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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. Exactly. Training for the hardest job in sports. If the coaching staff loves him, and they see him everyday, I'm interesting in seeing more. Your thought process is nasty. And says a lot about how you view yourself when you have a bad day. I hope Peterman has more self-esteem.
  2. Very good decisiveness. Quick release. Glaringly obvious when compared to Tyrod. Look at him like a scout, not like a fan. Undersized and potentially weak arm, sure. But there is some potential upstairs. SD game was terrible, everyone agrees, but imagine everybody gave up on you on your first day at the job.
  3. I'm also heard from various people that the Bills love Peterman. Everybody should be suspicious since the Dunkirk Don thing, but I do believe he did have a source which he used for selfish gain rather than telling the whole truth. Wouldn't surprise me to be honest. Peterman does show flashes. Darnold would be incredible if we get him. I'm all in for trading up. Especially if Allen rises up the board and Darnold drops a little.
  4. People are too confident when they state there is no conspiracy. http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/nba/miami-heat/article185419418.html https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/01/sports/soccer/fixed-matches-cast-shadow-over-world-cup.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/tennis/2017/07/19/three-wimbledon-matches-part-latest-tennis-match-fixing-probe/
  5. I used to think the players were involved (and it might happen during the Super Bowl), but now I believe it's like Tim Donaghy said, it's just the league and the refs. To understand how a game is easily fixed by making the opposing team make more plays than the other team, watch this. The delay of game calls in particular are unexplainable. It's time to wake up. It hurts, but better to know than to remain ignorant. After watching the video, you will understand how the Pats came back today, and why we rarely beat the Pats.
  6. Again, you said nothing. You'll be exposed soon.
  7. Insult, with no explanation as to why the other person is wrong. Every time. You suck at your job. Get a new template.
  8. Nice spin. This is worse for the NFL. It's not just concussions, but hits in general. This sport is toast. Sorry Mr. WEO. Your NFL paychecks will come to an end soon.
  9. I supported you at the beginning but it turns out your goal was to manipulate the fanbase. I still believe you have a legitimate source with the Bills, but I don't trust you to give us the truth about what they say. I am no longer following you or believing strongly any of the things you say. I'll fight to the death for somebody I believe is the real deal, but I'm no longer defending you. That should tell you something.
  10. The man makes a living off the misery of others. Let's ignore him please. I wish him health and healing with his personal issues.
  11. They strike me as flavor of the month. Same with the Rams.
  12. The only teams I think we would solidly lose to are the Steelers, Patriots, and Saints. I think we have a good shot against everybody else. If we beat the Jags and somehow beat the Pats and not have to face the Steelers and avoid the Saints....well, it's realistic to win the big one. We have momentum. We need to be like 2013 Flacco and the Ravens in these playoffs.
  13. Funny how we make the playoffs supposedly right before the announcement of a new stadium. And during what was supposed to be a below average year. Watch us have a solid playoff team for the next 3-5 years until they sell out the seat licenses, then back to mediocrity. How many calls went our way on the last Miami and Cincinnati drives? When does that ever happen for us? Explains the Triplette smirking.
  14. Try suggesting the games are fixed and see how long the thread lasts.
  15. Boycotting games is the best thing you can do. That hits them where it hurts. The lower ratings are already happening. Do you part folks! Turn off all Pats games! Especially if they're in the playoffs or SB.
  16. There was an intense PR campaign to make Marrone look bad after the 9-7 season. 20/20 hindsight, the NFL might have made a deal with the Pegulas to bring in Rex Ryan to bring more attention to the team. I always felt the Marrone hatred was weird, and the way the local media piled on. Something was always off about it.
  17. The "punching the hood of the police car" story makes sense. I heard multiple cops ran out of their cars with clubs in their hand and started attacking a guy. Cast a real pall over the bus lot. Also stories about cops looking for coke dealers at the stadium. Cops are too hyper IMO, looking for action. No true concern for public well being. Pure ego motivated.
  18. I'm glad the fanbase is starting to see the truth. There has been a vested interest in seeing the Patriots win for over a decade now, going back to the Patriot Act of 2001. Coincidence? "I'm not a conspiracy theorist but.....". Stop caring what people think. Truth is truth. This is bigger than money or ratings. What's really going on in New England?
  19. Gaines is out. DD gets another one right. Great call Don!
  20. Pretty clear he's the real deal to me. Lots of forum sliding happening. Don, I would recommend taking all of your best information and putting it in one solid post for new readers who don't want to go through 90+ pages. Also try Buffalo Rumblings, but you might find the usual suspects showing up there to shout you down. Trust that there are a lot of people who want to hear your info. I'd say it is 90/10, with most of the 10% having interests in discrediting you. Just make it as easy as possible for them to see all of it in one place.
  21. I heard the police were very overzealous at the lot. Wasn't there, but it wouldn't surprise me it went overboard. That might be why the police "showed restraint".
  22. Don, Keep in mind that many of the "fans" giving you a hard time on this board have an "interest" in discrediting leakers. They are not really fans and are in fact employees. Their goal is to frustrate you, get you to leave, get you in a fight, and convince neutral readers that you have already been discredited. The best defense is to not engage them in any way. Just know that there are many people here who appreciate your input. Please continue with the information you have.
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