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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I really hate the Bruins. They are the NHL equivalent of the Miami Dolphins, as they relate to the Bills.
  2. Growing up in Buffalo, in the 70's, the Buffalo Braves were my favorite team in all of sports.More than the Bills, more than the Sabres... I hated the Celtics, because they always stood in the way of the Braves. My brother traded in his Celics fandom (he was 8 years older, and liked them during the tail-end of the Russull dynasty years), and we always pulled for the Braves. When the Braves left town, I was devastated. I played all sports growing up, but basketball was, by far, the one I had the most success...loved the game. My dad was, as an St Bonaventure alum, was all about Bonnies basketball...basketball was the family sport. I couldn't just quit the NBA cold turkey. I tried to be a San Diego Clippers fan, for one year..it was impossible. Virtually no NBA highlights on tv, and if you liked a west-coast team, on the east cost, you might have to wait 2 days to read a box score in the paper... I was spinning my wheels, loving basketball, but no team to root for...games of any kind were hard to find on tv, other then edited playoff games that were shown after the 11pmm news, on tape delay. For some reason, I always hated the Knicks. It kinda sucked. But then, in 1980, my family got cable television. We got the Boston "super-station ", which showed all the Celtics games. It just happened to be the beginnning of the Larry Bird-era. Though I despised them as a a kid (Tom Heinson, Havelechek, Jo Jo White, Dave !@#$ing Cowens!), I suddenly had a team to follow...and they were great. My brother and I "re-located" our Braves loyalty to the Celtics. It has nothing to do with the city of Boston.. I hate all other teams from the area. The Celtics are, seriously, in my 53 years, the only team I have ever pulled for to win a championship. Four in my time as a fan, fingers crossed tor a 5th in the next year or two. I get **** from a lot of Buffalo people for liken g rooting for the Celtics, but I just love the franchise. They do it right. Had a rough patch aftger the Bird teams faded, thanks, in no small part to some really bad luck. But they have always beeen a smart franchise. Can't wait for game 7! GO CELTICS!!!
  3. After seeing the way the Rockets handled the Warriors the last couple of games, I am starting to thing a Celtics/Rockets re-match in the finals could be very entertaining...the Rockets are beating the Warriors by playing classic Celtics basketball. If it did come down to Celtics/Rockets (how crazy would that be?), anything could happen. Rockets would likely still have the edge, as they may be a little more offensively balanced... but I loved seeing the Rockets win these last two. EDIT: Chris Paul out for game six...not good for the Rockets.
  4. You may be right...but Jordans' trademark, as I remember (and as row_33 points out) was pedal to the metal night in, night out, at least in the playoffs. Not to say that he never had off nights where maybe his shooting percentage was off...but I just don't really ever remember him coasting in playoff game. I just heard on the radio this morning that LeBron took himself out of the game the other night... maybe it is just smart on his part, knowing that he doesn't have the energy to carry the team at that point, and he is just surrendering...save it for the next game. It was weird though, because very early in the 4th, there was a point where it almost felt like the Cavs were clawing their way back in, cut the lead to 12, and then just gave up. Boston wasn't playing particularly well at that point either. I suspect he plays great tonight, and we have a game 7 on Sunday.
  5. The only time I actually, titty-baby cried over sports (where I wasn't playing in a game) was the day it was official that the the Braves were leaving Buffalo. I was really devastated. As the Bills were destroying the Raiders in the 1990 AFC Championship, it finally sunk in to me that we were about to "win" our first Super Bowl. There was a shot on tv of Jim Kelly throwing footballs into the stands of Rich Stadium...I got pretty choked up.
  6. I am a LeBron James fan, but it is games like that (he "only scored a quiet 24") that should put to rest the case of him being better than Jordan. He is right up there, but he isn't Jordan. I just don't remember Jordan ever having "quiet" games like that in the playoffs, especially. I am really happy the Celtics won, mind you, but if LeBron had anything in him last night, all by himself, he should have been able to make that a closer game, early in the 4th. They had the lead cut down to 12, and the Celtics were shooting horribly, and being uncharacteristically sloppy with the ball...but Lebron was just going through the motions. At one point, he went from about mid-court to drive it to the basket for an easy basket, but seemed to lose interest the closer he got to the net. It was weird...missed the shot, and then just trotted up and down the court. I realize, he has every right to be tired, but you would think adrenaline would take over when the game was that close, and you know you are the best player on the court...as tremendous a player as he is (and I really think he is) he has had a game or two like this almost every playoff season...he wasn't terrible mind you, but he really wasn't putting himself out too much. Hope to god the Celtics win on Friday. A crucial road win would do them wonders...they are going to need a shot of road-earned confidence if they want to give Golden State or Houston a run for their money.
  7. The last time I went to a game there was 2004, Saints beat the Chiefs. I had an absolute blast the whole weekend, and it was a great game...used to try to go every year or two for a game, back in the 90's and early 2000's. I suppose it has improved some since, but it was just always really run-down inside...just seem to remember endless areas in the concourses taped off, or "under construction"...for a "Superdome" it never felt very state of the art.
  8. I haven't been there in a few years, and I know it is a legendary building, but I have never really liked the Louisiana Superdome...great city, great fans, but the place always seemed like a dump inside.
  9. I have been a big fan too, since that first record came out...somehow though, via a series of calamities, I have missed her all the times she has been in town, over the years...once to a cancellation of the show, then being out of town when it was rescheduled....another time due to a death in the family, and then just last week, when the show was announced (at a really small club), it was announced as "sold out". I tried through Craiglist to buy a ticket, but they were just too much. She is coming back in the fall, at a bigger venue...can't wait. I've only seen her "live" on Austin City Limits. Agreed, definitely one of my favorite new artists over the last decade...love the new record too!
  10. Very few touring things this summer I will be seeing...though I saw Emmylou Harris this past weekend (amazing) and the fall will include Courtney Barnett, Liz Phair and Paul McCartney...
  11. Agreed! Just do yourself a favor, and don't wander over to PPP...
  12. Cavs definitely have the momentum, but the after the 1st quarter, Celitcs played much better than game 3. I was expecting a 7 game series, and I still do.
  13. I wouldn't be shocked at all if he came back. Didn't he ask the Bills to release him? That iindicates to me, somewhere in the back of his mind, he thinks he will play again. He wants more money, and he doesn't want to go through training camp...
  14. When did I say he's gotten nothing done? Idiot. I won't get into the "sad example" bs, because I know you think that is true, that isn't going to change...I could point out the same about the last president, and you would take issue with that...but thanks for being the only person here to acknowledge that I didn't say he had gotten nothing done. Never said that.
  15. Wow! That was truly hilarious...not just funny cuz it is a bunch of guys on a team we like, goofing off. Fitz will be in the broadcasting as soon as he retires, I would guess, once this makes the rounds. As funny as it was, I was actually a little shocked by some of it. The Whaley comment was pretty outrageous (though funny)...but the comment he made about Freddie wanting to cash checks from the Pegulas for years to come, just like Kelly, Thomas and Reed was probably the most shocking to me. As for John Murphy, I think the guy has much more personality, and a great sense of humor, but he just won't exhibit on his radio show. I remember, in the early days of his show, he said something slightly "left leaning" on some social issue (can't remember for the life of me what it was, maybe pro gun control legislation), and a few callers really took him to task for it, calling him a "lib-tard", yadda yadda yadda...apparantly one of Murphs' brothers is a judge in WNY? It got pretty ugly, quickly...I kind of wonder if he has instructions (or maybe has just made a conscious effort) not to reveal too much personality? Either way, I find his show comforting, if not great. I
  16. Yeah, now it is coming back...that 49ers game was huge too!
  17. That Rams game was a great defensive battle, in crummy weather. As I recall, the Bills clinched a playoff spot with that OT win...I think the final score was 10-7! I was at that game! The "I got a feeling, Buffalo's going to the Super Bowl" was born that day! Another fantastic game was the next season, where the Bills went to San Diego (regular season) and beat the heavily favored Chargers, by a point. Great memories of the 1980-1981 Bills. Bills/Rams highlights about 21 minutes in....
  18. I suspect this is still going to be a close series, but if the Cavs are content to keep shooting from the perimeter all game, it will be a sweep. The Celtics perimeter defense is stellar. I don't want to over-react to a game one blow-out, but the Cavs just looked lazy, for the most part. The one thing the Celtics have to "worry" about, is that they are paying a ton of money to Iving and Hayward. You can only have so many "max-contract" guys. Rozier is earning a huge contract, as are some of these other guys. Ainge has maneuvered the cap brilliantly, for the most part, but this could cause them some problems down the road..particularly if either Irving or Hayward have long term affects on their game, from these injuries. But, as a Celtics fan, I am happy to worry about that when we get there...
  19. Chuck Knox era Bills football is still my favorite era of Bills football. I realize, the 90's Bills ultimately had far more success, but it was the Knox teams that were the first in my time as a Bills fan (my earliest memories start in 1972, with Dennis Shaw as QB) that ever gave me the hope that the Bills were a legit threat to win the Super Bowl. The OJ era was fun, but I don't think anyone ever thought they could win it all. For, as conservative as Knox reputation was, the Bills offense of his time were actually fairly creative and prolific. Joe Cribbs was one of the first RB's (along with Roger Craig) that was used extensively as a receiver out of the backfield. They were a blast to watch...and Chucks defenses were fantastic. I still remember that regular season game in 1981, when the Bills hit the road to take on the heavily favored Chargers. Nobody thought the Bills could win that game...they won 28-27...one of the most exciting games I had ever seen, up to that point. And Chuck was just cool. Tough guy....but his players absolutely loved him. Thanks for the memories Chuck! RIP
  20. Funny you bring this up...was just talking to a few other Bills fans about Chuck Knox, my favorite Bills coach of all time. Chuck was everything that Rex wanted to be, minus the big mouth. I loved Chuck Knox...Rex, not so much. Perhaps his years as the Jets head coach soured me on him, but I never really liked the guy.
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