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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. Golf courses are never a waste of real estate.
  2. Not his best game for sure , but they scored 25 - also missed a 42 yard FG. Not an amazing day of offense but not terrible. The vaunted Dolphins scored 24 in their win vs Pats. The Bills made Mac Jones look competent. That’s an inexcusable day at the office for McD and his D.
  3. Jittery ? Lol okay. He looks hesitant cuz they’re coaching his best attributes out of him. Bottom line: he’s the Bills best player by a mile and they’d probably go 4-13 without him. He’s not blameless , but the OC is pretty bad.
  4. The Miami game was pretty intense. Looked to be playing just as hard as the Vikes to me.
  5. It can, but shouldn’t . The solution is more Josh Allen doing Josh Allen things , not less.
  6. Oh Jeezus. We’re down to “ players only “ meetings ? Things are worse than I thought.
  7. They’re not changing anything in season short of an all out collapse. A new OC in the offseason is looking probable though. Not getting a guy that’s an HC candidate as OC though. Most OC’s would give their left nut to have Allen as their QB.
  8. The scheme is garbage , they want to rein in their athletic freak QB and they have one trustable target. Turn Josh loose ! This offense with a hemmed- in Allen is just too simple to defend. Look at the rush they’re facing … teams know Allen isn’t going to truck them for first downs anymore and they’re going right at him with zero fear.
  9. Not his best game, but given the mediocre scheme and way they want him to play football it was fine. 25 points ( with a missed 42 yd FG) should do it vs the great Mac Jones, Kendrick Bourne and co. The Pats were just shut out by the Saints. The high flying Dolphins scored 24 and beat them. I’d like a better offensive performance featuring more of Josh Allen - their best player by a long shot. Expecting the defense to make some tackles and cover pedestrian WRs catching passes from a mediocrity like Jones isn’t a huge ask. Pats offense reached several season highs vs McD’s outfit. That’s just unacceptable. With a pathetic attempt at a trip that drew a PF penalty tacked on for good measure.
  10. I agree. I don’t care how he looks on the sideline. Vastly overrated. This scheme isn’t designed around his skill set and they’re coaching too many things out of him. He’s the only reason this team isn’t in the division basement anymore.
  11. He’s ramping up to playing the game again. You can’t really do that in practice these days so he sees spot duty until then. He appears to be at least another month away.
  12. The Bills have had a disturbing trend of making bad offenses look decent lately. Hopefully they figure it out.
  13. Von Miller doesn’t look like he’ll be ready to contribute until around December. The rush didn’t get home. They made Jones - who was just shut out by the Saints- look competent. Simply an inexcusable performance by the defensive players and staff.
  14. I’ll definitely take a division championship. Playoffs are a new season so have to wait and see how they look at the time. Missing the playoffs to get a slightly better draft pick ? No thanks , the Bills have their QB so I don’t care where they pick.
  15. Allowing Mac to have any kind of a game is definitely awful. One of the worst QBs in the league….The Bills aren’t getting the #1 seed. They weren’t even able to get it with 13 wins including a win @ KC. That ship has sailed. The division is definitely still in play.
  16. So 100% starters are required for a Super Bowl win ? Pretty sure that doesn’t happen, at least not often.
  17. The K gun and it’s feature of the QB calling a limited package of plays is obsolete in todays NFL. Tempo may be important from time to time , but the recent offensive struggle aren’t about tempo.
  18. The QB is more important than the coach to be sure. Perhaps mediocre coaching can be overcome to a point. Below average coaching ? I don’t think so. That’s where careers are wasted. Dorsey appears below average as a play designer / caller.
  19. Sure he is, but you’ve got to let him go win it then. The Bills seem bent on doing the opposite- with steadily diminishing results.
  20. It could be , but not guaranteed. One game is guaranteed where they play the entire division. Have to finish in same place within your division to get the others. The team is not specified - just the X place finisher. It’s just played out that way the last few years with Bills and KC.
  21. Or at least until we find out either way. Agree with the premise though.
  22. It was never confirmed to be season ending as far as I know.
  23. I think they only didn’t pick a QB because they knew Whaley was a goner and most incoming GMs want to pick their own QB. By all accounts McD ran that draft.
  24. They all specialize in offense , though not D. I agree it appears Dorsey is not a capable enough OC. Or maybe you just mean todays NFL requires an offensive HC to win big ? If so it’s a fair point .
  25. You want to clean house and rebuild during the season ? Not how it works. Simple - don’t watch and you won’t see!
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