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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. So this is different from the 'War on drugs" How ? If there is specific cause for a problem and you diagnose the problem to know exactly what is wrong & how to fix it isn't it more cost effective to go after the exact thing that is causing the problem ? I as i have said work in the travel industry if my bus has a problem there are mechanics that just throw parts at it in hopes of finding or with some luck hitting the right part to solve the problem when they change it out . But then we have mechanics that actually by a process of diagnosing the problem to first find out what is causing that problem then starting the process of fixing that problem at the source or where their diagnosis has pointed them I think doctors do the same thing in trying to solve medical problems . So if they know the reason for the drugs coming into the country by first being made in China then brought in by the Mexican cartels then cut off China & stop the cartels with the money put forth over the past 50+ years in the so called war on drugs but now that's different ??? Which my personal opinion is that will never be stopped because it would in no way surprise me if there is a US politician some where weather retired or still employed that is getting a kick back in some way from those drugs being brought into the US . But that's just me ...
  2. So what would you like me to get from that clip ? She said she wants the subpoenas now but there is a correct way to go about it through the judiciary (so it's done correctly unlike the FISA thing) and that (Being mindful) that these things take time & money . So your point is ??? Just asking bro .
  3. So i have a question about Kirksey's retirement . How much do the Bills have to pay him & of the money that he signed in his contract how much of that money do the Bills have to claim against the cap ??
  4. Well from what i'm understanding because the blind faith that the ignorant politicians of the US gov't have put those that have put forth the agenda of a one world economy soon there could be a huge jump in prices & possibly so much that it could cause a famine of sorts . And the great thing is it all happened long before Trump came along but he was the stiff POS that was trying to turn it around & got roasted at the stake for it ... Thanks G.W. Bush, Obama, Clinton, G. Bush & many others for selling our country to the enemy all in the name of the back door dollar !!
  5. My god i just love freedom of speech !!
  6. Yah he's looking for someone to hold his beer while they watch TV because he doesn't want to drink to much so he can actually remember the lies that Joe is going to tell on his televised lie to the nation .
  7. It's not just the GOP both sides are so freakin corrupt it's not funny it's just what side you decide to sit on if you agree with their corruption or not . If the curtain was pulled back & we could see some of the things that really happen in & around our gov't & it's officials it would be a eye opener of epic proportion I'm sure . But the over all agenda that keeps us all focused on things to keep us divided at the fore front so we can't focus on the real problems works very well so not much will ever be solved .
  8. Dammit dude i'm 62 & seen all of the Bills blunders like you and would love to see them bring home the trophy but i would rather have a team that has a chance to win it all every year than a team like in the drought that can't even sniff the play offs . You may want to take up smoking weed it does chill you out or maybe take some classes or something . Just saying .
  9. I know he wasn't released . I guess i should have worded it differently meaning that after his paper work was done with the Bills and he was free to if he wanted to that including the possibility of changing his mind to then sign again with another team that he could . But i didn't want to write all of that so i worded it the way i did . But thanks for giving me the info about him being able to sign with who ever i figured that he may have been able to but usually other teams come looking for the player not the other way around most times .
  10. WOW !! Yet another "i hate republicans but hate Trump even more" post that has put this poster (a pure football fan) and a person that has been here since 2020 in just 3 short years over 28K posts 🤔 . I have been on this sight for since 2010 & have less than half that amount of posts & well over half of mine are about football - unlike this person . Hey BT - who won the last Bills game & what was the score & who did they play ?? Were there any injuries on the Bills team & if so who were they ? Who was the LB they just signed to the PS because of the LB that retired & what is the names of those 2 players ? Can we all say AGENDA ?????
  11. The world is filled with dip ***** like those in this reply that take somethings that others say literally and not in the context that it was meant which is a huge part of the blame game that some are trying to play . If i told you that the world was flat would you believe it & never ride in a cruise ship ever again because of what i told you ? I would hope that you would be smart enough & adult enough to know the difference which those people that decided to do what they did that day are solely responsible for their actions no one else which is why the blame game is so much in every way shape & form BS !! I hope all of those involved in the actions that day get what's coming to them including the ones pulling the trigger that shot unarmed people none are above the law or deserve less justice than any other ...
  12. You know i work on the road driving all over the US & the other day i pulled into a Pilot truck stop fueled up & as i walked into pay for my fuel there to my wondrous eye appeared laying by the ice machine under a blanket a man & what i took to be his son laying under the over hang as to not get soaking wet because of the weather . I said that because if any of these politicians really gave half a ***** about this country and the people in it they wouldn't have allowed the jobs to go to china & other countries, they wouldn't be sending pallets of money to Iran, they wouldn't be involved in Afghanistan for some 20 plus years & they dam sure wouldn't have left how ever many BILLIONS of dollars of equipment in that country when they left . This Ukraine thing is just another way of them showing that things here on our own soil that involves the betterment of the people that live here takes a back seat to most other situations around the world . I honestly feel for those people over there but have often wondered why the US is always the answer to every ones problems weather it be monetarily or militarily . I wish they would kick every foreign country that has been allowed to buy property here such as CHINA (which in other countries you can't do) out on their asses & tell the companies that have left the US to go piss up a rope & someone that would be voted into office would put the US as a hole first !! Seems as though i'v heard that somewhere before 🤔 !! This NWO 1 world economy BS is for the birds we need to worry about us the US & it sucks but screw the rest of them until we have our ducks in a row but these dip ***** running the country don't care at all & their country isn't a priority in any way !
  13. Well that's a huge change from what he was saying when they brought him aboard I wonder if it was because they kept him on the practice squad & didn't bring him up ASAP ?? I guess we will find out if after he is released he signs with another team ... If that be the case then the Bills didn't need him around anyway !!
  14. Well you can't argue that point for sure !
  15. Good get, a little veteran reassurance just incase it's needed . Well you think it might be the fact that he is a plug and play veteran that knows the system ? No need to spend time to teach him & incase of emergency break the glass & he's there right now .
  16. Well every one has a right to their own opinion & i'll just leave it at that .
  17. I get it but patience is a virtue . Besides how soon we forget what was !! Well we do live in a world of instant gratification ..
  18. Of course it won't they only made $90 Billion up to this point from the "FREE vaccines" the first go round so they must keep that cash cow going . I just wonder how much of that money went into the back door of the US Federal gov't & Fauci's pocket ? Is the new vaccine now not the MRNA vaccine ? I will still not be taking it but i was just wondering .
  19. I do too but because of the political leadership over my lifetime jobs were at times very hard to come by & going at one time almost 2 years (while having to get proof of at least 3 applications to turn in for unemployment each week) with out work because of government policies (national & state wide) i had to leave or become another member of the welfare system . So i went to Fl. & found as much work as i could possibly handle & a tax structure that helped me keep more money in my pocket & not in the politicians bank . I also owned 3 different homes until the bubble burst in 08 which was again a federally driven collapse thanks G.W.B. another pres. about as good as Joe !! I did in fact at that time in NYS use the system to pay for my daughter to be born but was required to pay back the state all monies given to the hospital which i wasn't able to do until i moved to Fl. If that was the way the system was today the state may be in a much better economic place but again the political leadership in NYS has been in the past & now is less than desirable & lacks enough common sense to have positive economic growth . Which is really to bad because NY state is & always will be home but i will never be able to afford to live there again due to the tax laws . I still have family there & they tell me how much they pay in property taxes & state taxes & i like keeping more of my money so i can come to NY & spend it to help the NY economy when i do come for a visit .
  20. I have to agree i think if the Bills were to put Taylor in this offense OMG the change would be that like McCafree going to SF i just don't know where the money would come from, then you add the fact that the reason why he asked for a trade is because he wants a new contract that matches his out put . So given all of that that was the reason why i went where i did because i think the RB stable that the Bills have this year can be a difference maker if they use it successfully as a Thunder & Lightning type of application in the game plan but again i would love a Taylor on the team !!
  21. With those stats they may want to bring Mitch back ... I bet Edmunds is ecstatic !!
  22. He's also 20 lbs heavier & a different kind of runner than Cook & that is why they brought in Harris & Murray .
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