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Everything posted by somnus00

  1. I'd bring him back, but only if Steve Christie coaches him.
  2. Didn't see that this thread had already been started. Please ignore.
  3. I have a feeling that the biggest addition to our WR corps next year will be Listenbee. I was super impressed with him at TCU. I can't wait to finally see what he can do for the Bills after being injured last year.
  4. Something major must've happened in the front office. You don't fire your GM at the start of free agency...with the draft around the corner.
  5. Criticize them all you want, but I can think of a couple of posters here who will take those numbers and run with them...just to argue that Whaley, "needs to go." A lot of people just want to read what they believe. The truth is secondary.
  6. He's no Darrius Heyward-Bey. Seriously though, with Al Davis no longer with us, I don't think any team out there will take Ross over Davis or Williams just because of the 40 time.
  7. I've learned the secret to sports journalism. 1) You make an early prediction. 2) You make a late prediction which is the opposite of your first prediction. 3) After the issue is resolved you say, "See, I was right?"
  8. Imagine what the athletic freak AP will do with the assistance of the Patriots' HGH program. 1500 yards rushing and comeback player of the year. You all know it's coming right?
  9. I love posts like this. Great job. I would lose it if Adams were there at 10. Hooker would be a great consolation prize. But I think Adams is the star in this safety class. I really like AW. He has a lot of heart. He's the kind of emotional leader this team needs. But I worry about his health. For that reason alone I hope he retires.
  10. You sir, are my spirit animal. I can't think of a time I read one of your comments that I didn't agree with.
  11. Watson is a superior athlete. No one can deny that. But he's a superior athlete who just happens to play quarterback on a supremely talented football team. So it's easy to see why so many have fallen in love with him as a QB option for the Bills. But Williams, Renfrow, and Leggett saved him many times by catching poorly thrown balls. It's amazing that a few of those underthrown jump-balls to Mike Williams weren't intercepted in the Championship game (tribute to Williams being that amazing). If the Bills select Watson, I won't be happy. But I'll cheer for him every Sunday.
  12. He's no Donte Whitner...but I'd take him at 10. Seriously though, you know when you're watching a good team on Sunday, and they have this athletic freak making plays all over the field? That's, likely, Malik Hooker in the future. The kid has star written all over him.
  13. No one mentioned Mark Brunell? Backed up Favre and had a lot of success in Jax.
  14. Sure, Whaley can get some good players. But have you seen his press conferences? Kidding aside, the most underrated signing by Whaley has been Monos.
  15. That was my point. Why would you get Davis or Howard (racing tires and a spoiler) if you don't have an engine (a QB who will get them the ball). I like Tyrod, but he isn't much of a pocket passer. He would not be able to spread the ball to Sammy, Davis, Howard, Clay, Shady, etc. Having great receivers doesn't automatically help the QB get better. Getting Terrell Owens didn't help Trent Edwards. The Lions drafting Charles Rogers, Roy Williams, and Mike Williams (all top 10) didn't help Joey Harrington. Tyrod, like EJ and Trentative, is too reluctant to let the ball fly.
  16. I can't understand why some people buy racing tires and a spoiler for their car before even having an engine.
  17. Mahomes is my pick. Kaaya, to me, looks like Trent Edwards. Pretty good on short and intermediate stuff. But crumbles/panics in the face of pressure. Damn, I had hopes for Edwards. Watson, again in my opinion, is this year's Tim Tebow or Vince Young. A guy who carried his team to a championship. A superior, gifted athlete who happens to play quarterback. But the team he carried to a championship had a ridiculous amount of talent. And his completion percentage was helped by the receivers and routes. I'd take a true QB who is a decent athlete over a great athlete who's a decent QB.
  18. How do you grade our receiving corps with an F? I don't know what to make of threads like this, but they drive me a bit crazy. I get the feeling that some posters are more interested in sticking to an opinion rather than letting data determine their perspective. I like Tyrod. I think we need to keep him unless we find a demonstrably better QB, but he is no pocket passer. How can you analyze the efficacy of our receiving corps when you have a QB who doesn't really seem to scan the field and go through progressions? Take a look at Dez Bryant's stats. When Romo was the full time starter, his numbers were stellar. Over the past two years, his numbers have gone way down. Did he suddenly become a bad receiver? Or did the changes at QB affect his numbers? From 2011 to 2014 Dez averaged 84 catches for 1213 yards. Per game thats 5.33 catches and 77 yards per game Over the past 2 years with Romo mostly out, Dez averaged 3.7 catches and 54 yards per game. I'm not saying we have a stellar receiving corps. But I am asking: How can you all be so sure they are terrible? Robert Woods got 10 catches for 162 yards against Seattle's Legion of Boom...with Watkins out of the game. I just want people to keep things in perspective. Just because something is Bills related, doesn't make it terrible. We have talent on this team. I guarantee that our receivers would get better if our QB started throwing the damn ball. Tyrod needs to start letting his guys go after it.
  19. This post is like a Breitbart article with a Huffington Post headline. Along with the comment section.
  20. I hope we keep Woods. I couldn't understand how so many posters were bashing him at the beginning of the season. He played injured last year (groin pull if I'm not mistaken). After watching him torch the Seahawks, we can be sure that he'd be a great #2 if we decide to try out this new forward pass business that all the kids are doing these days.
  21. Didn't this guy play O-Line for the Washington Sentinals? "Nandeska!"
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