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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Nobody like any announcer lol I think I'm not very picky. I even like, a grown ass adult, named Booger 😂
  2. ADD activated here but are you being literal here? lol thats actually wild I know MotoGP guys have a version of this. sort of a drift to tighten their turning radius, and i believe the drive of the throttle and brake combined, keeps the suspension down in the sweet spot so that their forks/shocks arent standing the bike straight up ive seen them live, im not a religious watcher but something to bond with my dad on, its really a cool sport, where the science is really cool to hear and think about too!
  3. yeah i just cant concede that this guy went to s***, out of nowhere fast. he needs some time out there. if he can play tread water or just not sink like a rock, he wont be the reason we win or lose. london was basically the worst imagineable spot to start off the bench, whole team looked jetlagged, he hasnt dressed, our defense looked like theyd fought in Okinawa by half time, Ridley has looked great. Im not excusing him, just saying im not comfortable evaluating his career off this one game that was cursed from start... get some on the fly experience and we can draw better conclusions over the next few weeks (barring a total implosion by him)
  4. Jeudy takes the bulk of his snaps in the slot id though, but if not.... I think it makes no sense to go after the guy, then bench Gabe......however JJeudy and Gabe on the outsides, Diggs taking most of his snaps from the slot. Kink can split his snaps between in-line and in the slot. When Kinks in the slot, you either have both Diggs and him there in 4 WR set, or sub out Gabe/Jeudy and bump Stef back outside
  5. LOL YEP! my ex wife (not ex at the time) worked a charity golfing event he was at. she had the coolest pics i was so jealous. pretty obv he wanted to bang her, when your childhood hero wants to bang YOUR wife, thats a pretty high compliment. now, hes not allowed to do it LOL but didnt bug me he wanted to. I mean I had 3 catches in my HS career for about 7'ish yards (2pt shovel pass in there!) lol i mustve been doing something right
  6. Im an optimist by nature and still am about this team.... but these BS tropes can die anytime. Nobody cares about this kinda shiz when we are prone to these awful performances every few games. If we were 3rd and had the occasional blip of a game where we were inconsistent...... sure. We didnt score on our first 8 possessions! Smoking the pants off the last 3 teams before Jax did nothing to help us win that game. You can be the #3, and revert back to an average performance (avg per league standards) on the offense and still compete.... going out and looking like the Patriots offense in any game even once is unacceptable, and idgaf about "number 3 this". BE CONSISTENT. You cant afford to be top shelf, then plastic bottle well-drink every few games, and call yourself a top offense. Playoffs are not series, they are best of 1. As teams get tougher each week, you cant lay a total egg on either side, expect the other side to lift you up, AND win a Super Bowl. We've seen our ceiling, its wonderful, magnificent even. We've seen our floor, too too much. Scoring 20 with Josh Allen, major L. Going 3 and out all day, major L. Going 3 and out repeatedly on a day (a week) where your defense has been absolutely rag-dolled with injuries, is UN-F******ACCEPTABLE Dorsey didnt do his job towing the line. Bare minimum, at some point you call Josh over and say "hey this drive right here, go play madden if you need to, make something happen. we need first downs. we need some extra plays to get in a rhythm. we need extra plays so this defense can catch a breather" We were never out of that game. We can not afford to lose those games right there. An extra first down or two, literally one or two, and that game can finish completely different. #1 Go be a coordinator who can find a way to string together 2-3 first downs in a drive. Thats a very realistic expectation #2 If you cant do that (just wow, im even saying that), GO TAKE THE GOVERNER OFF YOUR PRIZED RACECAR. Force a drive into existence, and see if that jump starts the team
  7. paranoid to cashout $30 in chips and candy bars, not, "my mother works for the fbi and is trying to kill me" paranoid lol ill never forget the post about aging and not being able to be folded into a pretzel 🤣 #wifeGoals
  8. not to mention hes the last coach that would benefit from a tank. tank would start to maybe show benefits in what 2-3years? in 2-3years he'll be in thailand slurping down adrenochrome by the glassful and worshipping moloch, or whatever he does in his free time
  9. yeah im done caring about that if they think someone gets us over the hump. were not talking about dealing for watson, were talking rotational piece of the puzzle and a minimum salary. is anyone going to care that our 3rd DE had a domestic charge 5years ago if a key sack helps get us to the SB? if Rae Carruth could average 5recs, 65yds, .4tds per game id put a wall of fame for Lombardi Trophy clause in his contract I DO NOT CARE our chorus of choirboys can offset 1dirtball Lawson all day. cmon, shawq lawson or frank clark lol dont let our super fun goofy PR team trick you. shaq is a super-jag
  10. why would dude re-enter the US from mexico? assuming even his modest salary (by nfl standards) had him set for life
  11. it helps a ton. if games start at 1p, players are there by 10am at the latest.... so 10am + 5hr jetlag had these guys showing up to work at their bodies equivalent time of 5am, which means they woke up at 4a-430a at latest. make the game a 5 or 6pm local time, and theyre body can stay on their normal 1pm schedule.... except that nullifies the NFL have 4 time slots, instead of 3, which is the reason they havent and wont do that
  12. is this true? we had the ability to say no?
  13. Von in baseball cap? Hopefully that's just pitch count??????
  14. Not saying we've been playing a clean game but the amount of flags is gn ridiculous. Certainly feels like nfl wants Jax to succeed in their future hometown
  15. Yep. Running has become more important again. Every LB has gotten smaller, and if you don't have a top 10 qb how the heck are you gunna compete in this league? Need to be able to at least situationally throw the switch and play keep away/grind yards ball
  16. That dudes got a wild Twitter lol picture the stereotypical bad southern racist guy in every movie, that's him. Hard to say in shocked lol
  17. LOL what an insane cope. not like the flu was going around on the team or anybody talking about needing IV bags..... team got obliterated 'food must be poisoned lollllllllll
  18. Also, turnovers have to be up significantly. if scoring is down and our aggression is leading to turnovers, thats amazing. can also just lead into them losing field position, which opens up some easier yards. not worried bout the yards when weve looked like we have, we locked down a potent MIA offense, who is a tough matchup for anyone
  19. Really?? LOL must be scrolling back pretty far. i 100% believe you, this place can be insane, but how in the hell could anyone see the first 4weeks and think "Can't wait till Frazier is back"
  20. like Washingtons DL? They kept them in the game against the Eagles OL, a unit also known to be elite
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