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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. Ivory will be a fan favorite. I'll go as far as saying he is an elite RB2. Will get more carries than expected. I wouldn't draft Shady too high this year in fantasy football. Jones will surprise a lot of people as RB3, and Cadet will take a lot of receptions too. We have a great RB corp this year. The question is the O-line.
  2. Kelvin Benjamin - Good WR1, great WR2. Strong intermediate to long threat. Great red zone guy. Can out jump guys for long balls, but something about his build and the way he runs, his injury proneness makes me nervous to work him too much on long routes. I don't see him as a home run type guy that we need with Allen. If you watch his highlights with Newton, most of his big plays were 30-40 yard passes, which most NFL QBs can make. Zay Jones - Potential to be a great WR2/WR3 hybrid. Short to intermediate guy, Jeremy Kerley - Another WR2/WR3 hybrid that can go long, but not elite speed. Rod Streater - Can go long, but more like a rich man's Deonte Thompson. Brandon Reilly- WR2/WR3 potential Andre Holmes - End zone guy This WR corp is built to be good at short and intermediate throws, with the occasional 30-40 yard throw to Benjamin or Kerley/Streater. Josh Allen has a top 5 arm in the NFL already, where is his AJ Green? Where is his Don Beebe? Heck, we could use a Goodwin right now. Who is he going to throw the ball 60 yards to? This team was built with the expectation of a Peterman, Cousins, Bradford, McCarron type QB coming here. Next year the team will need to pick up better WRs. With the Chris Ivory pickup, we're going to have a strong run game, with a game manager, pocket passer type QB. Allen will start next year, unless something goes wrong. This roster will limit him this year.
  3. Looking at the offense, this team is currently built for McCarron or Peterman to be the starting QB. They need to draft or sign some elite speedsters when Allen is ready to start. Kerley and Streater aren't close to enough.
  4. I'm actually a very positive guy, but I hit hard when I see something that needs to be said. So I'm discounting your first and last paragraphs. I don't like the way the Pegulas run their sports business, and besides McDermott which they struck gold with, have been awful at hiring the right people at every level. They also take too long to throw out the trash. A sign of poor instincts. What does "well-documented" mean? What's been written in fluff pieces? Again, we don't know if it's lip service or not and in the PR game, it sounds like lip service to me. What does "partnership" mean? Is she a secretary? Does she crunch numbers? Does she make macro decisions? Can she manage people? What the hell is this person good at? She's a "member of things", she has a "voice". Get out of here. I got a bridge to sell you. I care about this city and the sports teams, and I won't be silenced if I smell a bad odor. And I don't like you accusing me of being the kind of person to "hip check" old ladies. You don't know me, and you don't know my character. Your cutesy way of arguing is lame and disrespectful, and frankly passive aggressive. You wrote 3 paragraphs and made maybe 1 or 2 points.
  5. Doesn't look that fast on film. Maybe he'll do better with a strong armed QB.
  6. He's a nice find. Surprised he went undrafted. I see him as a decent WR2/WR3 hybrid. Great at catching contested balls and finding soft spots in the zone. Is deceptively athletic enough to run sweeps. The type of guy that would kill you slowly if he was on the Patriots. I like him better than McCloud (a 4th/5th receiver) and Proehl (an OK possession receiver). His QBs at Nebraska didn't have the best arms so he's used to not running too far out. Not sure how well he would handle Allen's deep ball and if he's fast enough to reach it, but he can take on a poor man's Robert Woods type role. Keep an eye out, he'll make an NFL roster if not ours. Can get you 500-600 yards and 4-5 TDs a year in the NFL.
  7. What I read was a bunch of vague praise. She's a member of a bunch of committees, she's "involved", she has a "voice". In my business career I've worked with many people who were a member of every little thing and always had something to say (rarely of value) and sometimes they were even listened to, but it never meant they needed to be any higher than low-level or mid-level positions. I've yet to see anything to show that Kim Pegula has earned that position other than being comfortable hanging out around other billionaires. She seems ambitious and motivated, even pushy. All good, most of the time. But again, those qualities are supplementary to wisdom, experience, level-headedness, shrewdness, etc. From what I've seen, I have not seen anything to tell me she has earned this position in any way other than being Terry Pegula's wife. Seeing as how incompetent Pegula is as a sports owner and talent evaluator, I have big concerns about Kim Pegula.
  8. Interested in hearing more about that. About the BN, good riddance. Time to clean up the vibe around this city and the sports teams.
  9. Great receiver. Your thoughts create your reality, people. Watch him blow up.
  10. Looking at college tape, AJ is a very steady and calm QB who has enough arm strength in the NFL to be a good starting game manager. Surround him with a good team and he can take you to the playoffs. Makes great intermediate throws in tight spots, can move around the pocket, and is pretty decisive. His ceiling is higher than Andy Dalton in my opinion. Does not use his feet as much though. Peterman is undersized and jittery. Does not have good arm strength but his release is very fast and he has great zip and accuracy on his balls. I see what McDermott sees in him, but I don't believe he can be a good starter in this league. I think his ceiling is smart and surprisingly good backup QB. He will be a backup on this team as long as McDermott is here. Can surprise you with some 300 yard games. AJ is going to win the job this offseason. Would be very surprised if he doesn't. Should get us anywhere from 8-8 to 10-6 depending on how everyone else plays. Next year we can start talking about AJ vs. Allen. Allen's ceiling is top 3-5 superstar QB, in case anybody was wondering. Allen can probably start this year, but AJ is too steady a QB in general to take that risk. No need to rush things.
  11. First off, let me start by saying that I don't like that you are here and stop by every BN thread. People will hold back on their true opinions when you are here. Furthermore, I do not believe you when you say you are here to answer questions and learn, I believe you were hired by BN for one reason, and that is damage control and controlling the image/brand. The #1 thing people ask of the BN is consistent and obvious, better writers. Sullivan and Harrington have a disgusting stench about them that can be smelled from several counties over. They are awful, and in my controversial opinion contribute to the team's losing by bringing an awful negative energy to the Sabres and Bills. Any positive articles they write always come off to me as disingenuous and a favor to the editor. They are petty and can never be wrong. You talk about having a fan writing articles (nobody cares), talking about off-field charity (nobody truly cares and it's usually PR nonsense and tax writeoffs for the sports leagues, write about that), and gambling which some people care about but I personally think corrupts everything about sports. And then you ignore the elephant in the room. AKA the only thing that anybody really cares about. All the inexpensive, supplementary band-aids in the world won't fix that primary issue. Look, I don't care about the $2.99 fee, you guys are going out of business regardless. Your overall business model is unsustainable in 2018. You would charge more if you had anything resembling quality. You'll probably be sold in a few years after Buffett passes or completely steps down. I know you have no control over Sullivan and Harrington and are probably sick of coming on here everyday dancing around the issue and being inauthentic, but your boss's addiction to the status quo is the downfall of your paper. What people really want is fresh and exciting stories. And silver linings in the cloud. "How high is Josh Allen's ceiling?", "Could the Bills win the Super Bowl this year?", "Let's hear fan's ideas for their dream Bills stadium, no idea is off limits!". Instead we get Harrington calling out Pegula's daughter for hiding behind her dog's Twitter handle. Great journalism. Let's hear more of Harrington's personal beefs with teenagers. There are many stories for you to write about that are interesting and get clicks. Why are sports leagues suddenly pushing gambling and the Vegas Knights at the same time? What's up with Cliff Benson and Second Mile? Is the Italian mob still alive and active behind the scenes in the Buffalo community (answer : yes)? Any undisclosed conflicts of interests between fan message boards and sports teams? Lots of untouched trails.
  12. Every fan is invested in that team emotionally, and what it means to the community is priceless. We have every right to know who's running it. Nobody ever really asked and I'm not one to look the other way just because you kept the team in Buffalo. When a developer wants to build a park, he needs the permission of the associations around it. They have the right to ask questions. Why can't we? Why should we be cool with some billionaire treating the team we love like his own personal toy, putting his wife in charge, and not telling us anything? I personally believe the Buffalo Bills belong to the fans 100%. I believe the team should be publicly owned. As for sexist, think of it more as nepotism.
  13. It's some sort of low self esteem thing. Wealthy people are better than us, and we don't deserve to know anything about the people that are running this city. We have as much right to know as anybody else.
  14. That's what I'm asking. Who remembers him, and what do they remember about him and his character. I can ask that question about every successful person in WNY or from WNY and somebody will chime in and remember them. But I've never heard anything from anybody about the Pegulas. We're allowed to ask these questions.
  15. I'm curious if anybody from here knew or knows anybody who knew Terry and Kim Pegula pre-2010, and definitely pre-fracking days. From what I understand Terry grew up in PA and became a Sabres fan somehow, and Kim is from Fairport. I'm curious to know what kind of people they and their families were back in the day. I just always found it odd that these people nobody every heard of came out of nowhere to buy the Sabres, claiming to be life long fans. And now they are the biggest investors in this city, and Kim Pegula, a woman whose resume is based on hearsay and her husband's success is taking over one of the highest positions on both sports teams. The fans deserve to vet them a little bit.
  16. What REALLY happened was that Brandon and Whaley used their connections in the local media (Buffalo News and WGR) to paint Marrone as this evil Saint Doug character and turn all the fans against him. Everybody fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Anybody supporting him was shouted down. Look what happened. We're lucky that we're doing well now, but we really screwed up with Marrone, especially choosing two immature and shady losers like Brandon and Whaley ahead of him, and then hiring Rex. Pegula showed his incompetence there. You don't need a lot of sports experience to sniff through those bums. I'll be honest, I question his business experience, much less his wife's. I'm thinking he lucked out with fracking, something nobody else has the balls to say.
  17. If I ever had the money or clout, I would start a sports radio station to compete with these losers. The city and the sports fans deserve better. Too many fans are brainwashed by these negative nancys.
  18. Smells like a scorned woman who was upset he wouldn't leave his wife. Brought the pillow talk to the Pegulas, and they fired him for whatever shady stuff she told them he was doing behind their back. Just my read on the situation.
  19. The strangest part about all of this is that I always assumed Brandon batted for the other team, if you know what I mean.
  20. Jokes aside, the timing is peculiar. At the very least, this resignation has been in the works for a while and was timed for after the draft. Look forward to hearing insider info about what really happened.
  21. As evil falls (New England), good rises (Buffalo). It is the prophecy
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