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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. Fred Jackson. The only jersey I will wear 30 years from now. The light during the drought. He is the one I will tell my grandkids about when I take them to games one day.
  2. There are a lot of posters on this board I shake my head at everyday, but I believe very few of them would score 13 on the Wonderlic. The Ravens offense is simple for a reason. It's not about making Lamar throw to beat him......it's about making him think. That's how you defeat Jackson and put an end to this temporary hype.
  3. Jackson is the flavor of the month. The eye test of him throwing the ball says it all about what his career will be. Harbaugh and Roman are the superstars here. One of NFL history's greatest examples of maximizing a weak QB's strengths to the limit. Reading the hype the last few weeks makes me feel like I'm in bizarro world. What worries me is the Raven organization's extraordinary will to win and unreal execution & blocking. That's the true story here. Will the Bills bend to the Ravens expectation of victory? The game tomorrow will be physical and even more so, mental. Are the Bills mentally prepared to take the next step? Is Josh mentally ready to become a national superstar? Is the media ready to put their original narratives in the trash? Are the fans ready for the thrashing we're going to give Jackson tomorrow?
  4. Darnold is good. Don't quit on him yet. He's going to be what Tannehill was supposed to be in our division. Our franchise QB's arch-nemesis.
  5. Jerry knows the truth about the Pats and the officials.
  6. Some guys just get around more than others. That's how we know. How you wish the world to be is not always how it is. Some people never learn at any age.
  7. He's obviously better than how he performed for us in the regular season. There is some backup QB talent there. Definitely some brains. But he has a severe case of the yips in the regular season. If I was Gruden, I would give Peterman clean-up duty in regular season blow-outs. Take some pressure off him. Get him in slowly. He was thrown into the fire too fast in Buffalo.
  8. What's your argument against what I said?
  9. Why is it apples to oranges? From a pure ethical perspective, why is lying or selfishness (an innate negative quality) not considered equal or worse to a man-made law? Think outside the box. Left field is not a bad thing.
  10. I believe it's important for everybody to be informed on the big picture before casting judgement on anybody. Understanding the common nature of coke use in nightlife is important when looking at this case if you'd like to get past basic duality in your view of things. Just because you consider yourself healthy, does not mean that you are a perfect person in every other aspect of your life. Perhaps there is an area of your life where you are making equally poor decisions, and you look the other way because it is commonplace (lying, selfishness, etc.). Not accusing you of any of these, but giving you a thought experiment since everybody has a vice. Are you really a better person than Chung because you don't do drugs? Is there anything you do that's immature for your age? Socially acceptable is not equal to ethical. Those are two different arguments.
  11. Exactly. It's what weed was 20 years ago. Socially acceptable in the right crowds.
  12. Don't know what you're talking about, Officer.
  13. You're thinking of crack. Which would make you the racist one. Truth doesn't go down well for everyone, but coke isn't a big deal in "baller" circles. Everyone either does it, or is around it. There is a reason my comment got 3 likes and 4 disapprovals. You either know what's up, or you don't (or don't want to). Thank you for seeing the big picture here.
  14. I mean....how much cocaine? It doesn't say. Hate to break it to the squares here, but half the NFL does cocaine. Was Chung in possession for use or was he dealing?
  15. I'll tell you why. First off, for a reason I am not sure of, Cleveland is a much better-known city across the USA than Buffalo. I've lived all over the country and I can tell you that while maybe half of the people know where or what Buffalo is ("Is that like near NYC?"), everybody recognizes Cleveland as a city in Ohio. This manifests in several ways, for example, Cleveland being recognized as the most "suffering sports city" pre-Cavs championship despite Buffalo being at the very least equal to whatever heartbreak they have had. That always annoyed me. Next is Lebron James. He REALLY put Cleveland on the map. By staying with the Cavs for so many years, taking them deep in the playoffs every year, thousands of interviews and press conference, etc. The sports media has been camping out in Cleveland for 15 years going back to his high school days in Akron. Cleveland is always on their mind, as well as the country's since that is Lebron's team. Even when he was in Miami, the drama with Cleveland was always on everybody's mind. People underestimate the popularity that Hard Knocks brought to the Browns. Everybody always whines about how they would hate Hard Knocks covering the Bills, but it would bring thousands of new fans and much more media attention (positive and negative) that would help national TV viewership (more prime-time games), more merchandise, and more (or costlier) ticket sales. All my friends were talking about Hard Knocks last summer. Everybody seems to have an opinion about Hue Jackson. It seems only two years ago I was the only guy who knew who he was, having lived in Oakland while he was the coach. Now he's a household name for casual fans. Baker Mayfield was a college football star at Oklahoma and media darling. Every year or two there is a QB like this in College Football that grabs everyone's attention (Manziel, Tebow, etc.). Naturally, casual fans assume the skills in college will translate to the pros. Whatever you think about his playing ability, he has a strong alpha-leader personality, has charisma, and is not shy to open his mouth. This type of stuff brings eyeballs, is magnified at the QB position, and is multiplied by Hard Knocks and college notoriety. To top it off, Cleveland is taking a page out of Kansas City's playbook by surrounding a young, talented QB with elite talent. OBJ is an extraordinary WR talent and Jarvis Landry (and many Bills fans will disagree due to this history with us) is, in my opinion, a borderline HOF player by the time he retires. That's why Cleveland is hot stuff right now. Buffalo, on the other hand, gives off "eh" vibes to the rest of the country. Acting like you know about advanced stats is very popular right now, and Josh Allen is the antithesis of this. Lots of journalistic and blogger reputations on the line with Josh Allen. If he does well, they rather it be kept quiet and then picked apart later. Shady is old and looks really bad with the lady stuff and cop fights, true or not. And what else is going on? McDermott is vanilla. Our defense is solid but no superstars. This offseason Beane raised our floor (and did a fantastic job) but did not raise our ceiling anywhere near the level Cleveland has. This all stinks, I know. But hopefully, that answers your question.
  16. Not allowed to criticize Pats players on this Bills forum.
  17. Is she the best coach for the job? Or is this just required for the NFL minority program? Let's be real.
  18. Until we lose again, then they come out of the woodwork. They feed on doubt and negativity. Banning is the best move IMO.
  19. What is a legit excuse? From how I feel, and people I've spoken to, lots of people are sick of the Patriots. If you're experiences are different then say so, but don't tell me what I'm seeing and hearing is false.
  20. 100% The Patriots dynasty took the air out of a lot of NFL fans. Even if people don't admit it, deep down they know a lot of Pats games in particular are fixed somehow. The game is softer than it ever was, and the pregame shows are just trash with zero insight, personal stories nobody cares about, talking over each other, and fake laughter. I get excited in the offseason but I lose a lot of my passion during the season when I see how much the refs can control the game with subjective holding and PI calls, and now defensive hits. The joy and excitement isn't there anymore, at least not like it used to be. Sunday used to be like Christmas morning, not anymore.
  21. You must hate that we made the playoffs last year. I've been noticing your posts around this board along with a few other active accounts with a very similar tone. It would do the fanbase a lot of good for moderators to just ban you. I do not believe you are genuine in your negativity, rather you want to bring people down and incite emotion.
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