Who else? The Steelers. Big Ben is more than capable of hitting 400 if he wants to and has, so that's not a good comparison either. Perhaps the Chiefs? Nope, Alex Smith has thrown for 300 yards quite a few times this year alone even though they like to run. 300 yards is important to show your QB is CAPABLE and that your offense isn't 1-dimensional. It also shows that he can put the team on his shoulders and win through the air when he must. But combined with his 3-20 record when we go down by even a single point in the 4th quarter, all it shows is that when you're down on the scoreboard, Tyrod is one of the last QB's you want behind center.
  13. Are you kidding? Would you have liked to have Drew Brees as your QB for the past 6 years? If the answer is yes, he is 39 right now. QB's play a LOT longer now. If a good QB that's 33 becomes available, you take him! People that like Tyrod always talk about how he's a game manager & protects the ball & spin his ridiculously low numbers as if they're some sort of accomplishment. Alex Smith is an actual game manager that has the ability to do far more. He's better in every conceivable way except running the ball, and even then he's a good dual threat QB & runs quite often. 267 yards per game, 3,738 yards, 67.8% completion percentage, 25 TDs & 5 Ints. 105.4 Passer Rating. Yeah, who would want that when you could have 178 yards per game, 2,314 yards, 62.8% completion percentage, 13 TDs, 4 Ints, & 89.1 Passer Rating?
  14. I'm talking about right near the goal line where the ball is definitely going into the endzone, or where he's already in the endzone. If it's coming down at the 5 yard line, I get it. But I'm talking specifically right in the endzone when he could simply kneel. And in situations where field position is key or time left on the clock is crucial, it really is a killer. Maybe it's after the defense was on the field forever, and they finally buckle down to hold the opponent to a FG. Then they kick the ball off & and he returns it to the 17. The offense is already pretty bad, but considering we haven't had a single drive all year (at least as of the last game I believe) where we've driven the ball from inside our own 25 for a TD, that almost guarantees a punt in the future. Or late in the game where we need to conserve time AND have as best field position as possible, why risk both and put even more pressure on the offense to gain more yards and with less time to work with? True, and that's why I'm wondering why something hasn't been said to Tate or the coaches haven't gone with somebody else. Either way, Tate still deserves a huge portion of the blame. When the ball is being kicked to him, and he's going to be the receiver, he makes the choice and the play. He can choose to kneel it, let it go into the endzone, or return it. He opts to return it in bad situations. On top of that, he doesn't return it WELL. That's the other half of the equation. If he was breaking big plays or at least averaging 23-25 yards a return, I could almost understand. If he had a TD since 2010 I could almost see why he'd risk it. But when you haven't had a return for over 29 yards all year, haven't had a TD for 7 straight seasons, are averaging 19 yards a return, AND your BEST returns for the year are 27, 25, 29, 26, 25, that's bad. And like I said, those are his BEST returns. They've directly hurt us in multiple games, and that cannot be understated or ignored imo. We would've been better off if he had kneeled 100% of the time the ball was received in the endzone, especially late in games. That would've taken too much awareness of the situation, something I'm not sure Tate has given how he seems willing to return the ball in desperate situations where we NEED the clock & field position.
  15. Yeah, I've been reading about this the past week or so. Apparently it wouldn't be called the XFL though, rather it'd be the URFL or UFL since the WWE itself owns that name & Vince has been filing trademarks separately from the WWE, and this league would be from Vince's Alpha Entertainment venture. Here's the link to the details - https://sports.yahoo.com/rebooted-xfl-might-direct-response-nfl-anthem-protests-203217339.html
  16. I've been going back & forth on whether this is worth a thread, but every game I get more & more ticked off that this hasn't been addressed by the coaching staff. Can someone at OBD tell Brandon Tate to NOT take the ball out of the endzone? It seems like several times each game he hurts our field position quite a bit, setting back an already weak offense even further. I'd rather see him kneel 100% of the time & start at the 25 yard line than take it out every time HOPING he breaks away for a big return, only to get stuffed at the 15. Just last week he averaged 12 yards a return For the year, he's averaging around 19.8 yards a return, and considering how often he returns it from the endzone (or right outside endzone, instead of letting the ball bounce in), that puts us further back than had he just knelt down. He hasn't had a TD on a kickoff return since 2010, in 8 seasons he's only had less total yards twice, he's averaging his lowest career return average ever (previous low was 22.1), and his longest of the year was 29 yards. In fact, he's only had 5 total returns of 25 yards or more all year. Every game I forget about it until it happens...then it happens again....and again. I keep wondering why the heck someone doesn't tell him this is hurting the team! Does anyone else share similar concerns & frustrations?
  17. This is what I keep pointing to. Both sides of the ball playing well for the full 60 mins hasn't happened this season. The defense has had complete games, the offense has had good some good halves, but both performing at top performance for the full game? Hasn't happened.
  18. Letting talented players get away from us for nothing (or close to nothing) is the only part I'm concerned about with McBeane & Co. No spot on this roster for Ragland? Nothing for Lee? Dareus for a 6th? It's just amazing how apparent defensive-minded people like McDermott & Frazier don't see the talent & importance of these guys. At least we got a good draft pick for Darby, but the others? Man it's weird.
  19. LOL and on cue, here I am. Just because you say "Cue the____" doesn't mean it's suddenly less valid. I can say "giving birth is fun & feels good!" followed by "Cue the people mad I said giving birth was fun & feels good!" and it doesn't make what you said any less dumb. All that did was show how worthless those metrics are. If you are trying to argue that Tyrod is somehow better than Rivers, an actual HoF QB, you are out of your damn mind & then some. Please, throw out more of those worthless stats so we can continue laughing!
  20. But Woods isn't somehow taking away 400/500 yards off of Watkins. He only has 49 yards more this year than his best season with the Bills, so that doesn't explain why Watkins dropped off the map so much. Also, they should all benefit from a QB that throws downfield more, an offense that passes more (although they do run the ball well too), and the fact that one another take pressure off each other. Cooper Kupp is their #1 target with Woods #2 and even Todd Gurley has 54 receptions & 630 yards compared to Watkins 36 & 563 yards. Think about the other receivers drafted after him in that class... You think if you threw Mike Evans or Odell Beckham, or Brandin Cooks on that team that Cooper Kupp or Robert Woods would take away receptions from them? Heck no. Usually if you pair 2 great receiving threats together they all get their share because they take pressure away from each other. Heck, before this season playing with Tyrod Jordan Matthews never had a season below 800 yards. I just don't think Watkins is really ever going to approach what people thought he'd be, regardless of who he's playing with or who's throwing him the ball.
  21. Look at how bad the Bengals loss looks now. They're 5-9 with their only other wins being: 2 x Browns, Colts & Broncos..... Seriously?! We are in the same category as teams with a combined 8-34 record between them? The Bengals beat an 0-14 team twice, a 3-11 team, and a 5-9 team. That's it. Yet somehow they beat the Bills? Definitely the most embarrassing loss, as the offense just acted like they didn't want to be a part of that game (kind of like a few other games this season). Other than that, the Jets game was atrocious too. That final score doesn't even get close to reflecting how bad it actually was. We were down 34-7 with about 4 mins left in the game before we scored again! So 2 garbage time TD's made it look a bit closer, but in reality we got smoked on National Television. They also had a short week. That's no excuse to get hammered 34-7 until late in the 4th Qtr. Even if they're "better than most think," we are supposed to be better than them. That's the reason we're 8-6 & they're 5-9.
  22. Hahaha! Then he followed up the guy trying to elaborate by saying: "There was a lot of pronouns in there, I don't really know who was talking about what..." Such a smart *** You can see he was trying his hardest to hold back laughter. He has this half grin going on where you can tell he's laughing on the inside but knows he has to keep up that stern image.
  23. Woods is doing better, as is Goodwin, but Watkins is performing far below even his averages (which was already disappointing considering where he was picked in the draft). For a former high 1st round pick, 36 receptions for 563 yards & 7 TD's isn't really that good by any means. He's being blown away by a 3rd round rookie...Cooper Kupp, who has 58 receptions for 804 yards & 4 TDs.
  24. They still weren't playing hard at all, that was apparent. They might as well have been going half speed, just trying to tune up before playoffs. They had absolutely NOTHING to play for. Not seeding, not homefield advantage, nothing. They were not going all out. And even so, we scored 17 in the first half and didn't score again the rest of the game! We've scored 21 in the first quarter against the Pats when they had ZERO & they still blew us out afterwards! I went to a game against them & we were up 28 to 7 at halftime, then they proceeded to beat us by several TD's after that, scoring over 40 points in the 2nd half alone! Acting like we would've won that game had the Patriots had something to play for AND with Brady & Co. playing the whole way through is just arrogant. You seriously think 17 points that day would've been enough to stop Brady when we've been up on them by 20+ points multiple times just for them to blow us out afterwards? I don't think so.
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