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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. A foreign concept to your lot, choosing principle over profits.
  2. I knew you (or one of you sociopaths) would say that. I also know, from your own absurd admission, that you see "Reagen as your hero and Trump as his clone (almost)". So, you either thought Reagan was pond scum, or you just worship pond scum. Either way, your perspective has no real validity, beyond the PPP fantasy world. Say what you will about Obama, or any before him...none were as morally bankrupt as Trump. The guy is an affront to decency. If you really think Obama was that indecent, it says more about you than anything...
  3. Not sure if you are being sarcastic or not...but I think this should be a real fear. Who in their right mind would want this job when all is said and done, other than somebody like Donald Trump?
  4. So you should have just said THEHARDTRUTH is racist, sexist and ableist, it that is what you meant to say...
  5. Dev, you either have a bad, or selective memory then....you don't remember Michell Obama being referred to as "moochelle" repeatedly by a prominant conservative radio host? And, not that it matters (but you brought it up), but Michelle has 7 inches on Sarah Sanders...
  6. I didn't read all the comments (but a lot of them), but overwhelmingly, they seem to be calling on people to boycott the show, in defense of Roseanne...lots of MAGA going on there.
  7. Azlain..my day job, i work with nothing but Trump supporters...no issues...hell, hou and i have probably watched a Bills game together at a Bills bar a time or two. When did i say anythimg counter to that? Take it up with the original poster. Though, i do think there are similarities here...there is a moral question in this case, not couched in a religious freedom issue.
  8. Back in the GW days, i was asked to leave a restaurant, as me and my two dining companions were discussing politics. In my opinions, we werent being particularly loud, or even disrespectful of the administration of that time. However, unbeknownst to us, Karen Hughes (former Bush campaign manager) and her party was seated next to us. It was their request to have us removed. So this dining controversey thing isnt all that new. Of course, i couldnt go on social media at that time to blast the restaurant. In the end, we were pretty much winding down anyways...a free meal out of the whole thing! I wasnt mad at the restaurant, or even Karen Hughes for that matter. Had i known she was there i likely would have changed the subject at the dinner table. Different times...
  9. I thought one of the big victories of the Trump era was that businesses could refuse service to anyone they find objectionable...bakers don't have to make cakes for gay weddings, and restaurants don't have to serve mouthpieces to Trump bull ****. It may be classless, but that is the way Trumpkins want it....no?
  10. Me too...but my confession? I am still not convinced he got a fair shake. He was in Buffalo for 4 years, started 17 games...he played reasonably well starting that 2013 season (2-2 start), but got knocked out of his 5th start. He never really was given a real shot after that. His development was very stunted. As Kelly said, he may have never emerged as an upper echelon guy, but he might have developed into a competant starter. We all remember the disaster in London, but he actually played really well in that game, minus that disaterous 2 minute stretch. But, eh...old news.
  11. It would be great if our two pro franchises could be trending upwards...its' been too long.
  12. The new Kelly Willis record "Back Being Blue" is fantastic...one of the best sginers around.
  13. It didn't work out, but I still think it was a good idea. Tyrod was playing extra crummy the previous couple of games...lets face it, the Bills goal at the time was to make the playoffs...they did.
  14. Thogh I don't buy jerseys any more, the only authentic jersey I ever purchased from the "new look" Tom Donohoe era uniforms, was a Donte Whitner. I alwys liked him...
  15. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/hillary-bill-clinton-secret-service-224578
  16. Keith, and especially Ronnie, still do some pretty great guitar stuff. I guess I am just the eternal Stones aplogist. I'd pay a pretty hefty price to see them in a small venue...sure it will never happen though.
  17. I like both of those records quite a bit. I think the song "Emotional Rescue" is one of the oddest things a band of their stature has ever done...it's such a pecualiar song...I like it. And the "second side" of Tatto You is killer. I think your a little harsh in your "Vegas Stones" assesment. Of course, I know what you mean, but they actually sound pretty great in their old age. Sure, I would rather hear them without the big band to fill out the sound, in a small club, but that is the upshot/downside of "stadium rock". I've seen them on every US tour since 1978, and while they may have put out better records early on in that time, I think they sound better live over the past 10 years or so, than they did back when they were "cooler". My only real quibble is that I wish, over the years, they would mix up the set list a little bit more. They have been doing a few more "deep cuts" over the last few tours, but not hearing an extended "showstopper" verion of Jumping Jack Flash or Satisfaction wouldn't be the worst thing.
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