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Everything posted by Rc2catch

  1. This is where some teams might start trading, I think the Bucs make their pick then maybe it gets a little crazy
  2. I don’t think that pick changes anything as far as who they target
  3. I would prefer to stay at 9 and trade for Gerald McCoy if I had my choice
  4. I read (Rotoworld I know I know) that this might end up being the end of the line for Hill. If more comes out of this I could see the ray rice treatment despite hill being on a higher talent level.
  5. This just isn’t the year, if Allen shows improvement and can make a run for the playoffs with his new weapons next offseason is the go all in Super Bowl run. This year is still getting the foundation pieces in place and I can’t see Beane flying up the draft board for a lineman. Teams 99% of the time don’t jump high for defense
  6. It’s not Julio that’s for sure, talk about killing season ticket sales lol.. Ridley would be an extremely good get if they’re swapping picks but I don’t even believe the wizard Beane could pull that one off. If it’s Sanu as others have said I’d agree there needs to be more than just a swap. He’s a great player but Atlanta doesn’t NEED him and neither does buffalo. I wouldn’t personally swap for a complimentary player it’s gotta be a game changer.
  7. That’s an intriguing option right there, of course of course depending on the asking price.
  8. I would 100% agree.. We get enough bad bills threads I’d prefer to leave other teams business to their own respective message boards.
  9. This would be my worst case scenario as far as players drafted. I think I would be livid to draft a receiver in the first round given what we just signed, maybe next year for me. I definitely prefer an impact player who can play right now and dominate without relying on someone else to get him the ball with the first pick.
  10. I always liked ol Adolphus.. Thought he could make a real impact when he was drafted if he could either add weight as a DT or slim down for DE, heck of a burst he had off the line, but sadly he got knocked on his butt more than he got in the backfield.
  11. Man we really need to get this draft over with.. so many “creative” ideas.. They are trying to develop and retain talent at this point not firesale it. There’s zero guarantees you hit on pick 5, definitely zero guarantees you’re getting a tackle of Dawkins caliber past round 1 regardless of what some may think. He may not be elite after last season but Dawkins is quite good and hasn’t peaked yet why get rid of him while he’s on a rookie contract?
  12. No matter what happens, I look forward to the FIRE BEANE and OBD blows it again BUST threads... The overreaction of not trading or trading and not picking all the boards professional scouted draftees is always very entertaining
  13. This definitely needed its own separate thread for sure
  14. I agree his time here ended in failure and he deservedly lost his job, but it was an impossible situation for any GM to succeed in. Just a little shocking so many people hate him to me.
  15. How can anyone not like this signing? The money don’t matter it’s not like they gave him 10 million a year. There’s plenty of cap next season when shady and gore are gone. So many short sighted posters on here, next year they now have the freedom to draft the best running back in the class if they choose, or continue a stable if Yeldon impresses during his time this year. Just gotta face the fact shady and Gore are running the rock this year and now have a capable guy backing them up if there’s injuries. More than likely the hot hand gets the most touches every week.
  16. Same can be said for New Orleans.. Dallas.. Plenty of teams are constantly at the cap and give out bad contracts and reworking deals to get under. Plenty of teams throw away future picks on questionable moves. The saints traded up to grab Davenport or whatever his name was last year and gave away a first to do it. I’m not a Whaley homer or nothing but people judge him unfairly was the whole point of my original post.
  17. I would disagree. He built a very good team minus quarterback. If he could of landed one he’d still be here. He made bold moves to improve the team. I’ll take that any day over a GM scared to make the wrong move and stands around with his hands in his pockets all offseason. Every GM job in the league hinges on having a quarterback and that was his downfall.
  18. I can’t believe how much hate Whaley gets on here sometimes. How can you not respect a guy who swings for the fences? The only thing he didn’t do, and what cost him his job was land a quarterback. If he got anywhere near close to a top 15 quarterback he’d still be here and this team would of been riding the playoffs. We can point out all the silly moves, like Bryce brown from philly or whatever his name was.. But Whaley made some absolutely amazing moves here and some questionable ones too, all in all that defense under Schwartz was lethal and one of my favorite seasons to watch ever of buffalo football. That front 4 was the nastiest I have ever seen on a field. Every play they hit the quarterback it was lovely. It was time to move on so I didn’t have a problem with the firing but I would of preferred fans to show him a little more respect, was a complete sh** show for that guy here. From marrone bailing, to ortons retirement, to the stupid Rex show and a team being sold with uncertain future and then the new owners. It was a job doomed to fail.
  19. To a certain extent I agree, trust me nothing would make me happier than seeing Allen run a lethal passing attack like New Orleans where anyone can be an open weapon any play.. I just think the coaches mindsets are to run the ball and that being their keys to victories.
  20. I think expectations may be set a little high for josh.. This is a run first team, McD is gonna pound that rock this year which may not give Allen a ton of room to grow. If it works, and this line gels really good expect a lot of first down run, second down run non stop. All I want to see if dominant winning football, and Allen showing the ability to make the easy plays. We know he can make some hard ones but those easy gimmes are just killer. Unless we’re behind a bunch of games I would expect him to float around top 20ish in stats. Which is just fine by me if the ball control run game works for McDermott. Control the clock, wear down opposing defenses and keep your defense fresh, fast and hungry
  21. They can literally not draft anyone and grab a UDFA, easiest position to get production from. Not to mention unless there’s preseason injuries no rookie is seeing the field for a long time anyways with shady and gore. Running backs are a dime a dozen if they are running behind a good line. Keep in mind they may like Murphy some, Yeldon came in for a visit, and there will likely be lots of cut running backs later too. It is not a draft priority just a luxury pick if they choose to try a flier on someone
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