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Everything posted by SoMAn

  1. Not to take anything away from those accomplishments by Josh, but the additional regular season game and rules changes that protect QBs and made it more of a passing league will undoubtedly make a lot of those records and metrics fall in the coming years.
  2. There are some inconveniences associated with the changing times regarding streaming, new provider for Sunday Ticket, etc. But, just for perspective, I couldn’t be happier be able to enjoy my Bills, at home, high def big screen, and all the comforts and conveniences that go with it. There was a time when us out-of-town Bills loyalists couldn’t see most games and were relegated to waiting for halftime highlights on ESPN. Ughh! So, even though it may not be ideal with multiple streaming services needed to see all the games, I really can’t complain. We’re so fortunate to be able to see every minute of every game.
  3. Assume that Peacock will only be necessary for out of market cities. I'd think that the 2 participant cities local networks will bid for the local broadcast as they do for preseason and other streaming games. Free trial or worse case scenario, pay $5 an cancel - big deal. My concern is not the current cost but rather how this escalates in coming years once they've gotten smart TVs or firesticks in every house and we become slaves to these viewing habits. Will we start to get gauged for a single-month of service to incentivize us to get 3, 4, or 5 month bundles? I can see that happening. Will the $72/month YoutubeTV fee inch it's way towards $140/month once they wrangle a few million subscribers more than they have now? Count on it. At that point we're almost back to the pre-cut the cord days. I'm keeping Directv. At least they have actual humans to talk and negotiate with. $60/month for a fairly comprehensive package with HBO and Max. Luckily, at least 10-13 regular season games are just about guaranteed in this market.
  4. I’ve never followed baseball, but I wouldn’t have any trouble identifying most of the logos simply by being aware of American cultural events that I’d have to be a hermit and avoid all media for my entire existence.
  5. How is it possible that grown adults can be that out of touch? Even if they’re not sports fans there should be some level of awareness from seeing a magazine cover or headlining stories following championship games.
  6. The Bills gave a Peacock game. First I’d heard about that network in the mix. So, does that mean I have to subscribe to Peacock (at least for one month) in addition to YouTube fir NFL Sunday Ticket? side note: it’s nice that all these streaming stations are priced low and can be subscribed to for a single month. Mark my words; in time they’ll start requiring multiple months OR price a single month high enough that it’ll be almost as much as (e.g.) the ‘discounted 3-month package’.
  7. Not really. There’s a story line because of the Coach, GM, and players from Buffalo. That’s a key for broadcaster- some interesting story.
  8. I took a screen shot of the easier to read linear version from ESPN
  9. What kind of blows is that there are 8 NFL weeks between September and October. That’s the window for prime weather for fans attending games in Orchard Park. But, it’s likely or known that 3 of those weeks will be in NJ, London, and a bye. I’m betting that there won’t be more than 3 home games in OP before the cold winds of November hit WNY. just like last years. It would be nice if the Bills could get 5 games at home during that stretch. I don’t buy the belief of cold weather advantage too much. We barely scraped by the Dolphins at home. Same with the Shady McCoy game in 2 feet of snow a few years ago against a dome team. Nearly lost that one. The Patriots beat us at home in cold and wind conditions. My one wish is that the Miami game is a late start or night game or at least late in the season. That disadvantage created with direct sun in tropical conditions is dangerous. Sadly, it’ll take another Hamlin-like situation before the NFL addresses the health risks.
  10. And IF Josh improves ball placement so it doesn’t need to be scooped from the turf, high-pointed, or have the WR slow up to catch the pass that should’ve been thrown 3 yards further.
  11. I know next to nothing about college prospects, after reading is bio and history, seems like a completely wasted pick. I’m seeing conflicting info. I’ve read there’s a history of drops (the last thing the Bills need), but as a write this, the Bills official website comes on saying he has ‘reliable hands’ with only a single drop in 114 targets. Additionally, it looks like he’s slow off of the line. I have little faith he’ll amount to much in the NFL. Hopeful the Bills personnel department got it right.
  12. A 4th round pick is a valuable one to a team that’s rebuilding a roster in an effort to get to the playoffs. The Bills are past that phase. Reinforcing a Super Bowl-caliber roster with added playmakers is their current state. Kincaid appears to have all the on and off-field traits that the Bills look for. I’m optimistic that he’ll become a valuable piece to the Super Bowl puzzle, helping to create mismatches in opposing defenses backfields. If that scenario unfolds, I don’t think we’ll miss that 4th round draft choice.
  13. Good call. I was in complete agreement. My thought was that the Bills first 2 picks will be TE and DT, not necessarily in that order. Feel free to thumb your nose at all the posters who replied with ‘eye roll’, ‘laughing’, and ‘dislike’ emojis.
  14. Never heard of it, but after reading this I had to watch it. O.K., so it's not all that plausible and Costner is (and always has been) a one dimensional actor, but overall, it was decent enough entertainment for a Thursday morning at work.
  15. Mike Jasper I believe is the guy I'm thinking of. 2011 7th round pick of the Bills. If I'm thinking of the right guy, he was a physical freak with incredible speed and agility for a guy that stood 6' 4' and weighed close to 400 lbs. I thought he'd be a monster on the D-line. Just goes to show, having size and/or speed is no guarantee a player will cut it in the NFL. He never amounted to anything more than camp fodder. Another one I had high hopes for was RB Derrick Holmes, 1995 draft pick I'm pretty sure. Like so many RBs, looked great in Pre-season, but didn't have too much of a career with the Bills. Backup for a bit.
  16. It’s like Freddie Mercury…kind of cool , but pretty gay at the same time.
  17. If you have an answer as to how participation in group prayer is more useful or meaningful than praying independently, I’d appreciate your wisdom. I’m not trying to be a wise guy. I’d seriously like to understand the rationale.
  18. I think a trade back would largely depend on how far back they’d have to go and what they’re getting in return. Would it be worth getting pick # 50 (for example) and an extra 3rd-round pick? Is there a team with multiple twos who want to move into round 1? Would Beane accept a couple of middle twos for pick # 27? Would a veteran player and another pick do it? I don’t see that happening since a team would usually only part with a decent player for cap reasons. The Bills are already being creative with their limited cap space. In my opinion, it could go any way. Beane could just as likely send one of our players away to relieve cap and move closer to a prospect with a first round grade. If there’s any movement by Beane and the Bills, I don’t think it will happen until they’re well into round 1 and there’s a clearer picture of what options will be available at # 27.
  19. Stupid loopholes-Doh! 😖 thanks again for the info
  20. Thanks for the insight. So, the next question is regarding the technical side if it. So, if you have different people in different states using a single account, how does that affect the local station availability? Obviously, if your account is tied to a Rochester zip code, you can get local stations there. But I’m guessing the folks in California aren’t getting those local stations. Do they get any locals, even in their area? I can’t see how they could. It should be clear that some of us out of state fans might be thinking about setting up an account with someone in WNY (where all games are shown) and accessing the games without paying the Sunday Ticket fee. The Sunday ticket cost is actually a decent value, though it’s probably only needed here in Atlanta for maybe 8-10 games, with the expectation that there will be a fair number of nationally televised games and some others shown regionally, depending on what the networks believe will have the most viewership that week. Even at $350, it still beats dropping a wad of cash in a noisy sports bar where the server doesn’t have enough sense to wait until a TV timeout to see if you need anything else. 😊
  21. Apologies if this has been answered and discussed previously… Don’t want to read through 20+ pages looking for answers. 🤓 question regarding ability to share YTTV: If a subscriber is using a firestick or similar USB device with their TV to get steaming apps, can that USB device be used on another TV or different Wi-Fi network? e.g.- can I take my Roku stick over to my neighbor’s house, plug it in to their smart tv, and watch the NFL Sunday Ticket I’ve subscribed to? Or has YTTV made it so your subscription is tied to a single network, preventing 2 parties from ‘sharing’ a subscription? If that’s the case, can I not use my mobile device on another Wi-Fi network to watch games at Goodyear while I’m waiting for my tires to be rotated? Thanks in advance for any info related to these inquiries.
  22. I don’t understand the need for communal prayer as opposed to anyone who wants to independently pray in solitude. Does a group prayer somehow boost the signal to the creator to ensure it doesn’t end up in the ‘missed messages’ bin? I got the impression from Jessica Pegula’s public message that Kim is still recovering, but we probably shouldn’t expect her to ever be 100% back to where she was prior to her cardiac and stroke episodes. I think it’s likely she’ll always have speech and mobility issues. She’s lucky to have survived. God bless her.
  23. I don't buy the common sentiment in this thread that he should be 'saved' for time towards the end of the season and playoffs. This is a league in which each of the 17 regular season games has tremendous impact on home field or even if they qualify for post season. The division is getting stronger and I think it's mistake to assume the Bills are a shoe-in to make the playoffs. A few seasons back there was a lot of competition in the conference and the Pats missed the playoffs with an 11-5 record. The Bills may be fighting to get to 10 wins this coming season with what appears to be a challenging schedule. If Von feels ready and is cleared by the medical staff, I want him on the field no matter how early in the season it is. I don't want to 'save him'. I want the Bills to go all out every game. One loss in September can make a huge difference come January. Their talent on their edge is already average or possibly a little below. The Bills were a bad snap away against Minnesota from having home field last year, though considering the mental state following Damar, not sure it would have made any difference. Hope to see # 40 out there on opening day.
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