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Everything posted by somnus00

  1. I'm having trouble seeing what so many like about Mayfield. Not trying to be a jerk here. He was fun to watch. He made things happen...at the college level. But, to me, he made a lot of throws that would've been picked off in the NFL. The improvisational style can work great in college. It doesn't work as consistently in the pros.
  2. I don't see Center being as big a need as some on this board. Groy played very well when he stepped in for Wood last year. Of course, I don't know what blocking scheme the Bills will be employing next season.
  3. If we're going to go this route, why don't the Bills just create a player? Let's say 6 '6, 250 lbs. Accuracy, Arm strength, and Awareness 99s. Then set the experience level of the NFL to "rookie."
  4. Like Peterman, I think Lauletta will be hindered by his arm strength.
  5. Looks like he's good in even years. 2018...? Seriously, though, I'd rather not go with Bradford.
  6. I agree that you have to take the points there. You can't trust this offense to drive and get points...I don't care where starting field position may be.
  7. Peterman has the right mentality for this kind of offense. Drop back and throw the ball. The play is run quickly. But the football just hung out there on the int. His arm strength was a big factor in the interception.
  8. The Ravens' fan base appears to be somewhat upset with this Dean Pees fellow. By the way, is it poetic justice that it was the Ravens who provided the Bills with a "surcease of sorrow?"
  9. Considering our history, I'd expect the Ravens, Titans AND Chargers to lose...everything going our way...then we blow a late lead in Miami and still miss the playoffs.
  10. Even the guys during the CBS halftime report said that they couldn't believe that wasn't a touchdown. So it's not just Bills fans.
  11. A healthy Tony Boselli was an amazing tackle. But did he play enough games make it to the Hall? I can see arguments for and against.
  12. "Teams that win find a plan and stick with it." I don't think anyone would disagree with that statement. The question here is, "Is Tyrod the winning plan, and should we stick with him?" By playing Peterman, McDermott is telling us that he doesn't think Tyrod is part of the long term winning plan. So he starts Peterman to see what the kid has. Anyone who sees Tyrod as a long term franchise QB will be upset by the move to Peterman. I happen to think that Tyrod would make a fantastic back-up QB. So I wasn't upset with his benching.
  13. I couldn't agree more. I like Tyrod as well. I think he's a great guy, and he can play in this league...as a good back-up QB. He'd be an ideal fit for this. He rarely does anything to lose you the game. He rarely does anything to win you the game. He'll manage the offense and keep your team at .500 while the starter is out. Peterman had a horrendous game. But with our defense playing the way it is, we're not making the playoffs with Tom Brady behind center. It was worth seeing what Peterman could do. We already know what we have in Tyrod.
  14. Let me see if I understand the logic of this thread. Peterman had a horrible game, so that automatically means Tyrod isn't terrible? Okay.
  15. People find the oddest things on which to focus. Being from sunny states isn't what made Trent and Losman bad quarterbacks.
  16. I haven't seen an arm like Peterman's since Rico back in '82.
  17. I like Tyrod more than a lot of people on this board. He's a guy with great character. Hard worker. He rarely does something to lose you the game. But he'll also rarely do something to win you the game. He's a game managing QB that can keep your team at .500 while the starter is out. Tyrod is an ideal backup despite people talking up his rankings. I mean, if the defense gives the offense the ball inside the opponents 20, does anyone here have faith that Tyrod will put the ball in the endzone? I'm interested to see what Peterman can do because we still need a starter, in my opinion. But we have to temper our expectations here. We're likely going to see some good QB play mixed in with some bad QB play. I guess this would fit in with the Favre comparison.
  18. Does my opinion change? No. I love this team and where it's headed. They're well coached/prepared. They seem to play better as the game goes on. A lot of positives. But there are weaknesses too. The offense worries me. This offence only scored 1 touchdown last game. Only 3 touchdowns in the last 3 games. We're lucky that the defense and special teams have been playing lights-out. Yes, I know we played some tough defenses. But we still have to start punching it into the endzone. Besides Shady, we don't have big play threats (no offense to Clay and Tyrod). Having said that, I think we go on a run. I expect Week 12 against the Chiefs to be a very interesting game. Go Bills!
  19. "What you want to do is throw a 60 yard bomb. If your guy isn't open down the field, just skip it off the turf on the 5 yard cross." Seriously though, he was a cool dude who embraced the city of Buffalo. His bombs to Lee Evans were fun to watch.
  20. Well stated. Tyrod has great character so that makes it easy to cheer for him. But if he doesn't pull it together this year, we have to be ready to move on.
  21. I know a lot of people here wanted the Bills to clean house, but I really wanted us to keep Monos.
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