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  1. Allen makes worlds of difference lol TF 27 touchdowns 5 total turnovers Only post season player in history to average over 250 yards passing and over 50 yards rushing every playoff game..5th rated post season qb in NFL History..No allen isn't part of the reason...last 4 playoff losses Bills defense has forced 6 total Punts...that's 6 PUNTS in 4 games Total!
  2. I think we could have found a better oc than Both
  3. Legette is my pick at 28 ....would love brian thomas Jr but I think he will be gone
  4. Had the same record of McDermott’s drought breaking year in 2014 with kyle orton at qb
  5. Is there a HC coach who can do for McDermott what you suggest a qb coach can do for allen?
  6. Seems stacking the offense when you have a qb like allen would have been the call from 90% of all nfl hcs
  7. Which would mean more defense heavy drafts incoming smh
  8. So bradys impressive resume is his college career with superstars who played a ton of weaker opponents? Cool Not to mention Diggs production completely fell off the map under brady
  9. Hmm an aged von or hopkins,aj brown,Mike evans hell for what they gave von even devante adams....nah if I'm coach I understand we have a top 3 qb and in today's nfl with the rules favoring offense I would build the most stacked offensive roster I could
  10. And who do you think wanted Von? Mcd wanted Von for his defense! It's what allot of defensive minded hcs do..they take draft picks and FA money from their offense and invest disproportionately into the defense
  11. What is bradys big time resume you speak about? Is it working with Joe burrow chase and Jefferson at LSU....I could call plays for that trio and succeed That's the thing....we keep giving all these Unprovens a shot and it's at the expense of wasting the best years of Allen's prime .....eventually there will be no more shots for josh allen....why not get him the absolute top weapons and coaches and see how high this kids ceiling really is?
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