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Maybe Someday

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Everything posted by Maybe Someday

  1. Very thin. Not too much proven talent at safety either other than Byrd.
  2. Good for you Vince. I’m glad the wonderlic wasn’t part of your final exam.
  3. All they need to add is some type of injury buyout clause to the contracts. As long as the player is physically able to play, they get paid what their contract says. The amount of the injury settlement could be negotiated or just be a percentage of the deal. As a fan, I’m sick of the huge contracts when just about everyone knows the chances of the player collecting the full amount are slim and none. It would force teams to be more realistic with these contracts. Also, I didn’t mean adopt the entire NBA salary cap, just the part allowing a team to pay more for their existing players than another team could.
  4. Yes, from the player’s standpoint, the franchise tag is a bad thing because it takes away just about all of the players options. This is a what have you done for me lately league. If Byrd signs his 1 year tender and has a bad season or blows out his knee prior to becoming an UFA next year, he likely will not get the offers that he would have had he been an UFA this year. While I would jump at the chance to make $6.9 mil in 1 year, I would much rather sign a long term contract that guarantees me $20 mil regardless of how I play or if I get hurt. The NFL is the most popular of the 4 major sports leagues yet these players have the shortest average career and also on average make less money. So the players have to get what they can, when they can. It may look like they’re being greedy but I really can’t blame them. IMO, all NFL contracts should be guaranteed. I’d also like it if the NFL adopted the NBA rule allowing a team to pay a player that has accrued a certain number of seasons more money than any other team is able to offer allowing teams to keep their star players.
  5. A bad back is completely different than type 2 diabetes. Love will be able to resume his career, likely without any physical limitations. His biggest challenge now is he apparently lost a bunch of weight prior to him being diagnosed, which isn’t good for a space eating DT. Once he gets that weight back on, he should be fine. Jay Cutler has diabetes as well and once he got it under control, it’s never really affected his play.
  6. I completely agree with everything you said about Brad Smith but I believe that his contact will ultimately cause him to get cut. This is assuming the rookie WRs show that they can contribute right away. If they struggle, BS has a shot. I disagree with your statement that Graham could potentially get cut, I think he is basically a lock to make the team. He was impressive in the voluntary workouts (I know playing in shorts doesn’t mean a lot) and I don’t think there is any way we cut ties with our 3rd round pick from last season if he shows even a tiny bit of improvement. WRs typically take a few years to develop and you can’t teach speed. Potter got the axe last season. The Packers signed White off our practice squad. He ended up on IR and was released with an injury settlement. I believe that both are currently FAs. Choice should be gone as well. I was surprised that we resigned him. He is mediocre at best with no upside. I’d have to think there is someone better than him that we can bring in…and maybe we did with the UDFAs. Camp is going to be interesting.
  7. Actually, it is. He only gets $1 mil (can’t believe I just typed only $1 mil) of that contract if he doesn’t make it out of camp. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2013/4/9/4205198/kevin-kolb-contract-details-buffalo-bills-stopgap
  8. Does something happen on November 3rd? Or maybe at 2:49?
  9. Happy Birthday JW. Nothing wrong with being an old man…as long as you’re not a dirty old man!!!
  10. A week ago we had no WRs and now we have so many that we need to trade 1? Unless our #4/5 guy is so good that he could start on another team (Which I don’t believe they are) keep them all and let them compete. None of these guys really have any trade value right now other than SJ13. Maybe we could get a low pick for TJ but we surely won’t get back the 3rd we just spent on him, no one would touch Smith with that contract and Easley only has trade value here on TSW. Typically we'd have around 10-12 WRs at the start of camp and that’s right about where we are. It should be a good camp battle. IMO SJ13, Graham, Woods & Goodwin are basically locks to make it. That leaves 1-2 spots for Smith, Easley, Rogers, Kaufman and the few others to compete for. Keep the talent we have so when injuries hit, we’re not pulling guys off the street.
  11. If NE* is willing to trade him to us, I don’t want him. IMO, if BB thinks he’s good, he’s not trading him in the division where he’ll have to face him twice a year. BB would only do that if he believed he wasn’t a threat and that he could beat him...like when he traded Bledsoe to us.
  12. You never know. Who’s to say that the kicker drafted in the 6th will turn out to be any good? At that point it’s mostly based on potential and is kind of a crap shoot. There are a bunch of guys in the league that were drafted in the 6th or lower. Maybe we find the next SJ13, Donald Driver or even Mr. Butt Chin. As of right now, compared to other positions, I just don’t think that a kicker is really high on the list of needs because I don’t know for certain that Lindell cannot hit from 50+. I’d rather find a position player with all the physical tools that needs some time to develop.
  13. We have too many holes to draft a kicker 2 years in a row. I’d rather bring Potter back for camp to see if he’s been working on his FG accuracy or another UDFA than using a pick on a kicker. I also don’t really know if Lindell can’t make a 50+ yard kick anymore or if Chan was too much of a wuss to even try for the fear of giving the opponent good field position. Based on some of the interviews Lindell gave last year, he alluded that he thought he could make it but Chan never gave him a chance…I also know that it seems like the player is the last to realize he can’t do it anymore. I’m all for bringing in some serious competition for #9 (not just a camp leg) and let the best man win.
  14. I don’t completely disagree with that but if the coaching staff and/or the QB doesn’t trust that the WR will be where they’re supposed to be consistently, they’ll never get that experience or repetition because they’ll be on the bench. They’ve got to show some progress in practice and in meetings to prove that they are mentally getting it.
  15. I’ve got to disagree with you on this part. IMO, it’s very difficult and one of the reasons it takes many young WRs a few years to make an impact and why so many of them flame out. The WR has to read the defense the exact same way the QB does or the timing and/or the route could be way off. Rarely does the WR just line up and run a set pattern like many of them did in college, there are so many adjustments built into just about every play. The best example I can think of to give you is the Steelers vs. Cowgirls SB in the mid 90’s. The WR and QB weren’t on the same page at least twice. The QB read the defense one way, the WR another. It lead to 2 big INTs and most of us knowing who Larry Brown is.
  16. Watch out for the blindside hit or she'll be calling it captain check down.
  17. My favorite line: "and sometimes it was hard to figure out what was going through Gailey’s head." That sums up the 2012 Buffalo Bills nicely.
  18. I’m glad they didn’t tender him because the amount of the tender was way more than he is worth but I agree with you in that I wish he were still on the team. I really thought they were going to try to sign him to a deal that made sense for both sides…like 2-3 years at about $400-500k per year. Maybe they will bring him back later on this year but I think that's doubtful. Oh well, good luck with the visit to the Browns.
  19. If you cross Kraft or the Pats*, you’ll never be allowed anywhere near that team again. Hell, he’d probably get the reporter that doubted him fired. Kraft likes to spin the numbers/facts to his benefit. Just like he stated that the Pats* offered WW more money than the Broncos did (even though the total is $2 mil less) because they offered more money in the 1st year and there’s no guaranty of the 2nd year.
  20. Myself personally, as long as I have confidence in my abilities and my body still feels good enough to take the pounding of a 16 game schedule, I want to start for the crappy team because I’d feel like I can help them become a winning team. I would get more personal satisfaction out of leading a notoriously bad franchise to the playoffs than riding the bench on an already good team to try and get my ring. This is how I voted. Now if I’m Hasselbeck, who’s had back issues for a few years now, I don’t know that my body can handle that anymore and would be more willing to accept a backup role to stay in the league. If I’m going to do that, I want to be on a good team so I could possibly get that ring. Either way, I'd want to keep the dream alive as long as possible...as long as my skills haven't deteriorated so much that I'm embarrassing myself.
  21. Yes it is. As a Mets fan I’ve always found this to be really interesting. Bobby Bo and his agents negotiated one of the greatest contract buyouts ever!!!! The Mets will be paying him just under $2 mil per year from 2011 through 2036. Sorry to go off topic but here’s a link explaining how it came about. http://www.celebritynetworth.com/articles/entertainment-articles/bobby-bonilla-baseball-contract/ As for Fitz, good for him. Good guy, hard worker, subpar QB. Even with all his struggles, I still enjoyed watching him play more than any of the other QBs we’ve had since Bledsoe…how sad is that?? IMO, Locker would have to flat out fall on his face or get injured for Fitz to see the field. This will be Locker’s make or break year and I think TN will give him every opportunity to be the guy and will give him the benefit of the doubt if he struggles. No way Fitz beats him out by week 5 as someone else posted.
  22. Just think of all the supplemental draft picks we’ll get next year!!!!
  23. Because the Bills are irrelevant and have been since the 90s. Until that changes, it’ll be same ole, same ole. The Jets get more attention because they’re a circus and the Giants are not. If you think Brady & the Pats* give them wood, Tim Tebow must be the happy ending.
  24. Watch him play a game or 2 and you'll quickly realize why his name hasn't been brought up...even for this disfunctional franchise. Chris Simms is on the Pats* coaching staff.
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