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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Somebody has to do it...the site has already reached its quota of hypocritical !@#$s.
  2. But your completely full of **** on this topic. So why would I listen to you? If you just came out and said, "we are all hypocrites" your arguments would have more credibility.
  3. So funny how things like this are cut and dry, yet conservatives (trumpers) will defend a president who says ****ty things on a daily basis, saying "don't pay attention to what he says, pay attention to what he is doing". Apparently, you can have it both ways.
  4. I wasn't defending Sam B, just explaining the difference in her comment, and what Roseanne said. One was making a political point, the other just making an ignorant joke. The offense in B's comment came from the word she used, not the point she was making.
  5. Uh, yes. But, I wouldn't expect you to see the difference.
  6. I would only argue, as crude or as classless as Bees language may have been, she was making a relevant point, which you can agree or disagree with. The presidents daughter is a prominent figure in his administration, and has proven to be continually ineffective at adding a voice to the administration, which is very evident that her father continually talks, and tries to implement policies that are in direct opposition to her supposed positions. (But, hell, he even does that to himself!) So, to say she is "feckless" for the point she was making, is appropriate. It would have been better to leave out the "c" word... Roseanne was just making a racist comment, which has no merit at all. You know (I hope) that the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes did not have a baby...she was trying to imply that Valerie Jarrett was the offspring of terrorist and apes. She should have been condemned for that ignorance.
  7. Someone should remind the president of that. It is his distraction/talking point for this week, and football isn't even in season right now.
  8. I knew you would say that. Samantha Bee represents me, no more than Ted Nugent represents you. When did I defend Samantha Bee? You are confusing me with someone else. Your doing exactly what you are accusing me of doing, and you are wrong.
  9. Your the perfect example of everything I am talking about. A smart person who has completely excepted trolling as a political way of life. Samantha Bee calling Ivanka Trump a feckless c*nt..somebody called the Trump boys morons. Do you really want to contend that no more outrageous things have been said about liberals from the people who apparently represent you? Ted Nugent? Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, any handful of Republicans who have been busted for sending around emails suggesting that Michelle Obama is a gorilla. Hillary Clinton runs a pedophile ring out of a pizzeria... Your hypocrisy strips your arguments of any dignity. And your so gleeful to sell yourself out. It is really disheartening. Maybe you are right...Trump runs away with the 2020 election because liberals are a bunch of emotional pansies...is that anything hang your hat on? No need to answer, the evidence is everywhere on the PPP board. You can't raise the bar, so lower it...
  10. No you made your point, you are a !@#$ing !@#$. I got it the first time.
  11. The great American troll president has his army...great legacy. WWII, the Civil War were noble pursuits..you (and an alarming number here) sell your souls for this rotten excuse of a human being. And for what? You can't carry on about incompetent, crooked and corrupt Democrats, and turn around and support this president, and maintain any credibility. But you do it anyways, and its is disgusting. The pains so many go through to pretend they don't approve of the man (you know who you are) but praise his ham-fisted policies is shameful. It is difficult not to draw ugly conclusions about the character of his supporters. The saddest thing is, though, this pig doesn't love this country...he's in it for himself, and always has been.
  12. He's revealed to everyone that we walk amongst a lot of sociopaths. Losing ones faith in mankind is pretty damaging.
  13. I'll buy that. My memory for all of the specifics of the early 2000's isn't as clear as it should be for this...I liked Whaley and TD. Though I like both guys, the Marv Levy and Russ Brandon reign is what really set the franchise back, in my opinion. They were a terrible duo for the GM role, or whatever it was that they were doing.
  14. I could go with that too...I think Donahoe and Whaley get blasted a little too much by Bills fans. I only rank Donahoe a little over Whaley, because he didn't take as many gambles...but both guys were active, and aggressive. I really think TD had the Bills closer to being a legit playoff contender...he whiffed on Losman....not the first/only GM to not be able to find a QB.
  15. My answer would be, have Dan wake up from a dream, realizing that Roseanne had actually passed away years ago, and now he is married to either Leah Remini or Wanda Sykes. Kind of a tribute to the awful ending of the original Roseanne series.
  16. Gailey Marrone Mularkey Jauron Williams Rex Perosnally though, I think the Dick Jauron era of Bills football was the least enjoyable Bills football of all. I really hated him as a coach. Rex was the worst coach, but at least there was some entertainment value in watching them.
  17. Not quite...the Braves moved to San Diego, and then simply swapped owners with the Celtics.
  18. I know this is probably good news to some, but the way newspapers are now, don't be surprised if the Buffalo News sports page is made up of syndicated columnists. Your local coverage of the Bills and Sabres will pretty much be WGR.
  19. I'm pulling for the Cavs...though I gotta say, my interest in the finals has been greatly diminished...had Boston or Houston made it, it might have been interesting.
  20. The way it goes...if Hayward and Irving hadn't been hurt, some of these young guys might not have emerged. Their inexperience showed the last 2 games...but it will help them down the road.
  21. I'm all in on the Celtics...but if LeBron makes it to the finals against the Warriors, I am pulling for the Cavs, most definitely.
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