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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. I just saw this on the evening news & this is the most ignorant action any fan of a team could take against another fan weather they are on opposing sides or not . It's a game for goodness sake but there are those kinds every where & it seems to becoming to be more apparent in todays world unfortunately .
  2. Buffalo & WNY is a hidden gem for sure ! I grew up there & go home each year to visit family, the summers are excellent & if you want some of the best food in the US you can find some of the best in that area and you don't have to look very hard . People are so down to earth . Oh yah there are those guys every where but for the most part people there are of the working class (it's just to bad a lot of the jobs there have been sold out to other countries) but that being said the people continue to fight the good fight & keep the Bills & WNY a very cool place to live & visit . GO BILLS !! GO WNY !! Much luv to the Mafia ...
  3. I think the Bills need to learn to use the weapons they have before they add another to the arsenal that they already have . That being said all this talk about RB's not being worth as much money as some other positions IMHO is a crock !! If you disagree just look at what McCafree has done for SF . I watched the Niners last week & McCafree is definitely worth every penny they are paying him & possibly more because i don't know what he makes . I wanted the Bills to get McCafree i can only imagine what he could have added to this offense as long as he would be used correctly which is what the Bills need to do with the guys they have . Last week it looks as if they stay the course or plan they used it should be a really good season for the Bills offense !!
  4. I watched the game last night & i loved every time he screwed up or threw a bad pass I can't route for the guy it sucks that he got rewarded a huge contract for begin POS human being !! And i hope the children don't ever consider him a role model .
  5. He had some good production while he was here he was learning the first season so i wouldn't say it was a wasted draft pick & he was a intricate part of a top 5 defense every season he was here . But opinions differ as we all know and although i would agree i don't feel he was all that & a bag of chips or what they thought he would be he wasn't a terrible player while in a Bills uni !
  6. If i remember though 1 the 13 second game was on the D coordinator or who ever it was that called that D in that situation & last season with all that had went down during the year Damar dying on the field Mrs. Pegula almost dying Knox brother passing away Blizzard having to move games Multiple starting players injured Von, Mika, Poyer, Damar, Phillips, Jones (in the play off game) Brown, Doyle, Crowder, Kumero Tre not fully back from ACL, Rossuea ankle . Enter players that haven't been on the roster John Brown & Beasley . Then those that were dinged through out the season . Just in the last row was 10 players so i feel that with all or most of those players either gone or trying to gut it out in the last game of the year then they wind up with a 13 & 3 record to make it to the play offs ... This is just me but i'd say that's pretty dam good coaching just to get them to that point but then i suppose you & others will tell me i'm wrong in my thoughts on this . Sure they are professionals but they are also human . So there's 2 seasons with good reason for missing the AFC Championship game so only 1 season out of the last 3 as you said that they were completely heathy and lost due to their own fault .
  7. Well possibly the best NFL - QB ever weather a Bills fan would like to admit it or not Tom Brady or TB 12 had 6 - 4 interception games in his career do you think he may have learned anything each time he had those games . Also TB 12 lost 84 games in his career you think he may have learned anything from those games ? 251 wins in 23 years in the NFL Josh has a 52 W & 25 loss in his career he only has 59 more losses to tie TB 12's record for losses so only Josh has 52 wins in 5 seasons .
  8. McDermott record , 62 W - 36 L actually now 63W - 37 L's !! Dorsey record , 14 W - 4 L in the regular season Not to bad for his first season .
  9. So after the Jets game & even before that there were those here that wanted to fire McD, Dorsey, & start all over they said that the Bills would never win anything with McD & that Dorsey wasn't the answer also that Josh wasn't the QB he use to be ! They had absolutely no faith in the possibility of the second year OC fitting the new personal into the scheme & being successful or would they even seem to want to give him a chance . But then yesterday what happened 38 to 10 VICTORY ! The D held last years NFL rushing leader to -2 yds for the ENTIRE GAME & the Raiders only had the 3 possessions in the second half . But those that SUCK so bad led the team to a 38 to 10 VICTORY !! Despite being a New season with New players, some new coaches it's the same old S**T no one sees any silver lining any where or the possibility of them being better just complain & fire every body because they suck . I wonder how high they were jumping in the air while watching the boys score the way they did while watching the game ? I don't get it ! How about this ? How about lets see how it plays out . I bet if they were to go all the way & all the haters jumped on board during the run to a championship but alas they would still find something to B**CH about . I listened to Josh on his post game interview & if you go listen to it on the Bills app he said "I love feeling like I did last week, because it motivates me to be better & I learn from the experience" his out look on losing is so much more mature than many here . I just hope the haters here learned something from the game & how the Bills as a hole bounced back and played better than the game against the Jets & the Jets didn't look nearly as good as they did against the Bills . Even with that said there were only a few plays in the Jets game that if played just a bit better the game would have been a W instead of a L . And i would be willing to bet with what the Bills learned from the mistakes they made in the FIRST GAME OF THE YEAR that the out come of the next game against the Jets will be a bit different . And the team will be better for it in the long run . GO BILLS !! https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2023/9/23/23886276/sb-nation-reacts-buffalo-bills-fans-mostly-confident-in-oc-ken-dorsey-followng-nfl-week-2-game
  10. Yep !! Sean looked like the team didn't have a clue yesterday sure missed one hell of a chance ...
  11. 🙄 WELL ??? So 1 bad game & 1 kick ass game which is the norm for Josh what say you now ?
  12. He's got a hole lot more than just covid wrong but admitting this might be a good place to start .
  13. All of those numbers have changed since this post was first written, Biden has increased those numbers & give him another year & it will be even worse . I don't see this country ever balancing the budget the people in charge are in no way fiscally responsible enough to do what is needed to bring it back even to a reasonable rate as long as they can continue to be allowed to print more money . They should start by sending all of the senators, congressmen & others like lobbyist home with out pay & cutting all of the retirees that are making their fat retirements for screwing up the system while they were in office . They do a absolute terrible job and still get paid top dollar for screwing things up makes sense to me . The people aren't the problem here the politicians are and allowing the crooks to run the bank will never amount to a sound fiscal recovery .
  14. Yah he absolutely SUCKS !! And they need to blow up the entire thing start all over from the ground up McD, Beane fire their asses, get someone in here that can make this a winning team ! Oh Wait they are a winning team & this is only 1 game ... https://www.google.com/search?q=josh+allen+career+stats+in+NFL&rlz=1C5AVSZ_en___US800&oq=josh+allen+career+stats+in+NFL&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30j0i390i650l4.11338j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 McD is 62- 35 in 6 seasons Yep the Bills just flat out suck ... How about we see what happens this season it's only the first game !!
  15. This was the first game of the season & a lot of players have changed since last year add to that the lack of 1 extra pre season game to install offensive & defensive scheme not to mention some players being off for a season & not playing & then playing possibly the best Defense in the NFL . All that & they still lost by 1 score . Plus add to that the atmosphere in that stadium & being the anniversary of 9-11 I'll bet before Josh walked on the field he was totally geeked out . The pressure from the atmosphere & the pressure from the Jets D may have got him over hyped and alls it takes is a couple plays to lose a game . The one that the guy bobbled & the pass fell in his arms was 1 & that was the difference even after the 4 INT's that Josh threw . I believe that all of the team from McD down to the water boy will learn from this going forward & it will prove that this loss will be well worth it later on this season .
  16. Yah McD is a POS he hasn't done anything for the franchise i wish they never would have hired the guy what a freakin loser ... Him & Marv both SUCK !! WTFE !!
  17. The Process has taken our team from a 17 year drought to 4 years in the play offs & 3 years AFC east champions so what is there not to trust ? The Steelers have been one of the most stable teams as far as coaching goes in the history of the NFL & if they have a bad streak which the Bills haven't really had a bad streak only some bad games since McD got here they don't fire the coach every time things don't go perfect . TO be a SB team everything has to be in line coaching staff and players i'm not exactly sure what it will take to get the team to the big game but i would much rather have a team that is in contention than bring in a Rex Ryan to blow things up the way he did & have it all go backwards . Yes it could go the other way and they could win it all but for now i'm good with where the team is & the chemistry that McD & Beane have & believe that they will together bring the trophy to Buffalo 1 day . We waded through 17 yrs of not winning i can be patient enough to wait a few more yrs of winning to see where this goes .
  18. It's unfortunate but from what i saw of Brown in the Jets game this is one position that is in need of a upgrade for sure . I hate to see it i was hoping Brown could be the answer but the Jets player even as big as Brown is was just pushing him around like a rag doll . Knowing Beane he has probably already been on the phone with his agent .
  19. Probably for the same reasons those foreign countries hired Hunter & paid him some outrageous amounts of cash that was so much he had to hide it in many different family accounts, but that's just a guess i don't know that for sure .
  20. Well that's about par for the course i have never seen anything become of a impeachment of any POTUS since i have been on earth it's nothing but a major S**T show that winds up spending a huge amount of tax payers money for little bit of nothing in the end . Same with the Trump impeachments what was it worth not a dam thing just a s**t show even if there are any actual proof and it doesn't matter what it is they just go through the motions to show who has the biggest male appendage & nothing ever becomes of it . Same thing will happen with the indictment of Hunter on gun charges dad will pardon him & waste a bunch of money & time putting him through a trial & in the end he will say Thanks Dad your the best and another criminal will be living a life better than we could imagine . So Fettermans reaction is right in line with what will happen . OH I"M SO SCARED ... Just another political S**T show !!
  21. They were playing one of if no the best defenses in the league which means pressure on Josh is almost constant & wasn't most of Allen's INT's when he was airing it out WAY down field so how was that conservative ? What i saw on a lot of replay was players open under neath & Josh didn't see them or was going for the home run ball at times which i haven't rematched the game but a lot of people that i talk to said there were people mostly TE's open josh just didn't go to them . And in a game like that with a very tough D i would think you don't have the luxury of time for a play to develop so you have to be a bit more conservative at first then pick and choose when you go big . But ultimately it comes down to the players executing you can have the best calls made if they don't execute it's all for not .
  22. I am hoping exactly the same thing being the first game of the season with all the new pieces acquired over the off season . I just hope that this game was the one to knock off the rust and get all the guys attention & learn from it moving ahead .
  23. Well like i said i apologize but you will either get over it or you'll carry it.
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