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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. It doesn't seem like he has too many teams to choose from...I bet he signs somewhere early in training camp, for far less than he thinks he is worth.
  2. I'd take Dez too...though I wish we had some other choices. Would have loved to snag Martavious Bryant.
  3. Yes, I get it. The PPP stallwarts are the real-thinkers, so their hypocrisy is beyond reproach.
  4. In fairness, LeBron is the closest thing to a "sure thing" to make it to the finals every year. I am rooting for the Celtics, but if they don't do it, I'll still pull for the Cavs over whichever Western Conference team they face.
  5. The feeling is mutual! And, for the record, I am not denying anything...just pointing out the double-standard many of you use...but hey, The entire PPP is a monument to "but they do it too.."
  6. Yawn...there is so much here, but I can see pointing it out is hopeless. Lets just say the family values party has certainly not been very pure...the current state of the party should make good Republicans (there are some out there, I am sure, but they are in hiding) cringe.
  7. You really had to go all the way back to Larry Craig? You know why the Larry Craig thing went on for months? Because Craig, first plead guilty, and then changed his mind, and refused to resign. And spineless Republican leadership didn't really pressure him too, for purely political reasons. This is the same Larry Craig who went balls to the walls against Barney Frank when he was caught with a gay prostitute. You don't see the difference? I will give Republicans credit, when they are wrong, they will never admit it...I guess that says something. Agreed. But, again, pretending that this is a liberal/Democrat weakness is pure bull ****. I know you tough guys here take pride in the fact that you can see through everything, and cut straight to the bs... And think about what you just said... you guys are always whining about media bias...and here we have an example of a liberal publication taking down somebody that was "one of their own", a "leader in the Trump resistance" as he is being referred to.
  8. Great game tonight. Honestly I was expecting the 76ers to go down a little easier than they did. Really good team. Honestly hadn't seen a lot of them this year, until the playoffs. Can't wait for this series against the Cavs. Celtics will obviously have their hands full, with LeBron...but I am not counting them out. Pulling for a Celtics/Rockets finals re-match!
  9. Well, he did resign when it was revealed...he was condemned immediately by leading Democrats...you really are the perfect example of what I was talking about.. a smart person, blind to how hypocritcal your positions are...I don't want to go through the whole litany of garbage people who have been exposed in the Republican party...you know who they are...and they all went down with a loud whining about the media, or they stay in their postion. Another example...no question KD? What world are you living in?
  10. Uh, no. Nice try though. Republicans have been accused of the same, and even worse... I don't jump on board. I just find it hilarious that B-Man was acting as though "liberals" are the only ones who turn a blind eye on this stuff, if it hurts them politically. Political leaders in both parties let down their constituents all the time. I don't think I need to run through the litany of conservatives who have been caught in worse situations. The hypocrisy among some here is mind blowing...normally smart people too!
  11. I don't think "creep" is exclusive to the Democratic party. Most men are pigs...Republicans, Democrats...football fans. None of this is news.
  12. As maligned as the US Post Office is, I can honestly say I have purchased or sold over 3000 items over the last 10 years, on line. I can count on one hand the number of problems I have encountered. In my previous job we used FedEx, UPS and DHL. One issue after another with each of them...and so much more expensive.
  13. Yes, this sort of thinking is exclusive to liberals... open your !@#$ing eyes.
  14. Great effort by the 76ers last night. Not sure I can fathom them keeping up that intensity for another 2 or 3 games...that was kind of a role reversal of the first 3 games...one team playing insane defense, the other chucking up stupid shots...
  15. And yet, so many Celtics fans dog him as a GM. One thing is for sure though, after this playoff run, the Celtics are going to have to let somebody go...they won't be able to pay them all. Rozier is earning a huge contract somewhere...love these Celtics...
  16. I don't think Russ was involved with the Sabres when Lafontaine was there...he didn't get involved with the Sabres until after Ralph Wilson passed away. As I recall, Lafontaine was fired in February, early March of 2014, and Ralph passed away late in March. Russ was only a Bills employee at that time.
  17. Or it could go the way of Pat LaFontaines surprise departure from the Sabres...still mostly a mystery all these years later.
  18. I would bet there are thousands of ex-NFL players who would trade post-playing careers with Tasker in a heart-beat. I really think people who hate him as a broadcaster haven't listened to him lately. I completely agree, he was horrible on game broadcasts for his first few years, but he has improved...we all know (I think) that Bills fans are notoriously thin-skinned. I heard Tasker admit, that early on, he was probably harder on the Bills, during broadcasts, than he should have been, because he didn't want the perception out there that he was a "Bills homer". He often stumbled over his words...but he doesn't do that near as much any more... I think the radio show is a good forum for him. I think he has good insight into the "classic Bills" era (and I think he is pretty frank about their failures), knows the current league very well, and he also has insight into the broadcast aspect of the NFL, which I kind of enjoy.
  19. The 3rd of June, another sleepy dusty delta day...
  20. Missed Beane, but I tune in now, and they (not even sure who is talking, not Murph or Tasker) are talking about Las Vegas hockey...ugh!
  21. I think he has improved, slightly on game broadcasts...disagree about the JMS show. He injects some energy into the show. He also knows the leauge very well. I think he has improved much in the "stammering" department as well. Lorenzo seems like a great guy, and he has personality..but he really only talks about himself...to me that gets old pretty fast. Ruben Brown is similar in that way...entertaining, but he just kind of commands too much attention, that it kind of takes away from the natural flow of conversation. And, I love Fred Jackson as much as any Bills fan, but what have you heard that would make you think he would be better than anyone else at talking about Bills football for 15 hours a week? It isnt something that just anyone can do. I think people are a little hard on Murphy. I thouhgt his solo show was pretty dull though. I think most radio shows benefit from having two hosts...the quality of the phone calls on the show is pretty low...
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