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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Tasker is good. Much better at this than doing broadcasts of games.
  2. It was worse than I might have thought it would be, but I knew the Bucks would win toinight. They looked like a much better team at home...Celtics couldn't match their energy, especially early on.
  3. I've e noticed that on PPP....the vocal majority bends over backwaeds and turns themselves inside out to defend Trump, but they take offense to being referred to as a Trump supporter...
  4. Except you really don't know what they have on him. The Mueller investigation is keeping quiet. Most conclusions being drawn, are from Trumps' reactions...
  5. I would at least give him a look. He was pretty banged up last year...if he is healthy, and still has the desire to play, he is pretty talented. And, in the second half of his career, he has kind of built his reputation on being a "positive" team guy. He does seem to have a decent future as an analyst.
  6. Tony Soprano Mr. Spock Kwai Chang Caine
  7. No doubt he wasn't successful in the draft...nobody has been, since Butler. Go back and run your test for the other 31 teams in the leauge, I suspect that Donohoe will rank somewhere in the middle of the pack. As bad as he may have been in the draft, he did well with free agency. The draft is only part of it. I also think Wilson set the team back a decade, by firing him, without an adequate replacement. Love Marv Levy, but he was probably the worts GM of all...Donohoe wasn't always right, but he was agressive about trying to address team needs. I kinda know what you mean, KD. He wasn't a real need (though he was drafted knowing the Travis Henry was one false move away from being a "former-Buffalo Bill"), but if you recall, McGahee was considered a "generational player" before that horrific injury. The injury hurt his speed, but he had a pretty solid career...if not as spectacular as was envisioned. It was a gamble of a pick...probably reckless...but I wouldn't say it ended up as a terrible pick.
  8. I like listening to Mayock, but he is wrong as often as he is right....its' all a crap-shoot!
  9. Bledsoe may have said that in response to Rozier (accidentally I think) referring to him as "Drew Bledsoe" after game 1. I admit, I haven't seen a ton of the Bucks play this year, but it is remarkable how bad they are around the net...the series ain't over yet...I fully expect this to go 6 or 7 games.
  10. Foles will not hold out...he will play out the last year of his contract in Philly, and then hit the free-agent market in 2019. Fingers crossed...
  11. That is the rub....I suspect that you would be sacrificing far less precious draft capital for his services, than you would be for a player who you really have no idea can do the things you want him to do. Anyways, I will be excited with whatever happens...I just don't think signing Foles is the worst idea.
  12. Perhaps...but his development was pretty stunted in St Louis and KC...he finally got a chance to start again, and took full advantage. I don't think a guy plays the way he did in the playoffs, and it is just a fluke.
  13. Believe me, I will be pulling for whoever they put back there... however, I used the term "decent starter" as a minimum for Foles. He has as high a ceiling in the NFL as any of these top 6 prospects do...and we have actually seen him perform at a very high level during his NFL career. I understand the appeal of drafting a guy, believe me I do. But I also understand the repercussions of whiffing on that pick. If one of the big name prospects slides down to #12, I'd be thrilled to get one of them...but man, the price-tag is really high for a game of chance.
  14. Funny, watching the game last night, I was thinking the same thing. And then he goes and hits a 3 at the buzzer...he is your classic bench guy...he'll put up 18 points one night, in limited time, and then, when you really need him to come through, he will get you 5 points. I don't mind him for short stretches, but he was on the court a little too much for my liking... when he and Baynes are on the floor together, I get real nervous.
  15. I am with you, on this particular issue. I feel like we have so many holes to fill...we could really help our roster exponentially by using a bunch of these picks to bolster our roster. Foles, at least, has achieved something in the NFL, and I think there is a better chance than not he will be a decent starter again. Of course, I am intrigued by this years QB draft class, but I don't feel certain about any of them. I think the odds of Foles being good-great are better than any of these guys being a "franchise QB"...and I think he could be had at a much more reasonable price.
  16. I'm done...this show has never been as good as it threatens to be...just terrible writing.
  17. They've had other decent, not great teams since then...but they have always been reliant, completely on 3 or 3 guys. In all those years, they have never really been able to build a deep roster. I think LeBron is the best player in the game since Jordan (hot take, right?), but he isn't indefatigable. He has been suseptible to wearing out, when he doesn't have a strong supporting cast. I would probably never bet against him in the East, but he, and the Cavs, are beatable.
  18. I agree with your point, he has played well for us, at a fairly bargain price. I could have seen him taking it as an insult. But he should not have a agreed to the re-structure a few weeks ago. The Bills would have then been forced to pay him the terms of his contract, or release him...he created this problem for himself.
  19. Except that anyone who can sit through two hours and remain in suspense does not value their time very well...you can find out the schedule for any team within 30 seconds of release, depending on how fast your computer is?
  20. Fans are the same everywhere...they love their team when they win, hate them when they lose...we have a very impatient culture in general..in sports it is magnified, because final scores are definative (most of the time), and you are only as good as your last game. The notion of "good, educated fans" is nice, but not the reality any more.
  21. I've been a Celtics fan since 1980...I am insane to think that this might be the most depth the Celtics have had in almost 40 years? I know there have been better teams, but these bench players are contributing regularly. Because of all the injuries to the front line players, they are getting more opportunities than they might have in the past, and they have been delivering more often than not. They have been really good on the road...normally, bench players struggle on the road. If Irving were in the lineup, and healthy, I would really like their chances at a finals appereance. Great win today...maybe I got my beer goggles on, but I am not counting them out....I think they beat Milwaukee in 7. Philly could be a tough matchup in the next round, but not impossible. You just never know...either way, I've had too much fun watching these guys this year, to count them out just yet. Brown and Tatum look like legit talents...for all the grief Ainge takes as a GM (even I didn't love him as a player!), I think he has done a very solid job on this roster. Future is bright if Irving comes back at full strength..add Hayward to the mix, and they could really be the new dominant team of the east.
  22. I'd take Brown over OBJ, but you are right, he is good. Evans isn't as flashy as either, but he is a stud.
  23. I think he is the second best receiver in the NFL, behind only Antonio Brown.
  24. I don't think those are real...not that there is anything wrong with it!
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