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Everything posted by sven233

  1. Yes....good that we are deep there. Lynch can now can get his starting job back and Spiller will carry more of the load than even originally thought.
  2. And Fitz trots back out........ Put Brown in there.......I'd rather watch the rookie make the mistakes, not our 2nd stringer (who may end up being the starter).......
  3. THINGS TO TRY AND BE POSITIVE ABOUT IN THE FIRST HALF: We have pretty much given the Redskins their points. Maybin with the late hit. Edwards with the pick deep in our end. Corner not reacting properly on anything (should have had 2 picks.....instead he is late on making up his mind and gets burned terribly on the TD). The offense should have had a shot to score a TD on the first drive if it wasn't for the hold by Stupar. The could time Spiller actually got to run the ball, he looked fast and quick. In fact, our running game has been good! Just that we are throwing the ball WAY too much. Troupe has looked good. Looks like he will be able to help us. Obviously, there are a lot more negatives than positives, but I am hoping these things get fixed by the next game. Too many mental and stupid things.
  4. Yeah...running game strong so far, they just aren't doing it enough!!!!! TOO MANY PASSES SO FAR. On that long draw to Bell, I couldn't help but think that Spiller takes that one to the house......
  5. If Johnson was a little faster, that's a TD..... Followed up by a terrible throw by Trent........ Missed our starting lineman there......
  6. Good opening drive.........aside for the hold that killed it. Looked like an NFL offense for a while there! HA!
  7. Only way we will see Shout in the game any time soon is when Madden allows us to put in our own custom music like the NHL series does. Not sure why Madden has not put that feature in yet as a lot of other games have it, but i am hoping it happens sometime soon. But then again, I am still waiting for a lot of other features to be added as well. Gotta love the roster update that we continue to pay for year after year!
  8. Back in both leagues this year! Ready to defend my title in the TBD2 league!!!!!!! I came away champion last year, but it wasn't easy. Got lucky down the stretch! I wasn't so fortunate in the R. Rich League, but I am coming back with retribution in mind!!!!! But the important thing here for these leagues here is that they are a lot of fun. Them opening also means football is right around the corner. So, if you are up to the challenge and want to try to take my crown, BRING IT!!!!!!!
  9. Oh.....there has definitely been change over at One Bills Drive. No doubt about that. And, as I have been saying all along, I think many of the problems with the O-Line, WRs, QBs, etc. can be traced straight back to the offensive scheme and philosophy that this team has had the past 4 years. Jauron was an idiot. He knew nothing about how to run an NFL offense and that is why he has failed virtually every year he was a head coach. I honestly believe this team has more talent than we are given credit for. I also thik just installing a brand new, NFL-style offense, will make every position better. I believe that goes for O-Line, WRs, and yes........even the QBs. Look, I personally don't believe any of the QBs on our rosters are good enough. We will need help there as a long-term answer. BUT....I refuse to believe that they are all as TERRIBLE as what has been shown the last few seasons. I am going to go into this season with an open mind and hope that Gailey gets the best out of all of our offense players so we can for certain see who has talent and can play and who can't. I think there will be some who surprise!
  10. And this is why I deserve to be in the Hall of Fame! I may not post much, but when I do, I always try to bring a great point! HA! Anyway, in all seriousness, the 15-20 yard throws are the key to success in the NFL. If you don't have a QB that can hit that play on a fairly regular basis, you will struggle to score points. You have to keep the defense honest. If you are basically giving them the entire middle of the field, the defense has a major advantage. You have to keep the guessing and keep them spread out on defense. You have to be able to work the entire field to be successful.
  11. Look.............I couldn't care less about the deep ball. I know Trent can make the deep throws. We all know he can make that throw. The throws he can't make..........or is at least not willing to make, are the throws between 15-30 yards down the middle of the field. In this league, good teams pick up chunks of yardage on a regular basis down the middle of the field. With Edwards, it is either a 5 yard dump off (happens 99% of the time) or a bomb 50 yards down the field. There is not much in between. To be a successful QB in this league, you MUST be able to work 15-25 yards down the field on a fairly regular basis. Until we get a QB that can, or is willing to do this, we will continue to struggle.
  12. Beautiful! I like it! I nominate JR In Ann Arbor!
  13. I nominate myself! HA! Just kidding........ But, if someone else nominates me, I'd be honored!
  14. I just wish all of these idiots picking us as the worst team in the league this season we willing to bet on it. In fact, i can virtually guarantee we will not be any worse than last season. So, if they think that the Bills will be the worst team in the league at 6-10 (at worst), then so be it. But if they think we are going 0-16 or 1-15, these guys are even dumber than they are already considered. Talk about mailing in their job. These so-called "experts" are all idiots. Look, I am not sure how good we will be. I am not sure if we will make the Playoffs or if we will struggle again this season. But I GUARANTEE that we will not have the worst record in the league. I'd bet my house on it.
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