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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Prayers up to Tre 🙏 This SUCKS so bad for him he was playing like his old self & then this had to happen . I haven't had a chance to see the play that it happened on & i heard while watching the game it was a none contact play but was just wondering was he passing off to go after another player ? Has anyone seen what happened at the particular time of the jury is what i'm asking i guess ???
  2. Yah and with the perimeters of the machine that spits out these politicians those would be - BS artist, Liar, Thief, low morals, someone that makes promises they don't intend to keep, monetarily motivated, someone that can be easily bribed (OH i'm sorry that;s called a lobbyist in DC), and someone that would pander to small groups to get their votes . Oh and one that doesn't have the best interests of the people they were voted to lead in mind at all . Which is one reason why i don't vote for life long politicians !! Yah that pretty much spells out Gavin Newsome which is a Life long politicians & today are those that inhabit Washington for the most part from the very top on down !! Oh and as far as the criminal thing goes the dude isn't in jail as of yet although every one & their brother have brought up charges & if the proof was found beyond a shadow of a doubt & not just here say or paid for BS i'm guessing he would be in jail already . But they will continue to try no matter what if history tells us anything .
  3. When & where did he get the injury ? Was it in the last game or was it at practice ?
  4. No you need to go out & purchase some common sense because you proven that you lack any at all & can't even understand a simple comparison that my grandson can which is 11 can understand .
  5. Much Much worse than Newsome ? NO WAY ON GODS GREEN EARTH !! You must be drinking the kool aid ...
  6. well you never know there are some people out there actually a entire state that thinks Newsome has their best interests in mind & is doing a really good job & they have proven how foolish they are when the had the revote with the other republican candidate & they voted Newsome back in office . So never underestimate the ignorants of the masses & if you don't believe me just look who's running the country !!
  7. The running game has been a weak spot on the team since they drafted Moss but that being said it looks as if Moss may be more of a old school type of back the way the Colts have used him being more so he could find his groove in the game which no one does any more & contributed to him looking less than what he is . But this RB room this year i feel because of Beane & McD (even though McD is so incompetent) noticing where the weaknesses lie & bringing in reinforcements all over the team & not just in the RB's room . They have brought in Rb's, O linemen, defensive personal, and let go of some that others at first thought would make the team weaker but in fact has made them better to this point . I think this team configuration is much better & as these players get more time on the field will prove the vision of McD & Beane . And i for one hope makes all the nay sayers eat their negativity !!
  8. When ever it will be he will just add to how good this D will be & it's pretty dam good with out him so i think it will be pretty scary with him & the others . It's just to bad that McD is so incompetent when it comes to being a HC can we only imagine if he was worth a S**T at what he does ??
  9. Well there are those here that don't take a lot of the things that you say as inciting political ignorants . You spout off about how great Biden is & there are those that can see how empty that statement is & didn't vote for him & his agenda . And if you can't see that if a person tells another to jump off a bridge and they take it literal & do it it's not on the person that told them to do that's fault but the idiot that actually did its fault because of their stupidity . Kind of like those that were told that Biden was going to be a really good president better than the previous one & then voted for him only to find out he's a huge incompetent loser when it comes to a leader . But they had to find out that bit of info the hard way .
  10. Yah there are regular seats in the stadium that have better sight lines than that particular seat . It sucks that he came back & expected to be treated as a Bills legend & got that in return . I hope those in charge send out a formal apology !
  11. Well it's pretty apparent that you didn't read the reply to BT just above this one i am typing to you .
  12. And the thing of it is is that Von isn't even on the field as of yet this unit with the new players & the vets coming back healthy could be a magical D for the Bills . This week will tell every one where the Bills are & Tua will see a for real defense this week & i can't wait to see what comes of this game !
  13. See the No Lie with Brian Cohen is just that a big freakin lie twisting what the story actually says ! It says that "Trump SUGGESTS THAT IN A DIFFERENT TIME he may be held liable for treason & put to death" not that he should be as tat lying POS Suggests . Twist away dog .
  14. And in your opinion what might that be - - - Truth & justice for all including all politicians as long as there is proof & not paid for accusations ?
  15. So why do they cut the video short at the one & only thing they want you to here let it run so the twist can be uncovered . We all know the only thing you are interested in is the twist on the report but i would like to here the rest of it . Oh yah that's right - BT "You have google go find it your self" .
  16. We win - You Lose - The Bills are takin you to school !!
  17. That 36 yd pass to gabe in stride going into the end zone looked pretty dam good to me !! Just saying . And those passes to Cook in the open field looked good too !!
  18. His energy is through the roof when he announces the games i love his enthusiasm !!
  19. The great thing is with some like Breuer & Bill Burr they don't care & they really can't cancel them & i love it !! But they have a lot of truth in their comedy ...
  20. I've been watching a lot of this guys comedy lately but if you listen to what he is saying so much truth rings through in his comedic skits ! I know there will be those here that just don't agree with a single thing he says but when confronted with the truth a lot of people find ways to think it isn't just that . If you would like a good laugh & a very truthful lesson on why our world is the way it is today just watch & really listen to what he is saying !! A lot can be blamed on parenting, parents thinking that we are doing a good thing when in fact we are in truth doing a disservice to all moving forward .
  21. It's not just SF it's all over the US ! In my job i travel all over the US & although SF has become a cesspool for liberal thinking & leadership there are many more cities that i have traveled to that are just as bad . We are in Austin TX today i have notice at least 3 tent cities & many homeless people walking the streets we were in NO a while back & i had been there multiple times in less than a year & noticed the same tent set up at the base of the ramp heading north out of town & then there is Seattle, Oregon, Chicago, NYC, & many others that are bad . can you see any theme in those cities i listed ? But even when the leadership is different in Nashville TN which i live near there are a lot of homeless communities and i feel it stems from first our government making Americans feel they are entitled to much more than they deserve & allowing them to get give aways with out any proof of truly needing those gov't give aways . It all starts at the top ! Welfare use to be a stop gap for those to get on their feet to go back to or get well enough to go back to work & now it is a way of life passed down to each generation a learned bogus lie to acquire free food, housing, medical ins, & many other things . If people receive assistance from the gov't then they should have to work for it in any number of jobs that they can . I know family, Military people, & acquaintances that receive full disability that work other jobs and make dam good money at them some like my family members sit on their asses & receive these things & think they deserve more it's pitiful !!
  22. I must not be seeing what you are i saw him tag a dude as he was going out of bounds against the raiders & i saw him run through a few arm tackles while making some of his bigger runs i think you might want to watch the replay while not user the influence of any out side stimulation .
  23. For me NO i never liked the pick he was basically the same size as the backs the Bills had already had on the team & other backs that were in the same draft as him were bigger & weighed more so i for one would ask if you want a back for more of a short yardage, tough yards, goal line back . Wouldn't you rather have a guy that is bigger & weighs more than a smaller one ? This week the Bills will see first hand one back that i really wanted the Bills to pick up in the draft that is with the Washington team Brian Robinson his size, weight, strength & running ability has shown him to be exactly what i thought the Bills have needed for a long time but i'm only a fan . There also have been others that i wanted the Bills to get like AJ Dillon, Antonio Gibson but again i'm only a fan but any of them would fit the bigger back profile that the Bills now have which makes me think our running game will be much better than it has even though i liked Motor a lot . I'm glad he is doing better but i'm really glad he is no longer on the Bills roster because if he was still here we wouldn't have who we do now ...
  24. Do you have like a direct connection like the old ticker tape that is some how telepathically connected to Trump so when he wakes you have a alarm that tells you everything he's doing or are you just that obsessed ? Talk about some one being in your head you got it bad ! Then to have over 28K posts since 2020 (i have 9K & been here since 2010) & i would be willing to bet that some 27990 are about Trump you need help put down the Trump crack pipe & walk away dude there are other things in life to focus on if you take control of your addiction . The first step is admitting you have the problem ...
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