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Simon Says

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Everything posted by Simon Says

  1. Draft a good,NFL-ready QB and get the most from him while he is on his rookie deal How would a "cap tax " work in the NFL? The cap exists to ensure parity so that needs to be maintained Yeah, I want to see you convince NFL PLAYERS to give up their right to free agency.
  2. It's a ridiculous idea. If this ever came up for a Players Union vote all the Linemen would stand up and say "how will you protect that even BIGGER Quarterback investment with scab linemen? Were going on strike". Followed by the receivers who will ask "who will the grossly over-paid QBs throw to when WE go on strike?' Then the pass rushers, CBS and everyone else says...'we're also on strike". The Billion dollar media deals would be cancelled because of the lack of product. Thats the NFL process, Pegulas better deal with it
  3. The players VOTE on the CBA,dont they? No way in hell they allow this to happen. Why would a linebackerbor punter vote for separate, huge salaries for QBs?More likely the should players demand a bigger cut to share among ALL pkauers with significant cap increases.
  4. Morse dead cap is 5 million this year,2.5 in 2024? With the concussion concerns,I dont see him as a good candidate for extension or restructure. Bates seems to be an adequate C backup and, yes, he did look better at LG.
  5. I don't bother reading these long-winded ,self-indulgent,wide-ranging posts. Stick to ONE topic, research it, state the facts,do a very good job of making a point z and then move on.
  6. So...you're saying make the QUARTERBACK portion of the salary cap "unlimited"? Why would the owners agree to that? It defeats the purpose of the salary cap. But,owners and players could demand a larger slice of the financial pie from the media contracts. As for your comparison to other sports; Lots of players make WAY more than double/triple some of their their teammates;Yankees have Judge, Cole, Rodon, Stanton,Donaldson,et.al earning 25,30,40 million annually with guys at the bottom of the making 2 million. Its business: the STARS sell tickets and merchandise and attract advertising revenue.
  7. This is nuts. There is no indication Bills are ready to move on from the Dorsey/Brady combo after one season. And what's with the fanboy suggestions that their idols can actually coach,or even want to?
  8. I think you should stick to ONE topic per post. RB or OLine,for example. You could also look at cap resources like Spotrac rather than just throw stuff out there. Do the work and know the facts. FYI; none of Hines' salary is guaranteed . I like what he offers as a returner but if he isn't used on offense, he is overpaid. How do you "force" Mitch Morse to retire? Moving Dawkins to RT,or LG as some have suggested,means that TWO positions would then have new starters affecting continuity and chemistry. Etc.
  9. Nice breakdown 1. Rebuild OLine 2. Impoved run game with less reliance on Josh . Teams have learned that if they contain him,he is less dangerous 3. Stale defense
  10. Perhaps,but if you add a right tackle he would be out there EVERY play. A second TE would not see as many reps. For me,the priority is OLine,before TE,not that I wouldn't add a TE later in the draft.
  11. I like the idea of Bates back at LG. I would try to upgrade at RG because I hope Brown develops. Boettger and Doyle should be back?
  12. I dont see them drafting FOUR OLinemen with other positions needing help. Especially after you sign Risner. OBJ will be even healthier and there will be competition to sign him so I think he will be too expensive for Buffalo. I would add a big,physical,fast WR,maybe a younger guy with upside. Hunt replacing Singletary might make FOOTBALL sense but I think it would be more prudent to DRAFT a back. Bills could need several safeties. And if Edmunds leaves? It's too complex to devise ONE repair plan with so unknowns re: Bills' free agents,health and age. Here are areas that I believe need improvement whether via the draft, trades,free agency, coaching or player development. More or less in order. *INTERIOR OLINE (or Left Tackle if Dawkins moves inside. I Would try to add 2 ,quality OLinemen) *WR big,fast,physical *S at least 2 *RB if Singetary leaves,add a big back. *LB if Edmunds leaves * OLB/Edge dept *TE depth
  13. Which 3 positions? There won't be much cap money to spend and Beane wont use his top 3 picks on OLinemen. How will he add 3 "above average Oline talents"? Saffold should be gone and I could get on board with picking a guard in the 1st if the value is there.
  14. The OP was so long that I couldn't read it all the way through. When you talk about cutting players dont forget about dead cap money. There's always a chance Josh reworks his contract to free up cap space. Hines' contract isn't guaranteed,is it? I'd try to renegotiate and if Singletary gets an offer the Bills won't match,draft a bigger back. Brown was hurt and I think he can be serviceable. Morse is much more than "meh" but Bills need a plan in case he gets hurt again. Bates might be better off at LG and good riddance to Saffold. Poyer, Hamlin and Hyde could ALL be gone. Benford to safety has been floated...could the Bills move to a 4-3 ,dump the nickel and try Taron at safety?
  15. I think you are misusing terms like "act of God" and "elephant in the room" in order to exaggerate and attract attention to whatever your position is. We all know the Bills had a challenging season but enough already with excuses; Beane and McDermott have shown they can get a team to the playoffs but their Super Bowl window is closing. There were a number of purely football decisions,schemes and personnel moves that affected the season outcome.
  16. Or...let Singletary walk and DRAFT a back maybe a bigger,power runner.
  17. No THIS is a garbage take. Bills were sleep walking through the Bengals game and there should be no excuses. Suck it up, Saffold. I don't think anybody hires Frazier. He is an old defensive coach and that's not what teams are looking for in a head coach. I dont think the Bills dare fire him with all the affirmative action guidelines. If the D is going to get "fixed" McDermott has to put his freaking foot down on Frazier and wake him up
  18. I'm not going to invest much time in this little exercise...but I would talk a safety and a LB/ edge rusher before a DT and CB
  19. So...all those tragedies excuse the problem you have with Frazier game plans? I'm tired of excuses.
  20. Except...AI has better grammar and spelling.
  21. I imagine some "fans" think others are insensitive in light of events that " are larger than football" . I'm sorry for everything that befell this team but they still have to give 100%. If they were physically "tired " then it was on the coaches to figure out how to prepare and motivate this team.
  22. I'm sorry if anyone is overly sensitive but I'm embarrassed to hear this from a long-term, well-paid veteran. Perhaps he could have used his veteran status to rally the troops. Good riddance... In the first quarter,before Hamlin got hurt, Bengals were having their way against the Bills and think it would have been a similar outcome as the eventual rematch. Somebody higher up than the Safety Coach needs to be held accountable.
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