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Sammy Watkins' Rib

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Everything posted by Sammy Watkins' Rib

  1. The Luck situation in Indy is an anomaly so I wouldn't be so wrapped up and concerned with that as it seems you are. Luck isn't even the highest paid QB in the league right? That team has more problems than just an injured QB right now. If other teams can figure out ways to make their QB the highest paid in the league and still have success then the Colts should too. They've just had bad scouting and management when it comes to adding other pieces to the roster. Not to mention we might all be over reacting about Luck anyway if he comes back healthy next year and the Colts make the playoffs four out of the next 8 years. Plus when you draft a rookie QB they are on a cheap rookie contract so you are nowhere near having all your eggs in one basket. That decision doesn't come until 4 our 5 years down the road.
  2. Sure. But that wasn't an option. I certainly don't want to continue to do what we have been doing the last 17 years. Are there really people that are against drafting a QB high in this next draft? So far it seems there are at least a couple of you in this thread. So you are in the don't draft a QB high camp in next years draft?
  3. Yeah, but it's 99.5% likely we have a new rookie starting QB next year. Wouldn't it have been nice to have him throwing to a guy like Watkins? Even at $13 million for that season who cares. We are not strapped to a large QB contract.
  4. It's a lock that we will draft a QB in the first. Whether they end up a franchise guy or not who knows. But I guess you can't get one if you don't play the game of taking one. You wouldn't take that over what we have been doing the last 17 years?
  5. The thing that really ticks me off is all the people who's number one reason for getting rid of Sammy was to correct the mistake of using two 1sts and 4th on him when we drafted him. That should have never been a factor. It's not like you can go back and change the original cost of acquiring Sammy and getting a #2 CB and a 2nd round pick certainly doesn't make things alright again.
  6. That's fine with me as long as long as that direction has us getting our first franchise QB in the draft since Jim Kelly retired. The further down we fall this season the easier and less costly that will be.
  7. Haven't you heard? We have six draft picks in the first three rounds so it is all good. All six players will be impact players and on the team for years and years to come.
  8. I was shocked to see we are 27th in passing yards per game. How in the world are we not 31st or 32nd? If we can maintain a top 10 defensive ranking through the next two games we will really be on to something on that side of the ball.
  9. Actually I believe we are the second oldest team in the league.
  10. That would be the ultimate slap in the face to us fans if one of those teams with aging franchise Qbs got their next franchise QB before we got one after Kelly.
  11. Could it have been a better pass? Probably. But bottom line is Zay got both hands on the ball. Should have caught it. I believe he also dropped a third down catch that hit both his hands today too. Hasn't been the best start for him but it's early. On the final play I'm not sure what happened to Zay but he was definitley stumbling through his route at a couple different points. If he keeps his feet with him it probably helps him make the grab.
  12. Only the Bills and Browns would be dumb enough to pass on a QB next draft if given the opportunity to draft a good one in the first. And it is way too soon to assume the defense will play at a high level all season.
  13. That is your answer. With the QB prospects coming out next year I don't see how McBeane and company could pass on a top QB prospect next April just because Peterman looked decent or even slightly good.
  14. Anyone could have seen this coming. We change systems and stafffs on both sides of the ball and the offense goes from good to bad and the defense from bad to good. Why do we always fix the things that are not broken? Time will tell how good the defense is, but I think they have a chance to finish the season in the top 10 again which would be refreshing for that side of the ball.
  15. It's still Darnold or Rosen for me. I think both those guys will be great at the next level. Don't want anything to do with that Allen guy. He's more Blake Bortles than he is Carson Wentz.
  16. His floor is probably Tyrod Taylor. So with that being the case I would assume he could certainly play the position in the NFL and there would be at least a handful of teams that would draft him as such.
  17. The thing about Darnold is he can make all the throws and then some. That jump pass was ridiculous. And has he even started a whole season yet? I like both Darnold and Rosen about equally. They both look really good.
  18. So does this mean the Bengals win four straight now which would include a win against us during that streak?
  19. This. It's about what have you done for me lately. Unfortunately both QB's level of play on the field is currently trending down. Kaepernick even more so then Taylor recently. But if Taylor does not have a bounce back year this year he might not start again next year for us or any other team in the NFL. If he bounces back and has a season similar to his 2015 season then I am fairly confident he will get another starting chance with us or another team in the future.
  20. I'm planning on going o USC vs. UCLA in November. So I guess I will find out. Then we are going to Bills at L.A. Chargers the next day. Should be a good football weekend. Scout two possible future QBs for the Bills and then watch the Bills play. I actually think the Raiders in Vegas will be a hit. I think enough Raider fans from all around California will want to do a weekend trip to Vegas and see their Raiders too. I do expect it to see pretty high opposing fan attendance too just because of the draw of going to Vegas and seeing your favorite team play too. How many locals will support the Raiders? Don't know but the percentage will not need to be as high with the loyal California fans and opposing team fans filling seats as well.
  21. I'll say this about that play after watching it again. We see that kind of bang bang play near the goal line all the time. About half the time the receivers actually hang on to the ball. The other half of the time the receivers drop the ball. Almost zero percent of the time does it end up an INT. So I would say neither player is to blame for the fact that it ended up and INT. It was really just a freak sort of play.
  22. How in the world are we only 2nd in run defense? Who ran the ball worse than the Jets today?
  23. Incredible catch, to a degree yes. But at the same time you don't expect that pass, even if it is a little late or off target, to be picked. You expect the receiver to get enough of the ball to not have it bounce off of him and travel 5 yards behind him.
  24. Can't complain about this performance from TT today. Heck, checking ou most the box scores around the league TT is probably in the 90th percentile this week in terms of overall play. Jets aren't a great team but their defnese is probably at least average at worse. It's their offense that makes that team the favorite for the #1 pick. But I think the 49ers and maybe even Colts might have something to say about that. But with their scheudle it's just hard to see where the Jets will win a game.
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