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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. You will once he pans out. The only QB in this draft with superstar potential.
  2. Right on. It's as if we're on year 19 of the drought. I'm also convinced 90%+ of fans did not watch more than 60 seconds of Allen film. They just never heard of him, heard he's completely raw, look at his completion %, don't know anything about Wyoming, and want to draft the guys they heard of, like Mayfield. I felt the same way UNTIL I watched the film. I saw what the NFL scouts saw. When I watched a few interviews with him I was sold. I've been rooting to trade up for him for weeks.
  3. The greatest mistake a person can make is thinking negativity leads to success. It only leads to more negativity and more problems. They literally create more negativity, and then they pat themselves on the back for seeing it coming, despite achieving nothing at the end of the day. Positivity breeds positivity. We have superstar potential at QB right now. Have we had that since Kelly? Kid has a great head on his shoulders (the tweets say more about the lowlifes who digged them up on draft day for a storyline than about Allen), is willing to learn, has fantastic size, the best arm in the NFL, good mobility, etc. The type of player a casual fan would watch MNF for. What an exciting offense we could have! Let's put our differences aside and come together for this kid. Make him feel welcome. Give him an introduction that we've never given a QB before. Build his confidence, and have faith in him on his bad days. Let's help CREATE this superstar QB for this city and this team. We deserve it!
  4. You can't hit a home run unless you swing for the fences. People say this stinks of EJ, but it's clear they never watched film. Allen has superstar potential at the most important position in the game. This city deserves a superstar QB. There should be more support of this pick IMO. Rosen's vibe repels me.
  5. Different front office. Different owner. Same fans.
  6. NFL Football is a subconscious advertisement for war. That's why the military loves to advertise themselves before games under the guise of "patriotism". It's making a subconscious connection between what you see on the field and the US military. Insidious stuff. As more and more people start to be against war in general, the more football's ratings will drop. There is no fixing this sport. It is not, and has never been a beautiful game like basketball, hockey, soccer, or baseball.
  7. When's Pegula going to fire his right hand man Cliff Benson for being on the board of directors of Second Mile, the charity Gerry Sandusky used to molest children. Or at least speak on the matter. The chickens will come home to roost, Terry. Pegula shouldn't be a moral arbiter of anything.
  8. I like this kid a lot. Looked like a stud compared to his competition. I know the cons of that since he played at Richmond, but still. He impressed me. Could be a steal in the 3rd. Any other year I would say go for it, but not with this kind of talent available in the 1st round. Personally, I want Allen, then Darnold, then Lauletta.
  9. Half the people on ESPN shouldn't be in front of a camera talking about sports. The ones that should like ex-players and coaches, are terrified to say anything off-script. We need a new sports channel, and Fox/NBC are not the answer.
  10. He's a risk, and a majority of people don't know how to recognize talent. What they do instead is look at stats (the ones they are told are important), the teams and level of competition, how popular the player was in college, and the team's record. All important, sure, but just parts of a greater whole. It's also kinda hip right now to like Rosen and hate Allen. There's a reason he's going to be a top 3 pick next week. He's got a rare skill set, he's smart, and he's moldable. Sometimes you gotta swing for the fences, and Allen is a potential Grand Slam, or a potential strikeout. I think he's a Grand Slam.
  11. I used to love sitting around on my couch both days with a draft magazine and learn about the teams and the guys getting drafted. Now it's just trash. The useless post-draft interviews, the buzz words and talking points, the commercials, the focus on big market teams and QBs. I only watch the 1st round now and check the NFL website for later picks.
  12. I like him a lot, but there's also a part of me that sees Ryan Mallett in him. Incredible, incredible arm though. Superstar talent.
  13. Hopefully he will be the prospect that makes people knock advanced analytics down a peg. In sports, analytics should be supplementary, not the primary method of analysis. What was one thing he said that was wrong?
  14. Not really, but if anybody says it's not nice to have pretty girls to look at during a game, they're lying. It doesn't hurt to have them there. Pay them a decent salary and let them date players. Never understood this attraction to Kim Pegula.
  15. I've also recently decided that Josh Allen is the best QB in the class. It's a ballsy move to trade up for him, but after watching his interviews, only the Bills coaching staff could screw him up. If he lands in a good coaching situation, he will become a superstar IMO. An athletic Ben Roethlisberger. A must watch if he's on MNF. I see Darnold in the Bradford, Stafford, Cutler category. Rosen really turns me off for some reason. Lamar Jackson I see as a stronger, tougher, slower Tyrod Taylor. Baker Mayfield turns me off, and Rudolph I like but I don't think he'll be better than say, AJ McCarron. A sleeper I think is Kyle Lauletta from Richmond. If I was GM and I couldn't get Allen, I would wait for the top of the 3rd to draft Lauletta, and stock up on all other needs. He could be a star QB IMO.
  16. Is he the knucklehead, or is the system a joke? Make the people fear expressing themselves.
  17. Listen to what Jalen Rose had to say on ESPN about it. Thinks it might've been staged due to how difficult it is to get into that part of the Barclays Center. http://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=23048094
  18. The Jets trading up may have been a blessing in disguise. AJ might be the franchise guy we have been looking for since Kelly. Stock up on great players at every other position. Be like the Seahawks a few years back. Cheap Russell Wilson and great players surrounding him on offense and defense.
  19. Unless he's trying to destroy the Patriot's future teams before he leaves.
  20. It's funny I was just watching "Blue Chips" last night starring Nick Nolte as a coach who paid college players to attend his school. There was a scene where he was told one of his players got paid for point shaving several years earlier. In total denial, he sat with his assistants and rewatched the game in question until there was no doubt a player was turning the ball over on purpose. After what is rumored to have happened to Derek Carr earlier this year, I have no doubt players would let their QB out to dry (especially if there is a racial divide), but more likely in this case is that Mills got approached by some wise guys from Vegas who offered to double his meager NFL salary if he turned into a turnstile against the Chargers. They knew Peterman wouldn't be able to handle that kind of pressure in his first start. Just my thoughts. And that it's more common than everyone would like to believe
  21. The dynasty is falling apart. Very clear to see. There's conspiracy videos on Youtube about Belichick throwing the game to piss off Kraft and Brady. I don't think they're insane. There might be some truth to it. Belichick might be staying on board one more year to make sure the Pats become a bottom dweller after he leaves.
  22. Exactly, it's Barkley they want. Willing to bet they already have an offer with the Bills ready to go (including Jerry Hughes) in case Barkley goes #1.
  23. Has anybody questioned McMahon on whether or not the games would be rigged? We're talking the owner of professional wrestling here. A lot of people are quitting the NFL due to the rigging of games towards favored teams. I support the XFL since it will bring the downfall of the NFL, but I won't watch it if it's the same old song.
  24. There should be a compromise. Get a third party doctor to check him out and if he agrees, remove part of the cap hit. Not that it can't be rigged, it's still better than giving a team an 8.2M cap hit because the guy can't play anymore (in the most violent sport in the world).
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