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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. It’s really on the coaches to get it right. They’ve got enough pieces to make it work. We’ll see if they can be innovative or if they’re stubborn. Allen is the meal ticket.
  2. I don’t think Mahomes has rings if he were in Buffalo. I do think if Reid had Allen in KC he’d still have won a couple Super Bowls with him , though. You need the coaching too.
  3. Won’t happen until after the season. What do they do to right the ship ?
  4. Expecting to hear the HC tell the media what he really thinks about what’s causing the team’s problems? Lol C’mon Man !
  5. Maybe. Won’t know for another month. If he’s not ramped up by December , he’s done.
  6. Not happening in season , so why discuss ? McD / staff need to do one thing : get aggressive. Josh Allen is the reason you’ve won games. They’ve dialed him down, not up and that’s a bad move. Their best defense is a good offense.
  7. The Bills have a terrible offensive scheme / design . They need to turn Allen loose. More Allen, more explosiveness, less wasted run plays. He’s their meal ticket. Is it too much to expect to stop Mac Jones and NE?
  8. Yup. You’re job is to get the ball carrier down on the ground. You’re not always in a position to make a form tackle. Very dumb idea.
  9. Exactly as it has been the last couple years. Just hasn’t played out that way.
  10. I don’t claim to be a sports scientist or anything like it, but sure I can see Etienne and the Jags being closer to acclimated after almost 10 days. The Bills weren’t going to be able to do that . This was discussed heavily before the game and I’m simply repeating the information reported at the time. The good news is these games only come up every 5-8 years or something like that. You can probably get someone to cite any study to match ones opinion. Why not look it up for yourself if you’re curious. I don’t know what studies they used or how many other teams they talked to. It seems many teams have gone about it the same way , so take it for what it’s worth.
  11. The sports science on this says if you can’t get there a couple weeks early to acclimate to the time change , then go as late as possible. A few days won’t make a significant difference.
  12. Lots of voices calling for Allen to run a lot less the last couple years. Now the Bills offense is there , and voices are calling for Allen to run more. Isn’t this what they all wanted , to extend Allen’s career etc. ? It seems like the threat of Allen running opened up more opportunities in the passing game. If Josh running is what it takes to win just a single Super Bowl title , I’m all for it.
  13. Game coming up vs Tampa as well, interestingly enough
  14. The TE should have caught it, period. Not a perfect throw but hit him in the hands and a catch NFL players make routinely.
  15. Don’t know if he was or wasn’t. Didn’t notice him making any plays. Seems to still be a work in progress. Can’t say I focused on him specifically in any way though.
  16. Haven’t noticed him yet. Hopefully he can ramp it up with spot duty for the next month or so.
  17. If you’re actually a fan of the team that got the W, yes. He’s not.
  18. Chiefs fans gladly take ugly wins, even ones courtesy of questionable calls/ non- calls at the end. Take it and move on. One can insist that other teams will magically improve and overcome their shortcomings, and the Bills will not … whatever does it for ya, but it’s just trolling at this point.
  19. Yeah, short of tackling the receiver mid end zone, I can’t see a flag coming out on a second consecutive potential game ender. You got an untimed down from the one, those flags aren’t coming out for anything less than a takedown. Just sort of an unwritten rule, and it is what it is.
  20. Giants came to play, that’s for sure. The Bills looked like they were still somewhere over the North Atlantic.
  21. It does, and it looks like the Offense last year was have Josh run around and make a crazy play or have him pull it down and take off. I get wanting to move away from Allen being so off script and running all the time, but it appears that was our offense. Reining Josh in sort of exposes the Dorsey offense for what it is.
  22. Yeah , he quickly qualified that statement moments later iirc. Don’t remember what he said exactly , but the guy is a tool.
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