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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. THANK YOU !! THANK YOU !! THANK YOU !! Another competent, responsible adult parent that has the where with all to not only teach their children by example just how to be responsible when it comes to acquiring debt . It amazes me how there are so many people today that think it's okay to say they will pay back a debt & then just not due to a entitlement mentality . I commend you sir you are a outstanding parent/person & i'm sure your children are better people because of the examples you set forth for them ! By the way your last sentence is spot on !!
  2. Well to start out your reply with "Leader Pelosi" tells me all i need to know about your response ! If after all the BS she pulled while as the speaker with putting on african clothing to try and make people think she really & truly cared & then you believe that BS your should seek professional help . Just a suggestion . She and her cohorts are all above the law & will never even be brought to a hearing about it let alone a trial for those criminal actions ...
  3. Well seeing as PPP was what kept some companies from going under during the pandemic & they are more than likely still paying off the debt incurred by not making the amounts of money needed to keep their businesses a float i would say that a PPP loan forgiveness in some cases would be a very good thing . On the student loan forgiveness the only people that is helping is the students & by them forgiving that debt it puts the colleges in a place where they are at a loss of revenue so they have to in turn pass higher prices on to the new students in order to make up for the loss . But as usual when it comes to adding 2 + 2 your at a loss & can't figure it out . Why don't they just take all of the money that they give away so freely to other countries & take care of those here at home first - America first (where have i heard that before) If you sign on the dotted line that you will repay a debt that's on you & no one else & if you need to make enough money to pay it off do what most "AMERICANS" would do get a second job . That's the American way of the past & not the present entitlement & freeloaders rule todays America . Was can we get for free that's all that matters ...
  4. Can't say as i can blame him ! I do have a question though will he be getting paid any of his money in his contract for this season ? How does that work ? I know usually they get game checks but don't get paid in the off season but have often wondered as far as injuries go if they still get paid . Mika Hyde last season did he get paid after his injury last year ? & Tommy Doyle he's been hurt 2 seasons in a row now surely they can't just not pay them can they ?
  5. So unlike some politicians he at that time has said he hates the idea of it but would never make it law . How many other politicians have done the exact same thing ? For christ sake Joe has blatantly out & out lied many times on national TV saying that "if you get the vaccination you will not get the virus" Saying " i didn't know about any of my sons business dealings" & probably if we look back through out his illustrious career there could be a ton more found not to mention his plagiarism . So the Donald said back then what he said but changed his conviction to pander to those that he is trying to get votes from and the the surprise here is ? This is politician 1 0 1 !! If you don't believe me just listen to the now POTUS he does it all the time !!
  6. So then he is the prototypical politician is what this video tells us . They will say one thing then later look you right in the face and lie to you saying that they never said that . Perfect that's just what we need is another to joins the ranks of those in power now . I'm surprised he's not part of Joes cabinet already .
  7. Your a jack ass through & through in the political & life sense . This totally ally's to people like you !! Another Jack ass shows his political & real life allegiance to ignorants !!
  8. This is such a great picture it portrays how in todays all inclusive world that people even applaud a loser .
  9. They're all racists & white supremacist if they agree in any way something that Trump brings up so then there's that .
  10. BS no excuses here the excuses are coming rom them that want to sit on their ass & complain rather than get off their ass & make something happen with their god given right to vote then there are those like you that support the laziness . Everything i have ever got i my life i have got by getting off my ass & working for it weather it was getting up 1 day every 4 years to vote or getting up every day to go to work with a history of having a bad back which a lot of others would complain & use the system to sit home & do nothing yet i still went to work . So there ain't no excuses being made for any one here homy .
  11. Well screw them then ! But any one of those people can just jump in their cars or if they don't have one 1 time every 4 years call a friend and car pool to the voting booth and get it done racist be dammed !! After all it is 2023 and if you or any one is trying to use the excuse that they can't get there to vote they aren't trying because they can take 4 years to plan & if you can't plan 1 trip every 4 years you don't deserve the privilege .
  12. Is there anything to the fact that this guy was granted a scholarship by a Paul & Daisy Soros and that the Soros Foundation invested in his education ? Could this be the old Trojan Horse thing coming back to bight us in the A** ? Don't know much about this guy but he talks a good story just not real sure about his intentions .
  13. And a S**T ton that have & will keep coming across the boarder freely from the other side .
  14. Fair and reasonable to elect a candidate ? Equal opportunity to vote ? Just get off your A** and go to the places that are open to cast your vote show your legal ID what ever it may be & prove you are a citizen of the US AND FREAKIN VOTE !! What's so hard about that ? WTH do they need to change the district or voting laws for christ sake just just go vote !!! If your to lazy that you can't take 1 day every 4 years and make plans some way to get off you a** and go push a button then you don't deserve to have the privilege . And if your not a citizen of the US & can't or won''t read & or write english you don't get to vote !! Yep i'm that guy ...
  15. In their prime on offense Beast Mode Eric Moulds Sam Gash Shady I know it's a offense thing but it's raining & i'm bored On Defense Arron Schobel London Fletcher Ted Washington Mario Williams
  16. Before we crown him King i want to see him in a real game against a really good D which we will on Monday . I hope he is what they drafted him to be but stranger things have happened .
  17. This ain't CNN, MSNBC, FOX, so hopefully & IMHO just a straight up look at how foolish & unintelligent the world has become !! And to think these are the people that vote for strong leadership for our nation going forward, truly scary if you sit and think about it !!!
  18. Come on man lets get real here . Look at what Guilliani did when he was the mayor NYC after it was lead by the other party for years & look what it has become since with the oppositions leadership . Then let's take a look back after the Floyd deal to all of the cities lead by a democrat and how they first wouldn't take control of the situations in their respective & numerous cities & then when the president at the time wanted to call in the national guard to get things back under control he was called a dictator . Then only to have all of those democratic leaders jump in saying that they needed to defund the police while calling the president a dictator . While were at it here's a question . If you will name me a leader of a city , that was a republican during that time, that had the same troubles that those democratic cities had & then called for the police to be defunded. Then called the president a dictator because he wanted to call in the national guard to restore civility & protect the innocent people that had done nothing wrong to reap what the hoodlums were sowing . I mean lets look at this for exactly what it was & how it played out . If your calling the republicans soft on crime what is Bragg &others doing to be tough on it catch & release sure as hell aint getting it done but that's what those gems are doing . So lets again call it the way it is !!
  19. This kind of stuff doesn't happen from such fine upstanding individuals in the NFL does it ? OMG what has the league come to ??? I'll see your Eli Apple & raise you a Travis Henry ...
  20. I agree i think Beane & Co. saw the same thing which is why they upgraded the run game for teams such as the Jets & others that play the Bills the way they do . Experts say the running game isn't what it use to be but it's a very important part of winning in this league you need to be more than 1 dimensional . Given what the Bills have done not only on the O line but in the RB room to give the offense in general more weapons that the Bills will be much harder to handle when Dorsey pulls back the curtain & flexes a bit i think we will all be pleasantly surprised . That being said the Bills D had better show up against the Jets because they got some horses that they will be tying the wagon to on their offense & defense too . It's gonna be a fight for sure !! GO BILLS !!!
  21. To you that has failed basic common sense arithmetic & is drinking the kool aid it would . But when you take in all information into consideration you can come up with a truthful conclusion based on truth not made up paid for documentation .
  22. No the left would never do that would they ? If you put Hillary + Obama + fake Dossier together that = 4 years of a political fallacy ! Which by the way cost millions . Just saying .
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