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DC Grid

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Everything posted by DC Grid

  1. This move makes a lot of sense. Levitre seems to have been playing well, apparently Chad has been playing even better, and Ubrik has played like total crap. So the Bills are chosing to slightly upgrade their LG instead of GREATLY upgrading their RG. This might seem crazy when viewed in a vacum, but when you remember that the Bills refuse to sign any OTs who might vastly upgrade their RT. Clearly the Bills plan is to have the strongest possible left side of the OL they can using only the players they have on the roster, while simltaneously fielding the worst right side of an offensive line in the history of the NFL. In related news Chan announced that Dareus will be starting over Kyle Williams.
  2. It's moves like this that make it easier for the Bills to move to LA.
  3. I understand people might say the options are extreme, but can anyone come up with a single NFL team that has a worse group of OTs? I can't.
  4. Get on the record now, so no one can accuse you of Monday morning Qb-ing later. Show that unlike Nix you can spot obvious holes that will cripple a team.
  5. This is starting to get ridiculous. The Bills have a HUGE need for OTs for at least OT depth and it seems insane that they continue to refuse to address it. Watching any game last year, even the casual fan could see the Bills OTs were mostly disastrous. When you factor in the incredible talent the Bills have on the interior of their line the OTs are likely a lot worse than they look as they are asked to do less and recieve more help than most OTs do. Buddy said he'd only use free agency to upgrade lacking positions, well wake the f up grandpa buddy you could go to dennys right now and probably pick out a couple of fat sobs that would be upgrades to the current OTs on the Bills roster.
  6. Given Edwards' off the filed problems and attitude, I'd chose Smith....but Calabo is a completely different story. They should have paid big for him.
  7. Great post. And while it is easy to right off the money as it isn't ours...when an organization such as the Bills is a bit tight with money, the savings on Nick allow the team to be more active in pursuing things such as a TE, OT, or in extending their own best players.
  8. Packers are an excellent model, but they do what buffalo refuses to do, ocasionally paying a stud free agent. Minus Charles Woodson the pack never would ne in the SB. Their previous SB title was based on trading for Favre and making one of the biggest FA splashes ever, signing Reggie White.
  9. Awesome move. Sort of a no brainer but glad the Bills pulled it off.
  10. I think credit needs to be given to the idea of going big. Even if namdi isn't the choice. Instead, the Bills will resign some of their own and then overpay 10 players instead of vastly overpaying one. And next year they'll have to cut 8 of the 10. While the one they didn't bother paying will go on to mutliple pro bowls and anchor his team at a valuable position for 5 years.
  11. So the house he couldn't sell burned down due to "lightening"....wow that's convinient.
  12. Last time I looked into this, the shipping costs nearly doubled the price, and you were in essence paying about $70 for a replica that came with no guarantees. Has that changed? Or do you have a better site?
  13. If he was in the right scheme (3-4) I'd say miller. I still can't believe a 4-3 team took him over Dareus. I think for the Broncos, even Peterson made more sense.
  14. Ray wasn't guilty of murder....you are right. He did obstruct justice on behalf of murderers and if he didn't play football he'd have gone to prison for being an accessory after the fact, but you're right he's not a murderer. As for Kobe, he's guilty of being really dumb, not doing anything illegal, so you're comparison of the two seems like you aren't really up on all the facts of their cases.
  15. I think the issue is the players are arguing about "fairness" and how they bleed on the field but the owners want more than their "equal" share. This argument rings hollow when the players are so unequally / unfairly compensated amongst themselves. Levi doesn't deserve as much as Brees, but while 10% more in salary means nothing to a guy making as much as brees a similar % raise greatly helps Levi. Now I'm not saying Brees should take less, I believe in the market deciding worth, but in any other market but sports the guys putting the capital on the line make all the rules. If Brees and the other top 10% of the players who are highly compensated want to argue about fairness and equality they better realise they might be arguing against their own compensation, or sound like hypocrites.
  16. That's ray ray laying the groundwork for the next union argument about why the owners are evil....because they don't think about how the criminals will react to a work stoppage. And not just the monsters they employ like Ray "the accessory to murder" Lewis, but all the criminals who take time off from killing to watch the Packers play on Sunday.
  17. Watching Byrd last year, particularly the way he really wasn't tracking the ball well in the air, but was delivering the lumber on hits, I got the feeling he might work well at SS with Wilson filing his slot at FS. Is this crazy? I know Byrd is supposedly a ballhawk / centerfied, but it seems that when they played him closer to the line he excelled last year, and that when he was plaing deep center he took awful angles and never really kept his head up to locate the ball.
  18. Newsflash: Fitz isn't the longterm answer at QB, but you can only fix so much in one offseason. As lacking as Fitz may be, I still think he is good enough to get a team into the playoffs (not prevent them from making it with a strong enough supporting cast). The front office properly focused on D in the draft when a longterm QB wasn't available and now next year they can go after a QB. I say Fitz should play two more years (2011 and 2012) and then hopefully you have someone like Barkley etc stepping in. In the meantime the Bills should get a better RT and solidify the line in front of Fitz as being better upfront helps everyone.
  19. I don't mind the guy, he's a lot like TO. But I agree with DrD, an aging WR really isn't what the Bills need. They need to work on developing their young talent like Easily, Jones, and D. Nelson, to create a corp around Stevie J for the furture.
  20. Sub in Kaepernick for Williams in the second and I'd give this draft an A. As it stands, I'd give it a B.
  21. Orakpo came up as an OLB which is why I missed him. Bulaga, Okung and Williams all had some good value, but using the metric of top 25 at their position, LT...Bulaga didn't even play LT most of the year and Okung and Williams were not top 25 guys. I would agree they do have the potential to be more. DRC was a complete oversight.
  22. I know he has accuracy problems and has a high bust potential, but I would love to see the Bills grab Locker in the second. I would be ecstatic with this draft, especially compared to trading back into the first to grab some guy like Ponder who's arm might fall off.
  23. Looking at the recent trends involving QBs taken in the last 3 first rounds it seems that drafting a QB in the first often turns out to be a much better than grabbing players at any of the other most frequently taken positions. A look at the last 3 first rounds comparing QBs to the three most selected positions in those rounds: (Success* rates are in parenthesis) [*Success measured by being in the top 25 in the NFL at their position] 2010 QBs: (50%) Sam Bradford- Franchise QB Tim Tebow- Smart money still says he’s a long-shot, but he showed glimmers of potential last year DEs: (25%) Brandon Graham – Struggled in his transition to the NFL J Pierre-Paul – Looked the part of a good DE for years to come Derrick Morgan – No impact at all Jerry Hughes – No impact at all CBs: (40%) Joe Hadden – Excellent corner in the making Kareem Jackson – Decent, but unimpressive Devin McCourty – Excellent corner in the making Kyle Wilson – Awful Patrick Robinson - Awful LTs: (0%) Trent Williams – Looked decent at times but struggled to stay healthy Russell Okung – See above Anthony Davis – Struggled and might only be a RT Bryan Bulaga – Had good moments and bad, likely to stay at RT or even slide to G 2009 QBs: (66%) Matt Stafford – A franchise QB when healthy, but injury prone Mark Sanchez – Has flaws but all he seems to do is win Josh Freeman – Franchise QB material DEs: (0%) Tyson Jackson – Suspect Aaron Maybin – Complete bust Larry English – Solid, but unspectacular CBs: (0%) Malcom Jenkins – Below average starting CB Vontae Davis – Average starting CB LTs: (50%) Jason Smith – Solid potentially great T in the making Andre Smith – Awful Eugene Monroe – Solid, but unspectacular Michael Oher – Good, and has the potential to be great 2008 QBs: (100%) Matt Ryan – Franchise QB top 7 in the league Joe Flacco – Franchise QB DEs: (0%) Chris Long – Solid DE Derrick Harvey – Below average starting DE Lawrence Jackson – Extremely unimpressive CBs: (0%) Leodis McKelvin – Solid, but unspectacular Aqib Talib – Good but off field issues are sidetracking his career Mike Jenkins – Solid, but unspectacular Antoine Cason – Solid starting CB LTs: (60%) Jake Long – Franchise LT Ryan Clady – Franchise LT Duane Brown – Below average OT Sam Baker – Solid Starting OT Jeff Otah – Solid Starting OT
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