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Simon Says

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Everything posted by Simon Says

  1. Dumb,maybe,but the price to pay for billions in media contracts
  2. It is so simple and frankly,lame, to just say "trap game". Do you listen to the interviews with Bills players and coaches? They are professionals, all focusing on one game at a time.
  3. So what if manages to get healthy,and he maybe runs for 100 yards? I don't care as long as Bills take care of business,win and come out of the game with no new injuries.
  4. Didn't the Chiefs clinch playoffs before the Bills?
  5. Boettger won't play center. Is Bates ready to play? HE could move to center for a while.
  6. Heard one of the announcers today read off the list of coaches who have accomplished this. McDermott is in excellent company.
  7. Thats a stupid, immature take. Why risk a severe penalty for throwing snowballs in a close game? Throw snow at each other, in the stands,but not on the field. You need to finally grow up.
  8. I'm a lifelong Bills fan and try not to let that affect my judgment. As much as fans might love Josh as a PERSON I think many are quite subjective in their evaluation of him as a QUARTERBACK.
  9. I don't know why I'm wasting my time...but you seem to ignore the fact Davis is among leaders in YPC...and that Bills just brought back 2 vets who were productive here. Also,looks like they are trying to improve the running game. So...
  10. He wasn't 'running down the field" when he got hurt.
  11. Many of them probably played some games "up north" or in snow. NFL teams have state-of-the-art ,high tech uniforms,shoes, sideline heaters, etc.
  12. It is so easy to Google, and you can hear a recording of the comments.
  13. Until proven otherwise, I think McKenzie is above Brown and Beasley.
  14. Sure. Sure you do. You probably had Thanksgiving dinner at their house. I'll believe it when I see it.
  15. If the Bills aren't effectively able to utilize Davis,McKenzie and Shakir ( according to some people), and,with Brown recently added to the mix and Stevenson perhaps returning...why would they be interested in OBJ OR Hilton?
  16. Get off it. You 'domers" embarrass yourselves. There will be no dome.
  17. Thank you for being a voice of reason
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