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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. The offense was good, not great. They left a good 10-14 points on the field. This game should have been a blowout by the middle of the third.
  2. McD / Dorsey started out with the right idea : more Josh Allen. Trouble is when the offense stalled a few times in the second half , he just couldn’t help himself and his conservative nature . They punted and it worked out, but the opportunity arose again to go for it on 4th and 2. The Analytics would probably say to go for it , get another score and effectively end the game. Again - you have Josh Allen! Get the 2 yards. Now, I understand his shoulder was sore but he was back in the game and doing fine. Instead he put it in the hands of his wounded defense to close it out. Not surprisingly, they were back on D with the game in the balance for a third consecutive week. They turned a B+ / A game into a C-. This one shouldn’t have been that close , and was almost another mind boggling debacle in the end.
  3. Why not ? You pay attention to the league, not just the Bills. More than one team can have issues.
  4. You mean that YOU will lose all faith in McDermott. He’s not losing any faith , just saying. It happens . Some guys just never really get it. Some need a different system , change of scenery etc. Lots of talented players have turned out to be busts over the years. It’s not an uncommon story by any stretch. Time to move on: the guy doesn’t look good when he’s called upon to play.
  5. Agree. It seems a change in offensive philosophy is required. McD needs to do some high level coaching here on defense to scheme over the issues caused by injury. The offense needs to do what Allen does best. Score points quickly and often. The defense will be better suited to playing with a lead in its current form.
  6. They’ve done this for years now. Not a big deal and certainly not the source of their problems right now. You’ve only got two choices and they prefer one over the other.
  7. There’s no debate on what the team achieved with him at QB ; he’s just not the best QB the Bills have had.
  8. Hmmmm. Really don’t love this combo but at this point, whatever. Just win the game and look good doing it.
  9. That was the AFL… different times , different competition level. Those teams were know in particular for their defense. Even in the NFL , that’s not necessarily the defining characteristic of the QB. Trent Dilfer’s of the world have won championships. Simply put, Allen is the most talented QB the franchise has known, and quite possibly ever will.
  10. Maybe as a throw - in given his contract status. Probably not, but he’s far from untouchable esp if the Bills were trading for a WR.
  11. It probably is. I also feel it’s an outdated concept. I much prefer the Daboll philosophy: it just seemed like he didn’t care much if they ever ran the ball. He probably just mixed in some runs to keep McD happy.
  12. Still, imo Allen is the best QB the Bills have ever had ( no offense to J. Kelly)
  13. He does need to play better, no doubt. He led the offense to 25 points though Vs a team with a terrible offense. They also missed a fairly routine 42 yard FG on another drive. Do I want to see more from Josh Allen ? Absolutely yes. It’s what we’ve come to expect. I cannot get past allowing Mac Jones to look like a decent QB running a decent NFL offense. That’s an inexcusable defensive performance to me, regardless of injury. The Bills HC is a defensive specialist : figure it out. It shouldn’t take 30+ to defeat this version of the Pats.
  14. I’ll say no. I don’t think any drastic changes to the staff occur unless the Bills are realistically out of the playoff race. Nothing to base that on; it’s just my opinion. If that happens there will probably be more changes than just the OC.
  15. They may be marginally better, but they’ve scored 6 vs DET and 13 vs ATL in their last 2 games . Both losses. They’re 3-3 overall with a point differential of -1 . The Bucs are a team in the league - a neighborhood the Bills lived in for 17 years. If you can’t see the Bills winning this game or don’t feel confident about it , then you don’t think the Bills can win a game in the league. Simple as that. You may or may not be at that point , but I’m not there yet. If that’s the reality, then it’s time for a complete overhaul from the Coaching staff on down. Not even saying they will make the playoffs or anything else, but I think the Bills can still win an NFL game. Maybe I’m wrong , but we’ll see. Or BBFS !
  16. As a Bills fan , if you’re not feeling good about this one you have to wonder if they can beat a team in the league. That’s what the Bucs are right now - a team in the league. If that’s the case then the entire thing needs to be restarted from scratch . I don’t think Bills fans should be at that point yet.
  17. Of course not. There have been lapses in execution for sure. However, you have to wonder about the overall direction of the offense at this point. There doesn’t appear to be a lot of creativity within the scheme, and several elements that have been effective in the past are missing.
  18. Maybe they did. Anyway, it’s interesting but I just think you’ll always get a certain amount of turnovers with Josh- it’s just the way he plays. Of course, you’re okay with them when he’s blowing teams out with crazy plays due to freakish athletic ability. When you take a lot of his unique skills out of his game they become a bigger deal. He’s fumbled quite a bit as well , especially in past seasons when he ran a lot more.
  19. They didn’t , but I’ve heard the stat before elsewhere and it was regular season. Besides, I believe NFL postseason stats are a completely separate deal when stats are brought up.
  20. Tre has a roster bonus due early next year. His days as a Bill appear to be numbered .
  21. The offense scored 25 Vs a team with a terrible offense. A team shut out by the Saints . A team that reached the red zone yesterday more than they had in their 4 previous games combined. I don’t care about injuries - it’s Mac Jones and Kendrick Bourne. NE set many season highs Vs the Bills D yesterday. There’s just no way that’s acceptable.
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