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  1. Giants o-line is poor but they also were absolutely decimated with injuries last year. That combo will get you to historically bad
  2. For those saying Cook’s layup dropped TD passes last year was an outlier, he reportedly had 3 more drops during minicamp. Just odd for a guy who coming out was known for his sure hands. If it’s concentration issue that’s concerning that very early on it doesn’t appear to be resolved. Cook is our guy next year but he will find his way back in the doghouse if critical mistakes persist
  3. If means anything to anyone Martin was the holder today as he was with bass being erratic last year. Bass was an awful 3/7 today. OTA when Browning was holding he was 7/7. Maybe I’m just being hopeful
  4. Another pick for Elam today! Sounds like having himself a nice camp
  5. Takes Coleman 2 hours to watch 60 minutes
  6. By all early reports the only one who has been sticking out in a positive light is Claypool
  7. It’s not his fault the bills traded up for him. I thought when healthy he was an impressive player. The injuries played a part. The effort and commitment was the bigger issue. Instead of working on his craft to be one of the best best he wasted himself on getting wasted.
  8. At this time no. Can I see him in top 5 bills RB group if he cleans up in a couple areas? Yes, #3 at best
  9. Cook dropped an easy pass today 😔 saw this far to often last year as well
  10. It’s early but I find this concerning especially with questions most of us had at WR going into season. I believe it’s a bottom of the end group in the league and hearing a bill reporters say they looked like a mess, poor routes, dropped passes isn’t really reassuring
  11. Glad to see several of the same responses. Kelvin Benjamin is my easy answer. To everyone’s eye he gave zero effort. When Allen asked him to practice routes pregame with him and he replied no, he became first bills player I disliked. Talent is one thing but effort…care a little
  12. I learned a lot about my wife yesterday.
  13. Rangers back to back OT winners!
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