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Everything posted by sven233

  1. Don't rush to get Parrish out of here just yet. I am in no way saying he is going to be a star, in fact there is little chance of that happening, but I actually want to see him in a real NFL offense before we make a final decision on him. The guy has talent when the ball is in his hands and I just think he has not been given a real opportunity to take advantage of his skills. Dicky J's offense was no more complex than a high school offense and he was not put into a position to succeed. Again, I am not saying that he will be anything more than average, ever, but I just want to see him in a creative offense.....perhaps even go in motion once in a while. I think they still allow motion in the NFL, right? Been so long since I have seen it in Buffalo.
  2. Not a shocking list by any means, but a couple of Dicky J favorites!
  3. Maybe it is just me, but I actually think Football is pretty much year-round now. I mean, the season technically just ended, but as far as I am concerned, the 2010-2011 Season just started! We are just 3 weeks or so away from the Combine. Now, I know I am maybe in the minority, but I love the Combine and love watching all that it has to offer. I love the build-up to the Draft and the Combine interests me a lot. Again, I am one of those people that eat, breathe and sleep football. I love it all and I can't wait to watch all of the coverage of the Combine. Then, just a few days after the Combine is over, Free Agency gets underway!!! That is always an exciting time!!!! Now, I know the Bills, in the recent past especially, usually don't do anything big, but it is always exciting to have the possibility of something happening. With the Bills making major changes to their organization this season, Free Agency has the chance to be more interesting for the Bills than usual. Of course, the Draft is right around the corner from there!!!! I LOVE THE DRAFT!!!!!!!!!! The Draft is one of the best times of every football season!!!!! I can't get enough of it. Again, it may be me....a freak fan, but I love it. I can't wait! With the end of the Draft comes the beginning of Minicamps! Before you know it it is training Camp and the Preseason! Sure, some of this may not interest everyone, but I love it all! So yeah.............it seems like it is a VERY LONG TIME before next season starts, but with the way the offseason is now structured, there is most always something going on. Being a Bills fan, I almost need the offseason and the changes that it brings to get me excited about the chances of being a Playoff factor next year! It seems that no matter how bad we look year in and year out, I always find that optimism somewhere during the offseason to believe we can finally break this Playoff drought! This year will be easier to get excited knowing that Dicky J won't be clapping after bad plays on the Sidelines or telling me how tough it is to win in the NFL (while watching other teams win year in and year out without any drop-off) next season! All that being said, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SEASON TO START!!!!!!!!!!! LET'S GO BILLS.......2010-2011 SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. One of the main differences between the Bills and the Jags is that the Bills actually have fans that care about the team! Regardless of what some say here, that does make a big difference in the eyes of the NFL and the future of this franchise. Unfortunately for the Jags, you can tell the people down there JUST DON'T CARE ABOUT THE TEAM. The Jags could be moved in the middle of the night and I don't think anyone would care or even notice. The Bills are different. They are important to the fans and are a part of the fabric of the community. WE LOVE THIS TEAM WITH A PASSION and WE SUPPORT THIS TEAM!!! The Bills and Jags should never be mentioned in the same sentence (unless we are playing them).
  5. The Bills could switch to a 3-4 if they wanted to and I think it wouldn't take as much work as some fear. The first thing they would need to do is go out and get.........and I can't believe I am saying this because he is so dirty........VINCE WILFORK. I know he won't come cheap, but he is just heading into the prime of his career at 28 or so. Yes, the Cheatriots* may re-sign him, but that is not a guarantee by any means. The Cheatriots* have a history of letting guys like this go at this point. So, this would be the first step. With this signing, I think we would actually have the starting pieces in place on the D-Line. Stroud would make a very good 3-4 DE with his size and athletic ability. He would be fine on 1 side. Williams, while not the tallest guy out there, still has good size and could play the other DE I believe. They can always draft another DE in the 2nd or 3rd rounds that might work as well. But I think Stroud and Williams could play the DEs in a 3-4. Then, the no-brainer move. Maybin moves to one of the OLB positions in the 3-4. From there, the first pick in the draft could go a bunch of different ways depending on who is available. While the chances are maybe slim, if we could pick up either McClain or Spikes with the first pick, I think we will be OK in terms of our starting LBS. We would have Poz and McClain/Spikes in the middle with Maybin and Mitchell on the outside. So, the starting positions would be all set at this point. Depth would be a problem so they would have to do some work in FA and the draft, but in a 3-4 system, our starters would look pretty good, I think. STROUD WILFORK WILLIAMS MAYBIN POZ MCCLAIN MITCHELL Add in our great secondary (I believe our secondary is one of the best in the league already) and I think you starting 3-4 defense would be pretty good. So, while it would take a little work, i think it is possible to put a 3-4 defense on the field that is pretty good.....at least on paper.
  6. I am sure it will get buried and never be mentioned again, but one of the most interesting comments, I thought, that was made during the PC was when Nix was addressing the Bills HC job in general as to whether people actually wanted it. He said something along the lines of getting around 15 calls per day the since the job was open (or when they started the interview process) and that these calls were basically begging for an interview. Nix then went on to say that some of the names that called "would blow your mind" and went on to say it was a desirable job. He didn't name any name, but I sure would like to know who these calls were. Maybe it was just to save face, but to make a comment like that got my attention. I wish there was a way to find out, but we never will. Names that would "Blow your mind".................
  7. On the surface.........this is a disaster so far........
  8. OK.........sounds like we will not recognize any of the assistant coaches names.
  9. He will call the plays..........may have OC, but he will call the plays himself.
  10. While I don't really like or hate this hire yet (I want to see who the DC will be and OC....if there will be one...will be along with the rest of the staff before I make any opinions), everyone needs to remember where we are coming from. Just remember how this team has looked on offense the last 3-4 years......IT CAN'T GET WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our punter has been our best player!!!! The offense CAN'T GET WORSE!!!!!!!!! Now, I am not saying it will become good enough to win big, but there is at least a chance of that happening! HA! As for the defense....well, our defense was not that bad, so we'll see where we go from here. Let's just wait and see who he brings with him and see if it can work at that point. But you can be sure our offense will not be worse. It just can't be.........
  11. And yet, the guy with a Super Bowl Ring and YEARS of HC experience, that is openly lobbying for the job, still hasn't gotten an interview........ While I am not a huge fan of Billick, I just can't understand this at all. Everybody and their mother is turning down the Bills yet the 1 guy who WANTS THE JOB, and may be more than qualified, can't even get a sniff of an interview. I just don't know what to think anymore. If the Bills don't have a HC by the end of next week, I am sending in my resume. I want the job and I will come cheap! Works for everyone involved!
  12. Ah, that's not lame at all! I LOVE IT! In fact, I even watch the replays several times! HA! Now, that actually may be lame!!!! Seriously, I really enjoy it. I actually wish I could be there to watch it live. I think it is a very interesting process. PS. Get DirecTV if you can. Much better than cable!
  13. SPLASH!!!!!!!!!!!! Considering there was never going to be a major announcement, I actually think that the Bills sending this information out is kind of funny!!!!
  14. Report: Bucs tell Morris and staff that they'll be back LINK Posted by Mike Florio on January 2, 2010 11:12 PM ET Our pal Warren McCarty of ESPN 1440 in Amarillo, who has a track record with us of tracking down good info, tells us that sources close to the action in Tampa say that coach Raheem Morris will be back for a second season. The development comes notwithstanding recent reports that the Buccaneers have reached out to former Steelers coach Bill Cowher. Per McCarty, Morris and his staff have been told that they'll be back for 2009. If the power-that-be in Tampa have told Morris and company the truth, this leaves Cowher with one fewer option for 2010. And with the Panthers also reportedly not in play (for now at least), Cowher might have a hard time finding a team that will pay him $10 million per year and give him the keys to the car. Buffalo remains an option, if Cowher would be given final say over personnel and if he'd get the price he wants. Chicago could be in play, too, if Cowher would be willing to let G.M. Jerry Angelo call the shots -- or if Angelo gets fired along with coach Lovie Smith. Tennessee could be an destination, if owner Bud Adams decides that it's time to replace the guy who has been on the job longer than any other NFL coach with the guy who had held that distinction before leaving the Steelers. Seattle is looking for a G.M., and the Seahawks could decide to fire Jim Mora and turn the operation over to Cowher, who would then hire a G.M. Then there's the possibility of a surprise, with a team like the Lions, the Giants, or the Jets cleaning house in the hopes of catching Cowher. The Cowboys could be interested, but only if owner/G.M. Jerry Jones would be willing to get out of the way and let Cowher call the shots. (And that's a Texas-sized "if".) Bottom line? Cowher might have waited a year too long to get back in, and he might have to wait a year longer in order to find the right fit. Or two years longer, if the NFL remains on course for a lockout in 2011. This is only a positive step if the Bills are indeed interested in Cowher. We just need to hope the feeling is mutual if that is the case.
  15. The great ones always do......gotta be in the right place and the good ones always seem to be.
  16. Gotta get this stop here..........big play.......
  17. The guys was GREAT in the preseason........it only took about 4 injuries in the LB corps to get him on the field. Man, I hate this coaching staff...... James Hardy is a scratch again......I just don't get it.
  18. I'd actually like to see a replay of that. Looked like he was pumping it.....Tuck Rule?
  19. The fact is that our 2 best O-Lineman this season have been our rookies. AL and EW have been very good for the most part. Butler was pretty good at RT for the short time he was in there, but it wasn't much to go on. Our other OTs have been very bad for the most part and the Hangman is still not the answer at C. He has been better than what we have had the past several years, but that isn't saying much. Anyway, if they really want to improve their OL, they have to make a couple changes. Wood needs to be moved to C. He was the top rated C coming out of college and he has the size and strength needed at that position to excel. He is probably the best C on this team and didn't get a chance to play there all year. He was also good at G, but this O-Line needs to put people in better positions to excel. So, we need a new LT, Levtre is good at LG, move Wood to C, put Butler back at RG, and find a new RT. This way the interior of our line is set. We just need to find some bookend Tackles (should be easy enough....HA!)! Bell may be a decent Tackle someday, but he may be better at RT sooner. Anyway, we have some of the pieces on the team, but we need more help. I just don't want Guy and Modrak trying to find these guys.....especially Guy.
  20. This game showed exactly why Teblow is not an NFL QB. He is not a passer at all. The guy has trouble figuring out what he is looking at and is not accurate on the mid-range throws you need to make in the NFL. He will not be an NFL QB. He may be the most over-rated QB of all time. I fell bad for any team that takes him to be a QB in the NFL unless they plan on running dive plays the entire game.
  21. So far off it isn't even funny! Not nearly the same thing! FACT IS that you decline the penalty there they have a FG chance without earning it. You accept the penalty they are forced to run a play and you have a CHANCE to stop them from getting the points. Sure, they have had trouble stopping them, but you are supposed to have an NFL defense that can make plays at some point. Basically you gave them 3 points without forcing them to earn it! DUMB DUMB DUMB!!!!
  22. I thought I had seen it all..........then Jauron just gives the other team a free 3 points. How does he still have a job?
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