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DC Grid

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Everything posted by DC Grid

  1. That might make the Bills look even smarter. And quite frankly I'd be relieved to hear that as I feared the reason we hadnt heard from TD since his firing was because Mort had him locked away in some sort of Saudi rape dungeon.
  2. How will this work? Is it the winner or the loser that gets to be the Toronto franchise?
  3. The spending will start on a large funneral in Detroit and then will continue with the construction of a new stadium in downtown Buffalo, Toronto or the easternmost suburbs of LA.
  4. I think Gus Johnson should call every game in every sport....but I'm partial to awesomeness.
  5. Wanny makes them a 4-3 with a healthy Kyle next to Dareus and a free agent DE or high draft pick and the Bills have a fearsome DL that sets the tone for a massive defensive turnaround. Of course I just said this might hinge on a FA pickup almost any other team would do, so we all know that means it's a fifty-fifty proposition as the only big item left on Ralph's shopping list is a coffin.
  6. WTF? You're captain hindsight...not foresight. How dare you talk about what is guaranteed to happen in the immediate future.
  7. LYNCH...as the Bills wouldnt have drafted Spiller in advance and might have gone with JPP. Fat Pat would also make my list.
  8. Jason Peters deserves to be an all pro as much as Ruben Brown deserved to be a pro bowler almost every year of his career.
  9. Sorry in advance to the Ralph Wilson apologists....but it seems the only thing that makes Donahoe look any better (or even on par) with those who followed him as GM / Shot caller, is that Wilson was still willing to commit money to big FAs back then, as opposed to the years that followed, where's he's packed it in in preperation for his death and maximizing profitability in the impending sale. If Levy or Nix had the cash TD was given to spend in free agency, I kind of think we might be watching the Bills play this weekend.
  10. RG3 is shorter than his listed 6'2" height, he's lighter than his listed 220 lb weight. He takes a lot of punishment...that he doesn't withstand all that well at the COLLEGE level, and there's a good chance he'll be crushed in the pros. Are you sold now? Think less athletic Vick...takes WAY more punishment running the ball. Think stretchered off the field 2-3 times a year.
  11. Ponder has done quite well?? You mean the guy who's the 30th ranked qb. The guy who's led his team to 2 wins with an equally good, if not better, supporting cast on offense that Fitz has, and a more talented defense? The guy whose amassed the following stat line below? The guy the Vikings might replace with RG3 THIS draft??? 54% completion rate, 1825 yards, 13 tds, 12 ints.....pathetic.
  12. Tannehill remimds me of Ponder, in that he is a clear 2nd rounder that will likely never develop into a good starter, but some team will desperately reach for him in the first. I'm just hoping it isnt the Bills.
  13. It's kind of funny more people dont notice this. Kiper gets a ton of crap, but nearly 1/4 of the NFL teams would be significantly better just drafting whoever his predraft rankings say they should.
  14. Mel Kiper just posted this.... Making this more scary is that it follows Ralph's bizzare comments that Bills main problem was not having more "runners". "...One intriguing scenario is if Richardson is still on the board when the Bills pick. Do they go with the dynamic runner out of Alabama as the counter to C.J. Spiller and pass on keeping Fred Jackson around? It's not out of the realm of possibility." I realize we are waaay out from the draft, but the fact that this doesnt seem far fetched is sickening. The Bills, more than any other NFL team, seem to constantly tread water by refusing to pay the premium it takes to keep players in Buffalo then using their high draft picks to replace them.
  15. I would LOVE to see a bold move like the Bills giving up this year's number 1 and 2 and next year's one...but alas the Bills will need those picks too much to trade as the crap hole organization is going to let SJ or Freddy walk...amongst others.
  16. This is a legitimate worry...I could easily see the Bills letting SJ go and drafting his replacement in the second round or later, significantly downgrading the position. Meanwhile idiots here will defend the move saying SJ isnt worth top ten money because he had a couple high profile bone-headed moves. Forgetting of course that buffalo HAS to over pay guys to have a roste,as a consistantly losing franchise, run like crap, and located in Buffalo is generally the last place any free agent would ever want to play.
  17. Bills draft bums in the Second.....see Troup. Jones is worth a flyer if they dont plan on doing anything smarter.
  18. No offense, but I think that's a horrible idea, unless he has a claussen esq fall and the Bills can grab him in the second. Jones is another in the long line of baaadddd big twelve qbs. He's Gabbert part two.
  19. HAVE PEOPLE LOST THEIR F-ING MINDS?!?!?!?!?!?! Dareus has been GREAT for a rookie playing without a lot of help. Put him in a 4-3 next to a healthy Kyle Williams and everyone would be talking about him as one of the best in the league. EVERY week there is another report by some analyst talking about how good Dareus has been this year and how he is amazing in the Bills 3-4. Just tonight I was reading this from McShay: "Dareus has lived up to the expectations that come with being the top overall prospect on our board. The 340-pounder's versatility as a two-gap defender has been a perfect fit in Buffalo's 3-4 scheme, and he's been productive with 29 total tackles as well as 3.5 sacks and a fumble recovery." This sentiment has been echoed so many times, from so many national sources, it is shocking that there are so many on this board who feel the exact opposite. Watch a Patriots game...tell me what more Wilfork is doing that Dareus isn't or a Packer game with Raji. If you can't appreciate what Dareus brings to the table and what an excellent pick he was, you are simply an awful judge of talent. Dareus: 29 Tackles, 3.5 Sacks, 2 Pass Blocks Pro Bowl NTs: Wilfork: 27 Tackles, 1.5 Sacks, 3 Pass Blocks, 2 INTs BJ Raji: 17 Tackles, 3 Sacks, 2 Pass Blocks The ONLY guy clearly out performing Dareus is a perenial pro-bowler who will be a consensus All-Pro this year: Ngata: 28 Tackles, 5 Sacks, 2 FFs, 2 Pass Blocks
  20. 1. Fire George Edwards 2. Spend money on decent free agents 3. Fans decide who we draft....voting live on Buffalobills.com in April 4. Find a new owner 5. Move the team to LA so the NFL realigns and puts them in the NFC or AFC west 6. Go back to a 4-3 defense 7. Fly the team plane into the sun I am good with any / all of these options.
  21. Time to start all over again. God I hate this team.
  22. I think you're right...they might not be top 5...but they are up there. I had heard the stat that since 2000 they were overall top 5 in profit, but the best supporting material I could find had them ranked 9th last year...still pretty darn high. http://www.wgrz.com/news/article/134157/4/Forbes-Bills-Among-NFLs-Most-Profitable-Teams
  23. I don't think people accuse Ralph of being dumb...just cheap. Cheap guys with millions usually makse millions more. If you look at the profits of each NFL team, Buffalo is actually in the top 5 for the last decade. (note PROFIT not REVENUE). The Bills have a stadium that they do not own, and lease for less than almost any other team in the NFL, they sellout most of their games, get an equal share of NFL tv money, and don't even come close to spending as much on payroll as 25 of the other teams in the NFL. It's a simple formula for making tons of money. The problem is, it doesn't help the long term financial situation / viability of the team unless the new owner is willing to keep everything the eexact way it is now. If the next owner wants a new stadium....which most do....or wants to get more stars or retain all the Bills are drafting....which we all hope they would...then the current financial model will fail. Much like the lions has. Because the Lions are basically in the same situation as the Bills, except that they have a new stadium and spend a lot more on payroll.
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