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Everything posted by BuffaloBud

  1. The Columbus OH morning news report said he borrowed gma's car keys and phone to listen to music from the gma's phone in the car he overrode the breathalizer switch on the car to get it started Why couldn't he listen to the music via ear buds or headphones? What kind of music does gma have on here phone? Why does gma have a breathalizer switch on the car? Just asking.
  2. Sorry - guess I've overstepped the rules. Not in a commercial, presenter on BBC network.
  3. I'll add one from an international perspective - Naga Munchetty.
  4. Will be interesting to see if this is a NFL / Bills only process or if the Sabres (and CBJ) will manage their mobile tickets the same way. I just checked my Apple Wallet app and the CBJ / TB playoff tix from this past season still have the QR code.
  5. Anyone else watching the Ken Burns docu "Country Music"? I've really enjoyed this so far. Interesting on the number of interconnections between musicians and bands. Thoughts / opinions?
  6. Sister lives in Jacksonville Beach, just north of Ponte Vedra, about 200 yards from the beach. Neighbor sent her video where streets near house are completely dry / free of sand. They have to get their son to fire up the drone to check the shingles on the roof (3 story house).
  7. Didnt stay for the entire game, but my quick view on the first half was that OSU showed who was boss in the first quarter. FAU losing its starting tailback on the second series didn't help. The foot came off the gas in the second quarter as the game was in hand. The entent of the game from that point forward for OSU was to get Fields game time action without showing the entire playbook.
  8. Schindler’s List My Dog Skip The Art of Driving in the Rain
  9. My folks are in the Ocala area, sister in Jax. I gave them all the "talk" about getting prepared last nite. I'd start doing the same.
  10. Looking forward to some cooler weather to ride my bike down the Olentangy Trail, park at the bike corral (small donation), partake in some tailgating, leave early, stop at Lineage Brewing on the way home, get home while others are still jacking around with traffic.
  11. My grandfather would make a big batch, chill, then fry up like corn meal mush (polenta). Eggs, bacon, fried grits. ?
  12. Grits - yes. Not every day. I'll make some up after a bike ride and add in a fried egg and some cheese. Shrimp and grits - big ?
  13. I was living in Texas at the time - was really starting to get into his music. If my travels ever take me to Austin I'm making a stop at the statue.
  14. It doesn't do the conversation any good because the place is long gone, but The Klondike Saloon in Bowmansville had great wings.
  15. What about offices? Some are like a meat cooler. 77 during the day / 75 - 73 at nite for the house
  16. Yes there is. It's called don't stand in front of the outlets. That's why one side is clear of any outlets.
  17. People that sing along with every song. I'm here to listen / see the band, not you!
  18. My neighbor did a sleep study and the tech was amazed at how little "sleep" he did get. Snoring, leg movement, the works. He's been wearing a CPAP for about a year and loves it. Cleaning the mask is important / required.
  19. Kudos to your son and WVU - Dr Gee one of the best in the biz. Best comment >>> Best of luck with the transition! Enjoy the peace, and have faith. It all works out fine, I promise. Just as it’s meant to.
  20. I can't vouch for @Cripple Creek, but what is wrong with Ohio? ?
  21. My thoughts exactly. Have been to WDW, Epcot, Hollywood Studios. I'm always surprised to see how many families are literally dragging their kids through these places while the kids are pitching holy he-double hockey sticks fits or sound asleep in a stroller. If the kids are that unhappy in the happiest place on earth, don't you think that something needs to change? Do you really think that at 3, 4, 5 years old they are going to remember / appreciate the $ you spent to get there and into the park? Take your grouchy snot nosed kids to the pool or back to the room for a nap!
  22. Storage. Cars, yard / garden tools, beer fridge
  23. Go to the top of Buffalo City Hall. If you hit the weather right, you'll have an awesome view of the city, waterfront, WNY!
  24. ECC grad here so time ago. Went to RIT out of high school. I had no study skills and was essentially swamped by the atmosphere. Went to ECC to get my act together - got my AAS degree in engineering science. Went back to RIT and did very well. Prolly should have made that move right out of high school, but what did I know. High school was easy.
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