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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Well i'll tell you if i'm lazy because i don't sit on my ass on a iPhone all day or sit at a desk on a computer i would hate like hell to see what that makes you then especially seeing as you have some 27.8 K reply's here - just saying . And i would bet even at my advanced age i could still probably work your sorry lazy ass into the ground if you even know what physical labor is which is very questionable ! Then seeing that you follow & vote for those that want to give away everything to the entitlement minded Americans of today I'm sure it wouldn't take long before you would be complaining about how hard you were working & would be whining to take a break because it is to hard or to hot 😢. Plus just your interpretation of lazy being, not being able to or not wanting to Google the question is very telling ...
  2. I'm looking for some help here from y'all that watched the game . I listened more to the game than watched it which could be fortunate or unfortunate . But after the game i have been able to watch some of the replay's & there were a couple of things i did notice about the way Josh saw the field . There were more than 1 time that i saw Josh on some of his bad throws especially that he threw down the field on his INT's . He had guys open underneath and on at least one play i saw Knox & Diggs open for a easy first down yet Josh was going down town for the big play. His hero ball thing took over i think . I seem to remember last season at the being of the year Josh was taking what the D was giving him he would be doing the dink & dunk passes & it was like our offense couldn't be stopped . Then as the year went on he got back to the Hero ball in some games & those were the few that we lost . I don't have access to the all 22 thing (mainly because i'm cheap) so i can't really tell if from what little i can see if that is in fact what Josh was doing . On 1 Bills live Browny had made mention about some similar things he did & Orlovsky seemed to think Josh was out of control certain times in the game . And being that i couldn't actually sit & watch the game & only listened for a short time i would like you input . Then to add to it there was the fact that i saw Spenser Brown getting pushed back on some plays that i did happen to see and pretty regularly . The guy on the Jets was making it look easy even as big as Brown is, It looked as if it may be time to try someone else at that position if what i saw was correct & if that's the way he will be this season . Let me know if i was seeing what i thought i saw on those replays from y'all that actually sat & watched the entire game . And if there is already a post similar to this i apologize ... GO BILLS !!!
  3. I must have missed it & seeing as you keep such a close eye on it i would like your unbiased opinion on it to get myself up to speed . Thanks ahead of time for your insight once again .
  4. In this particular deal i'm not sure because i haven't followed it that close if at all i'm just basing my thoughts on past instances of buying a fake document & following the BS for 4 years spending thousands if not millions of tax payer dollars on nothing & laws being broken in that time & no one brought to true justice because of it . Then having another 4 year investigation the Durham report saying that there was truly no evidence to justify most any of the prior happenings in and around the investigation of the Russian collusion yet no one has been brought to justice in any of that . But there may be something to this even though the person bringing the allegations is known to be biased in some of their own personal beliefs & views that could sway their reasoning in some way . Oh but your not drinking any Kool-aid of any sort come on man stop the BS for real !!
  5. No you are 100% wrong i would like ALL crooked politicians brought to justice & like we would be thrown in jail for their crimes but history has shown that doesn't happen to the washington elite . There are many that were allowed to walk freely & live out their lives with NO consequences All of those involved in the russian collision thing the fake paid for dossier, the FISA warrants given out because of phony accusations every one from Obama on down should be thrown in jail . All accusations brought against Trump should be because of the proof what ever that may be and those bringing it should have no bias or affiliation with any outside groups that hold animosity against the person being accused of the crime presented which is not what has transpired . And you think that it has so your bias is part of the problem ! You have long proven by past statements to any one here that you 1) hate the man with every fiber in your being & 2) you have unlimited bias for him because of your political affiliations & do not in any way care about the truth no matter what it may be . And only use it that it can be twisted to form a out come that fits along the lines of your own biased opinions no matter the facts of any situation . This clip is the perfect you in explanation !
  6. What did she do I'm interested ? What ever happened to the police officer that shot that unarmed women (climbing in the window) & killed her did he get any unpaid leave or were there any consequences ? Did the family file a civil suit i haven't heard anything mentioned about that just wondering since you have your finger on the pulse of all things insurrectional . Yep definitely a bunch of domestic terrorists there !!
  7. Oh yah one way or the other come hell or high water ! But it won't be by a unbiased judicial system that has a unbiased DA presenting the charges to be brought up against him . Just the same as the Russian collusion thing which was all (proven to be) paid lies to set forth a agenda right from the get go . Isn't it also a coincidence that every accusation brought up on him were all by either politicians, DA, or individuals that are all either from the democratic side of the isle or have liberal stance or affiliation with a group that is either liberal or democrat it is just amazing the one sidedness of all things presented against him . But i guess that has no bearing what so ever, it's just me and my way of thinking that is screwed up & none of that has any substance to it .
  8. No bias here looks like he will get all the unbiased facts from this women . Hey maybe she can bring on DA Bragg as a partner & they can team up to bring even more made up BS to the fore front how bout it ??
  9. I din't think win or lose that it should change . Although i would love to see Josh stomp the Jets if they don't i'm not that worried about it it's the first game of the season . What i want is by mid season to have all the kinks worked out & by the end of the season every one playing above their ability & taking it all the way to the destination but there is a lot of the season to go yet seeing as for the Bills it hasn't even started yet . But hell yah i want the Bills to whip the crap out of the NJ Jets !! GO BILLS open up a can of whoop ass on them boys !!
  10. That must be a video of you as a young person that your mom made of you throwing your typical entitlement fits to show the psychologist .
  11. Maybe in your mind, but if we could see behind the curtain i'll bet there are many more much worse & a couple of your boys would be Bidening for the number 1 spot . At least he doesn't top the number 1 spot for stupidity or ignorants your boy has that one locked up in spades .
  12. Then this ranks near the top of asinine decisions & very close to Obama giving Iran pallets of money to further their nuclear programs correct ?
  13. Shouldn't this be filed under domestic terrorism or a treasonous act against the country ? IMHO shouldn't he be executed as such ? POS ... Yep 20 year war that started long before Trump was even considering running for president but it's all his fault ! Your so F N Brilliant ... If you didn't have speculation or here say you wouldn't have S**T !!
  14. I have reply'd to this before but listened to it again . I have to totally disagree ! This teacher says this is not a parenting problem WRONG !! If this would have been brought to my old mans attention that i was (for no valid reason) hitting another kid, it would have been dealt with because my actions have consequences & he taught me that growing up . Another thing, if the teacher knew which kid took the strings off of the instrument or broke the drums the bill to fix it should be sent to the parent but in todays world the parent would say "my little Johnny would never do such a thing" And again there would be no consequences which is why this stuff is happening . Parents are teaching children let me re-phrase that - parents now days are NOT teaching their kids in many situations that there are consequences to their actions & if they try to the consequences or punishment doesn't in any way match the crime . Time out, take away 1 of 30 hundred toys ? That may be in some way punishment for not picking up your dirty clothes or leaving out your toys but not much else . Parents today are so worried about being more of a friend than a parent . Discipline is a thing of the past in a lot of families which can be directly attributed to a lot of the things happening today . And just the HUGE grey area of what is right & wrong, fact & fiction, this world has went to hell in comparison to years ago . We live in a anything goes, every body gets a trophy, no rules type of world today where right is considered wrong & wrong is considered right the grey area far out weighs the black & white it totally blows my mind . I have seen it in my own family i have a sister that is part of the friendly parenting community where it is better to be a friend than a true parent . I give props to those true parents that have some old school values & morals left (and that pay attention rather than have their heads stuck in FB, instagram, tweeter, or on a iPad) that when needed & only then discipline is used as a learning tool !! This is a huge reason why education in the US has went down hill ...
  15. He sure didn't look worth it against Schwartz defense i was hoping that McD would consider hiring him after Frazier left the guy just produces where ever he goes .
  16. I don't think he's in as many as Mahomes he has T-mobile, State farm, Subway, these guys must be raking in the doh .
  17. Pull out another attempt in any way they can, what's the number up to now ? He will go down in history as the Pres. with the most attempts to bring indictments against him to keep him from running for Pres. ever all in the name of BS !! And this one comes from Colo. one of the biggest liberal states in the US go figure . Is it any wonder that every claim against him has come from either a Democrat, a Democratic DA, or a Liberal state with a over whelming amount of Democratic/liberal leaders . Are we starting to see a pattern here ?
  18. They were doing it for Trump i will agree but they are adults (well at least some call them that) able to make their own decisions & should be able to accept their consequences but the dude for the proud boys did exactly what a scum bag would do . When the consequences for his actions are thrown in his lap change the story to put the blame on anyone other than them selves . Now if there are any watergate type tapes with Trump telling this dude to go over throw the capital building then throw his ass in jail & throw away the key but i have heard people in my life time say things very detrimental about others but if someone else did that thing after the fact it's not on the person for saying it . Sure ask them question but the blame is on the jack ass that decided to go ahead with it .
  19. Well isn't that why they are pulling what ever they can out of their asses to try to make it look as if Trump himself called these people directly & told them to go crash the capital ? And why Pelosi didn't tell the police to stop them but it shows them in some instances actually helping them get into the building in scene 2 of the insurrection film . I just wonder if they all got together to read the screen play before it all actually took place . Yes the leader of the proud boys should go to jail for his cries & from what i understand he is now saying to save his ass that he listened or was influenced by the Donald . Yes Trump made accusations but i don't remember him giving any direct order for the people to go stampede the capital & take it hostage .
  20. The guy on the stand must be like Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer & the rest just make a speculation that someone has done something wrong then assume they are guilty until proven innocent . At least that's what it sounds like No evidence and then the judge believed it too . WTF has happened to the justice system ?
  21. S**T that witch couldn't run a successful hot dog stand the only way & reason she is rich is because of her insider trading & screwing the American people some 10 times more than Trump ever thought of by making a Dip S**T like you & many others think she has your best interest at the fore front of her concerns . Pelosi, Newsome, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Waters, AOC, & the rest of the squad are all in the same boat as far as their ignorants goes it's a wonder they can walk & breath at the same time useless human beings ... And you will never find any of their names in history under the definition of being a great leader !
  22. So then the banks get screwed holding the bag for the monies owed . Then if the gov't pays for the debt it will be passed on to the tax payer when the gov't has to borrow more money to cover that debt from the fed only to pay more increased interest and add to the $32 Trillion of debt that the country is in that will never be able to be paid . But WTH that's okay they can just print more money !! Your economic strategy at least coincides with the guy you voted for, just plain BRILLIANT !! Just maybe one day like the Democratic mayor of NYC has seen about the illegal immigrants all of your economic brilliance will come to a point where it will come back & B**CH slap you right in the face . Can't tell you failed basic economics ! No matter what at all costs support the agenda ...
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