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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. IVE BEEN POUNDING THIS DRUM FOR 15MONTHS, BUT IVE NEVER WANTED A DRAFT PICK TO SUCCEED MORE THAN THIS GUY. Were far from out of the woods, hes basically a redshirt sophmore, theres gunna be major learning curves all year.... however, he looked the part today. People started saying he should be cut before week 8 of his rookie year lol and hes calling a defense that has high output right now, and has an interception! Love how he looks on the blitz. I hope he wins MVP, Super Bowl MVP, 1st team all-pro generational LB.... and i hope he wind those by throwing the game winning TD on a Philly special this year. All time sack/int leader. Retires at 52, and becomes the US's first three term president with a polygamous staff of First Ladies. Likely a healthy dose of neuroticism from me, but the slack this guy caught from day 1 was infuriating to me
  2. freaking idiocy to rush him back the way it appears they did. but its not dumb bad luck, the bungles will always be the bungles with mike brown owning the team. mishap decisions like that seem to always follow the same owners. clev, arz, cinci, jets. some instances are coincidence, but the overall trend is never a coincidence, raw uncut cause and effect, top to bottom
  3. because hes following her around hoping she'll eat something before she dies? lol i love josh, hes a golden retriever that plays like nobody ive ever seen. theres not a gas station in buffalo that doesnt have 2 chicks equally cute as her. he should get a thiccy, poyer's sis in law is thicca then a bowl of oatmeal if i were slanging josh swag, id go south american or asian islands lol might need a super bowl ring to pull it off though nows the time to hit them up. 'hey before that plane takes off.... how about a 5th and well take that runningback that was emasculated today off your roster"
  4. i think its so frustrating, because its even the easier/simpler thing to do, with more reliable results. kinda like studying an hour/day for 5 days, versus a 5hr cram session. its going to turn out better, give more consistent predictable results, and AT THE END OF THE DAY, IS THE SIMPLER TASK. that aid i am not doing laundry nor dishes tonight lol power clean later this week
  5. Buy high, sell low, 2 games into year 2!! We gotta regular Warren Buffet over here!! Next week I plan to buy a brand new car, drive it off the lot, and sell it a week later! Make sure to spill some pop and crumbs in it, ill let the next owners clean that out. Fingers crossed i make lots of profits 🤞🤞🤞
  6. Took this +750 long'ish shot. Really hoping to see this offense get back to quick passing game. If we do I'd be shocked if Kink isn't #2 in yards today, and hopefully he gets targeted a TON. Last week Kink was open in the end zone for a certain TD, until he drew a holding flag
  7. Watching Cover1 pre-game, and recognized both guests despite leaving Buff about 5years ago..... 'Chris Parker' is Bulldog from WGR. Weird even having to ask this, but was he one of the cooler WGR guys, or was he super douche like Schoppe? Or do i just have them all mixed up lol
  8. hopefully. theyd be doing us a huge favor to lock down the deep stuff so well that josh is forced into the short beautiful stuff (Kincaid!) we saw early last year and in 2020! put together 2 drives like that and watch them get in the groove. really hope they play that kinda ball early today. good team to get in a rhythm and dictate 'were taking the short stuff, good luck defending it'
  9. seems like you feel youre better at college, but whatcha eyeballing for Sunday? Im scrolling now lol
  10. Of all the fan complaints from that game, this ranked dead last. penalty changes nothing, we had already decided we were losing 8mins before this..... and that said, if u slow it down, inspect it, get philosophical, he makes a subtle'ish half effort to extend the leg a little bit. if the penalty happened at the punt catch, sure im furious, but i cant bring myself to care about it. sure would be a nice perk if the nfl used it as an example of punishing a ref crew, even mildly, about missing calls... that would actually add value.
  11. "taunting". its so weak, and not only adds nothing to the game flagging these, but it abs takes away from the game if milano steps over him like iverson in the finals...... sure. but if im remembering it right, he popped up quick, flexed at the guy, and kept moving? am i misremembering this? its such an instinctual involuntary reaction from an excited player. no im not being a homer either, id hate that call on anyone. dont want players showboating, being ignorant, sure, but trying to force these guys into robot mode is stupid
  12. I personally like it, but ive been awful this year haha it feels safe going off last year and their rosters, but when its only week 2, some upsets are going to come again tmrw. already saw plenty week 1
  13. my man! lol been a lot more fun this week. congrats and thanks homie. both for the good thread and sharing the bomb ass picks! lol just need colorado to win and id be 2-0 on parlays today
  14. HOLY HOT TAKE! LOL Is this a "mad" pun like shes mad? or is he chiming in like she sucks?
  15. This is by definition a #3. #2 needs more plays involved. He's a situational target, not a steady horse
  16. No clue why they didn't target him more. Was it josh refusing the layup? Refuse to watch the all 22
  17. Rodgers Is a consummate professional, it's a freak injury for an older player. Have a feeling the turf did him no favors even though they Apparently upgraded it this season. Awful upgraded to bad, is still bad.
  18. had nothing to do with the hit, everything to do with the turf imo seeing the pics. wouldve been josh or anyone else too. that turf is an abomination
  19. Yep good eye on the "balling up" effect. For those not sure what you're looking at, here's the most obvious example all time of the carpet rolling a torn muscle turns into but on a pec @16sec mark
  20. Why expect 2 billionaires franchise owners to go halves on a new turf when this ones perfectly fine (Actually more like go quarters if somehow draws tax dollars) That damn rug has been violently stealing livelihoods for so long. Players need to approach players union and be willing to sit out games till they're all gone. Doesn't have to be grass but Detroit and NYorsey turfs need to go. Inexplicable corner to cut. Will never stop amazing me
  21. I'm not normally like this, but this brought out some sadism from my anger 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for cheering me up 🤣🤣🤣 I like Rodgers too. F*** I wish hard knocks was a few weeks longer. Would bust out the lotion to watch that
  22. This one is a big ask, but makes sense with the rise of gambling. Would love a customizable redzone, would have to be atleast a few second delay, but you can input your players, and it shows exclusively your guys plays. Im sure the idea has been pitched and will eventually get there
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