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Maybe Someday

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Everything posted by Maybe Someday

  1. Helmets are slick so that when 2 helmets collide, they slide off of each other with little resistance. If helmets were soft, when they collide with anything, there’d be a better chance that they’ll kind of grip rather than glance off each other and that would put a lot more strain on the neck. I agree that there is currently not and probably never will be a helmet that completely eliminates concussions. The best we’ll ever be able to do is reduce the risk. I played Rugby for 3 years/6 semesters while in college. I saw very few concussions over that time and all but 1 were due to the player that got hurt going about things the wrong way; like going into a scrum with your head down or not making a form tackle. The 1 exception was a guy that got tackled and his head hit the frozen ground really hard. I never had a concussion while playing rugby but had at least 3, probably more, playing football. Plus in rugby, if you just launch yourself or lower your shoulder into an opponent rather than making a proper form tackle, it’s a penalty on you. You have to wrap the player up and take them to the ground. You have a different mentality when your head and face are exposed. I’ve posted on TSW before, if you want to reduce the number head injuries from the NFL, remove face masks and adopt the rugby rules on tackling which require the defender to wrap up the ball carrier and take them down. No more lowering your shoulder and running through someone.
  2. Sure there is. It’s obvious that he still doesn’t know the insanely intricate system of the offensive mastermind that is Thomas Chandler Gailey, Jr. Apparently, neither do half of the other players we have. This is just my opinion but the trade for T-Jax strikes me as a desperation move by the team. Something had to have been going on with VY that made the team want him out of there ASAP and I really don’t believe it was football related, at least not entirely. There are the stories of creditors calling/showing up at the stadium looking to collect and VY said in an interview that he believed that factored into him being cut. I can see the team thinking that was a distraction that they did not want to deal with, especially for a backup. The coaches and front office panicked because they knew having only Fitz & Thiggy (don’t forget the enigma Brad Smith) wasn’t good enough and there was no one better out there so they made this trade for insurance. Who knows, maybe there is another clause in the trade agreement that if he isn’t active for any games, the compensation isn’t even a 7th rounder. That’s my wishful thinking at least. Call me crazy but it makes me feel better to think that this team actually has a clue even when all signs point to the contrary.
  3. I agree. CC & SJ13 both have/had amazing body control and can get open despite not having elite speed. After reading this, I’m now expecting that SJ13 is going to have a bit of a down season once that QB of the future takes over due to the lack of chemistry. Then there’s the worry that they have the same problems as Carson Palmer and Chad Johnson did in Cincy. Despite putting up good numbers, it drove Palmer crazy that he didn’t really know for sure where Chad would end up half the time.
  4. Doesn’t look good for this week, he hurt his hamstring last week and will probably be out. Maybe in the finale but Chan will probably play Ruvell Martin instead. Even more reason to start T-Jax these last 2 games…maybe we can make it 3 for 3.
  5. Thank you Eric!!!! It needed to be said and I hope other players have the stones to say it too...even though it won't matter since the owner’s priority is making money, not winning.
  6. Unfortunately, I believe the bolded to be true. Talk about a catch-22. Do fans just stop buying tickets to try and force change with the possibility of that helping to push the team out of Buffalo or keep buying tickets to a substandard product? We need to come up with another way to send a message to Ralph and his cronies but I can’t help but wonder if it would even matter to them as long as they were getting paid. How would the team’s brass react if next seasons home opener sells out but no fans actually go into the game until the 2nd quarter so there are no Bills fans in the stadium at the opening kickoff? Or what if every fan in the stadium has a bag over their head with a personal message to Ralph written on it like “You got your money, now give us a real team” and no one stands up to cheer for the team; everyone just sits there as quiet as they can be for the whole game.
  7. Jay Gruden is an interesting idea. We’ve got no shot at the big name coaches so we’ve got to find an up and comer but as much as I believe he should be, I’m still not 100% sure that Chan is a goner. If we play well and win the last 2 games, I can see him getting a stay of execution. That’s how this organization operates. If he is back, I think he’s got to hire an OC (and probably a new DC) so he can focus more on the team as a whole. Last night on MNF, they made mention that Tom Moore is healthy and wants to be an OC again. If that’s the case, he’d be a great addition, but I don’t really expect that to happen. If Chan does go, we’ll probably all be shaking our heads at who we do hire to replace him. Just watch, it’ll be Norv Turner and he’ll keep Wanny as the DC.
  8. After yesterday's game, I change my answer to F*ck It by Dave Chappelle.
  9. Agreed. Anyone else see Kyle Williams screaming at Mario after Wilson’s 3rd TD run and Mario not really looking like he cared? I’m not a lip reader but it certainly had something to do with Mario “not keeping his Effing contain.”
  10. Hell no to Tebow!!! If he can’t even beat out Sanchez, he’s clearly not the answer for us. Draft a QB early and keep Fitz to help him learn the offense. Let Fitz start until the rookie actually wins the starting job so we don’t break another young QB by throwing them to the wolves before he’s ready.
  11. I don’t think there’s any chance Chan gets fired before the season is over because you’d be firing both the HC and OC. I’m worried that he may even be back next season even though he’s made way too many mistakes over the past 3 seasons to deserve another chance. We need a HC with some fire that will oversee both the offense and the defense and instill some toughness in this team. Oh, and someone who can make a halftime adjustment would be nice too.
  12. DW: Hey Pete, I’m pretty sure they’re not going to let me back over the border into WNY, can I hitch a ride with you guys? PC: Sorry Dave, I really can’t be associated with you or any other part of your organization. I shouldn’t even be standing here with you. Good luck with the job search.
  13. Piece of My Heart – Janis Joplin, Big Brother and the Holding Company
  14. RGIII would probably still be on the bench and when the fans asked why, we’d be told “he’s not ready yet”.
  15. Likely nothing. The player suspensions were vacated, not the coaches or organizational penalties. Tags basically concluded that the Saints coaches and organization were more at fault than the players…at least that’s what I took out of the comment below. "Unlike Saints' broad organizational misconduct, player appeals involve sharply focused issues of alleged individual player misconduct in several different aspects," Tagliabue said in a statement released by the league. "My affirmation of Commissioner Goodell's findings could certainly justify the issuance of fines. However, this entire case has been contaminated by the coaches and others in the Saints' organization."
  16. Fitz: I’m handing it off to CJ coach. Chan: Hey, get back here!!! You better not give it to CJ or you’re benched. Just throw that damn ball!!!
  17. It’s a nice thought and all but it’s a pipe dream…and that dream would cost us way too much. SD will use Rivers as a selling point to the prospective new coaches. Only if that new coach wants to bring in someone else would Rivers become available and if that were to happen, the price would be steep. My guess is they would go after the same package the Raiders gave up for Palmer and I don’t think Rivers at 31 years old would be worth 2 1st round picks. If we could get him for maybe a 2nd & 3rd, I’d be all for it.
  18. I disagree…the Bills want/hope to win…the Ravens expect to win.
  19. I’m surprised none of you have brought up the fact that Chan should have gone for 2 after our TD to try and make it 14-7. That one baffled me. I really thought that Chan would have learned from losing by 1 to the Titans after electing to not go for 2. Ticked me off even more that we then don’t even get the 1. For a coach who calls an aggressive game plan with all the passing, he sure wusses out when it comes to putting points on the board.
  20. Possibly Carrington? I don’t know if it was game ball worthy but he played an outstanding game this past week.
  21. +1. There are teams out there that would almost certainly pay him big bucks to be their LT; the Bears come to mind.
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