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Everything posted by DefenseWins

  1. I also find it just a bit unrealistic to think that after sitting out all the preseason that Bell will look like his old self in wk 1 against a Bills defense that will be ready to knock him on his a$$.
  2. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...
  3. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/08/19/bills-release-e-j-gaines-with-injury-settlement/
  4. I'm just glad he didn't come here. Give me Brown and Beasley any day over AB
  5. The Don Beebe helmet? Are you thinking of the "Gizmo" helmet worn by Mark Kelso perhaps?
  6. Let's begin with the players who were forced to retire due to injuries/medical conditions (Eric Wood and Aaron Williams). How is Beane in any way "responsible" for creating their problems/conditions. And did he turn Incognito into a "psycho" too? Really! And what role did Beane play in forcing/cajoling Vontae Davis into retiring at half-time?? Does anyone out there really wish we could have Tyrod playing QB for this team instead of Josh Allen??? And then there is Marcel. Better to have a DL who is into drag racing and imbibing synthetic MJ and underperforming out there on the field??? Gimme a break....
  7. You also have to keep in mind that after having to watch Ryan Tannehill play these last several years I can understand how Fitz can SEEM to be a big improvement - at least at first...
  8. The bottom line here is that if you are an NFL player you don't put ANYTHING in your body unless you are SURE that it is not on the banned list. My only question on this is whether the NFL would have/could have granted him "permission" if he had petitioned them IN ADVANCE for permission - assuming this whole "Fertility Treatment" is actually even legit. This on top of the Giants other WR injuries puts them at an even greater disadvantage to the Bills in Week #2. Sterling Shepard has a broken thumb and Corey Coleman out with a torn ACL. It would be a great start to the NFL season if the Bills beat both NJ teams and go 2-0 out of the starting gate.
  9. I think both these teams have improved since last season and that they are very similar in most respects. Each team has question marks that will unfold as the season goes along. Coaching I'd give the edge to McD over Gase. Overall I think injuries will be the primary determining factor separating the two teams final record.
  10. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/07/06/frank-gore-may-be-third-all-time-in-carries-and-yards-by-the-end-of-the-year/ Barring injury to McCoy I don't see it... If Singletary is gonna be sharing time as well I don't see enough carries to go around...
  11. As I recall, Bon Jovi never actually had 1.4 Billion that the Pegula's reportedly paid for the franchise. And as for Trump, latest news reports appear to indicate that he didn't have the funds either and may have committed "bank fraud" with regard to his application/bid... I think most of us would agree that the Bills will NEVER be able to command the PSL fees nor the kind of "suite sales" that major markets could. But with the coming of "legalized gambling" that is being talked about right now in addition to the fact that the Bills regularly sell out the stadium, the Bills franchise still brings in a rather tidy sum of money into Pegula's and the NFL's coffers. Obviously, there will most likely be someone out there with the funds to purchase the team IF it were ever put up for sale, But the Pegula's don't seem to be in any particular hurry to build a new stadium and certainly they are not losing money on the team. At some point a new stadium will be built. I don't believe that further remodeling of New Era would be an option. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out...
  12. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/06/30/bills-stadium-situation-is-a-big-big-nut-to-crack/
  13. If the NYG end up starting Jones early-on in the season the entire season could go up in flames prematurely, though that may already be the inevitable result of Gettleman's moves both this year and last year. Passing on Darnold/Allen for Barkley was insane. I wouldn't be surprised to see Gettleman and Shurmer fired at the end of the season. Then the new GM can draft another QB for the Giants next year... For once it looks like the Bills are gonna luck out in this madness known as the NFL Draft.
  14. I don't think Bills fans were ever as hating on the JA pick last year compared to the fan reactions of Giants fans to Daniel Jones... Do I feel sorry for them? NO! But maybe we should be happy that the Giants waited till this year to select a QB....
  15. I think that in the long run, Allen and the Bills are gonna benefit from having played Allen so much last year. And having the same HC and OC for two years in a row will also benefit Josh. Compare that with all the BS that "the other Josh" has been going through. Everything I have read and seen about/from Allen would seem to indicate that he may just be the real deal. It's been a long time comin....
  16. What gives me optimism about Allen and the Bills is their respective attitudes. Allen seems to want to be the best and has shown leadership qualities that will inspire his team mates to gel into a team around him. He even seems to have gotten McCoy on his side rather quickly. Hopefully, Allen will throw the ball more, for shorter completions and run a bit less. At the very least, taking a shot on Allen has been a good decision for this front office. We won't know for sure whether Allen is the real deal for a couple more years. I am optimistic though.
  17. I never mentioned "cutting" him. I was explaining the rationale to signing Lee Smith...
  18. Kroft, after breaking the same foot twice now is not dependable. Time to move on. Lee Smith is a veteran who knows how to run the plays and what his role is and is valuable for those reasons. He won't hurt you out there and is dependable.
  19. Playing the Steelers in Pittsburgh is far from easy... I have that down as a likely loss IMHO...
  20. The Bills are #........ Not on the list!
  21. Assuming Allen stays healthy I would expect 8 wins or more. With a full training camp behind him as the unquestioned starter and the progress we have already seen that would seem to be a good starting point for him. It should be a fun season.
  22. I think you take the 6 best WR (hopefully no serious injuries occur) Can Williams adjust to the NFL? Does Zay take one of these spots and run with it? Beasley, Brown, Foster and Roberts assuming they play up to their abilities would seem locks to make the final roster. Sills could go on the Practice Squad if he shows anything. Or maybe one of the other guys steps forward... Time will tell...
  23. One real issue though to consider is that "rookies" tend to burn out late in their 1st season simply because they are not used to the long grind involved from training camp through the end of the 16 game regular season and then any playoff games...
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