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Simon Says

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Everything posted by Simon Says

  1. I didn't think it was a definite PLAN . He played well when he got an opportunity so I wonder if they leave him at CB to develop.
  2. Because, he's an older DEFENSIVE guy and the Head Coach trend is toward younger, offensive-minded candidates. With the affirmative action guidelines he might be offered token HC interviews but I dont know if he would bite. I'm guessing Bills leave it up to him
  3. But THIS KID ISNT Kelce, yet. Lets wait and see. But at least he would COST less.
  4. So you get to be GM for a day....but I dont think thisp exercise includes unlimited cap space and draft capital
  5. I love the Poyer-Hyde combo, but who knew when they were signed how good they would be together? Bills were eventually paying more than most teams for a safety duo and that isn't sustainable. I wish him well and I think Hyde might consider retirement; so the Bills could just try to make do at safety. Bills need the cap space to fix the offense.
  6. What a ridiculous headline. We have already found several articles favorite Bills. Please link to the people you are referring to.
  7. "Gamesmanship"...big difference. "Gamesmanship"...big difference. McCoy is all excited to be part of the show....I'm guessing he mis-heard or misinterpreted what Hyde said...if anything. McCoy should be aware of what McDermott about Hyde playing. I'll believe it when I see it. Right. But that doesnt guarantee when/if he will play .
  8. Glad you posted this so I wouldn't have to. Pats and Dolphins know the Bills so well and tried to contain Josh in the pocket to limit his magic escapades.
  9. People forget that Josh usually has multiple options on a pass play. He often chooses the riskier deep ball and you can't take that out of his arsenal. However he might need to 'curb his enthusiasm " at times.
  10. Well said. Yeah,its week to week now,but you can guage a team's effectiveness and chances watching the way they perform in certain situations.
  11. The discussion is about POST season (playoffs) not the OFF season. The question is ,what can the Bills clean-up THIS week to better prepare for the Bengals?
  12. This is also MY pipe dream. But do we really think McDermott prowls the sideline saying " no,not yet. Lets not reveal our secret formula until it's absolutely necessary. "
  13. I usually don't waste the same amount of time READING a long post that was spent WRITING it. Rationalization of a poor game is as lame as saying " don't worry about style points ". Certain issues continue and can be indicative of the Bills chances of advancing much farther. Bills did not play a complete game and eked out a win over a 3rd string rookie QB. Josh and the coaches must get it together .
  14. The fact you believe in superstitions says you DO need help...
  15. Here's a strange idea; could the NFL build its own stadium to be used as a neutral site, maybe host a Super Bowl? Perhaps host combine,draft,other NDL events.
  16. Are we ever going to see Marlowe at safety?
  17. Please,no. Nicknames are for kids.
  18. With Miller out,there was a need, and an opportunity.
  19. Beane isn't likely to sign a RB that already has 4 years of wear & tear. With Allen's contract set to balloon,and the free agency of Poyer and Edmunds; Beane wont spend much on a back. Singletary fits this offense but if he signs elsewhere, Bills could survive with Cook and a couple inexpensive rookies
  20. I am OK with interior OLine in the top 2 picks; what with Saffold's age and Morse's concussions. Have to consider the safety situation, Edmunds and Singletary among upcoming free agents,etc. I'm not convinced Dawkins should to LG to accommodate a LT,it means TWO changes to the line. You are assuming Saffold will be gone?
  21. Why is this even a topic of discussion? The new stadium will NOT have a dome.
  22. Don't you think Bates would return to his usual,starting RG position, with Van Roten at C? Some continuity at least.
  23. I think you would attract more readers if your essays weren't so long and involved. Instead of trying to cover 10 points in one post: try presenting ONE well planned,articulate point per post. This might be your ego writing: ,fine if that's your thing. But,many aren't going to waste THEIR time trying to respond to so many "observations" that clearly deserve to be countered or reinforced.
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