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Everything posted by Rc2catch

  1. I said in a different thread this is becoming easily the most exciting training camp and preseason in a really long time. There are going to be some outstanding position battles on this team. Sooooo many decent to good to great players battling for playing time and starting jobs. No way McDermott doesn’t get the very best out of these guys. Nobody is walking in being handed anything at a lot of positions
  2. Best throw for me was foster in the Detroit game.. Deep, some touch, spot on.. Those are the throws that make me think he can get to elite status. We know he can throw fireballs but to take some off and add touch is a thing of beauty. Great highlight video
  3. Just in time for wrestle mania ???
  4. They really like these project kids at tight end lol. Bye Logan hello Fish.. I didn’t like what I seen from Croom last year so I wouldn’t be upset to see Kroft and a real receiving threat rookie and Fish round out the top 3
  5. I have to wonder if the turmoil this guy has already had in one season is gonna hurt him long term. Passed over in the draft, still went high with a chip on his shoulder, didn’t have a great rookie season on a complete trash team, now getting shipped away for pennies on the dollar possibly to another bad team where it will be harder to have success early on. This is how kids careers get ruined. I’m not a fan of his, but this is a tough spot to be in. As long as he’s not in our division I would probably cheer him on some if he succeeds
  6. Absolutely a huge signing for us if they get him. This is shaping up to be a helluva battle in training camp and preseason for spots on that line
  7. Where do you guys come up with this stuff? Start a new thread that makes no sense for the team and then disappear and say nothing. They obviously need to draft someone to coach up and possibly contribute sometime this season, I would guess they would like to add someone with some speed. Not another aging veteran who has the same skill set as gore who they just signed.
  8. I like what the colts do over there recently, smart free agent signings. Big money, short deals. Uses their cap up, while keeping it free for later. They really just don’t need much so it’s hard to throw all that money out there knowing you’ll need some of it soon for resigning your own. Another solid draft and that team is pretty loaded up for years to come
  9. My super early prediction is 11-5... And not the way most think 11-5. I think we get 11 wins lead by the shady/gore run game combining for 1600 yards and a mediocre year from Allen. I think they’re gonna 3-4 yard ground and pound defenses with some play action and Allen scrambles mixed in the keep the defenses back, along with elite defensive play from our D. And that gets us to the playoffs.
  10. Wait is this a serious post? What has croom ever done to make you think he could be a top 25 let along top 10 TE?
  11. I can’t see 4 going top 10. I think we’ll get the 2 everyone expects but I don’t think any of the teams are that desperate that they have to jump. Even with some of those teams having bad quarterbacks I think they’re more positioning for next year to be able to draft the top quarterback available
  12. I think the general consensus has been the XFL is gonna fail regardless, but since Vince wants to “compete” against the NFL I’m sure they’d like to squash the idea immediately. Not that the XFL could ever compete. I think many are enjoying the idea that the AAF can be a kind of farm system for talent
  13. I’ll stand by it. We can gladly revisit and compare their numbers by the end of next season. 16 games not 7. Or even use fosters last 7 games and first 9 this year. Lots of players can flash and flame out. The whole point of the thread was adding receiving weapons and diggs name was mentioned as a trade target, regardless of 7 games nobody in the entire world would take foster over diggs and outperforming someone for 7 games doesn’t mean nothing. Foster has to do it for an entire season plain and simple
  14. That’s 7 games though. Foster came out of nowhere but diggs has tape for a few seasons sustaining top receiver numbers. Can’t really compare the two yet.
  15. Talent can come from anywhere. Foster could be better than Diggs? Not probable but we’ve seen weirder things happen in the league. If Allen is going to be a great quarterback in this league he will elevate some of these receivers and make them look pretty elite. The group we have right now is perfectly fine, it’s all on Allen. Doesn’t matter who or how many weapons you get him, if he can only make one read and run, or make a 3 step drop and have instant pressure in his face causing him to run then we’ll never win much or look very good on offense. If he reads the field and gets some time in the pocket to make throws this offense can be quite good with the current pieces right now, not even including talent added from the draft. There is enough talent and weapons for this offense to be successful now, let’s watch and see if Allen can use them effectively
  16. I will give the guy credit where credit is due. There’s no way he didn’t have similar contract offers from other teams which would still have made him highest paid. There was something with buffalo he wanted to be apart of. Maybe he really did do some homework on Allen and wanted to work with him. Or the rabid fan base. But it wasn’t just a money thing cause there had to of been other teams willing to pay him the same if not more
  17. Just because they were considering an AB style receiver doesn’t mean it’ll increase passing attempts. They’re not going to morph into a pass heavy team. McDermott is an old school coach who believes in controlling the clock and the other things I listed. He’s not going to suddenly become Sean Payton with a 2nd year quarterback. Adding possibly the “best” receiver in the class means squat (Sammy Watkins).. There’s a ton of other receivers considered the best in a class that weren’t very good either. Not saying metcalf won’t be good. And the best player doesn’t have to be a run stuffer, but that’s the meat and potatoes of the top 10 is D line elite prospects. Best I can summarize is no way Beane is using a top 10 pick on a player who doesn’t have elite football on tape. Combine stats mean nothing if it doesn’t match up on game tape. Maybe metcalf turns into a top 5 receiver maybe not. His tape says no way. His combine says he could be one of the best to ever play. I’m sure there’s a team and gm who are willing to take that risk. In the current state of the bills roster that’s a risk they don’t need to take.
  18. I don’t want this guy. He may turn out great or good, but we’re not a passing team yet. If we were New Orleans or maybe Pittsburgh sure they throw 50+ times a game. The guy gets his targets and progresses hopefully into a superstar. But we’re buffalo, and even with our splashy receiving signings and possible AB interest etc etc this is still a run first team. Run the ball, work play action, play stout defense and control the clock while winning the turnover battle. Thats the formula these guys are going to use a large portion of the time IMO. So for me, we need help on the defensive line, and as some said that New England game sticks out with Michel killing us and them running for 300. If I’m picking top 10 I’m taking the best can’t miss blue chip prospect I can get.
  19. He’d be a good fit. I don’t see it happening though. If they’re gonna add to the team they’ll add speed at running back. Not another bruiser
  20. I couldn’t get through the whole thing. I tried. A for effort OP
  21. What’s the point for this thread? Why start a crap thread with a crap title? Plenty of free agent threads to do this
  22. He’s a heck of a player.. Vikings have just given out way too much money. No way they can keep cousins, diggs, Rudolph and theilen.. Someone has to go or they won’t even be able to field a team. Gonna be an offense of udfa
  23. I actually would believe this. Giants offensive line is pathetic. You want to run Barkley as the cornerstone of your franchise you better get some offensive line help. Eli is washed up, everyone knows this. But.......... They can still win some games with Eli if Barkley is on fire. Got to fix the trenches before you throw some poor rookie back there. Not everyone is josh Allen that can run for his life every play and survive a season not completely shell shocked.
  24. While a applaud the moves they’ve made this year, some of the things they’ve done the last couple years were really head scratching. I get the salary dumps but there’s been other things I ?????? That said I like what they’ve built, in the end it don’t mean much unless it equates to wins and playoffs and hopefully beyond. As we have all said for 20 years it’s all on the quarterbacks success. If Allen is next in line to help lead the new era of franchise quarterbacks we have a lot to cheer for. Either way there should be some excellent football games on the horizon, this is a team that’s going to compete every game I’m hoping
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