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DC Grid

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Everything posted by DC Grid

  1. Maybe Nix has truly outfoxed everyone and the plan is to simply keep him in town until training camp starts...build the undeniable momentum of default. I've sucessfully implemented this strategy on a girl who was waaaay out of my league before....and had it done to me by a number of girls I really should have stayed away from.
  2. I like Fitz, but I fear the Fitz we saw last year is the "real" Fitz. I fear the large sample set that shows Fitz capable of being great in small stretches but average to below average on the whole is what he is. Flynn has a small sample set, yes, but it's all good. I'm not saying there isn't risk, but I think a risk is worth taking at the most important position in the game. Flynn is a younger guy with a stronger arm. My suggestion was if he is willing to sign an incentive laddened deal, why not do it. If he bonks, the Bills took a shot and Fitz wins the job, and the Bills are in no worse position than they are now. I was in no way attempting to "Troll." I didn't think it was a big leap to say that since Mario is headed out of town in short order and the fact that it is now being reported that he will meet with other teams, starting tonight, that he is not going to sign with the Bills. Standard rule of FA and negotiation in general is when the other side leaves the table, it's over. I've seen this in the NFL time and time again and I see this every week first hand in negotiations for my client.
  3. Matt Flynn isn't drawing near as much interest as expected. Now that the Bills have struck out with Mario and Meachem, why not get a potetial franchise QB and huge upgrade with am incetive ladened deal?
  4. If he leaves without signing, it's over. Mark it zero.
  5. I truly hope the Bills arent this dumb. Stalking horse bids never work with high profile NFL free agents and small market teams. If he leaves he's gone. That's why the only hope the Bills ever had was to offer the sky and tell him the offer expires the second he leaves town. Otherwise they are just helping to set the market for a team that isn't as dumb, or unappealing as the Bills.
  6. Game over....well it was fun and painfull while it lasted. In the end the Bills are still the Bills. A for effort, F for results. Hey, at least Buffalo showed they are willing to try not hard enough, right? Im sure that wont lead to further ridicule from the national press.
  7. So far this offseason the Bills have resigned two starters at extremely reasonable prices. That is it. Does it prove Ralph is cheap...well not until we see how he books the contracts (uses last years roll over or not, cash to cap book keeping or not)...but it sure as heck does nothing to prove he isn't cheap. Again, book the contracts to create maximum cap space and then actually sign some money FAs and maybe the cheap label is innaccurate. Until then, any label Ralph has earned through years of bs is his to live and die with.
  8. You can trash Mel for not being able to predict who a team will actually take, but in the first round he's usually right on who a team should take. If you review the last decade of Bills first round picks they would have done FAR better simply taking whoever Mel said they should when they were on the clock. It's pretty amazing and kind of stunning how good he is. I'm not saying he's perfect, but in the first round his track record seems at least even with, if not better than most front offices. That said his record deteriorates dramatically after the first round.
  9. Re-signing your own free agents? Lame. Good teams, like the Bills, know that's not the way to win. Winners let their own FAs go then draft and sign lower quality replacements.
  10. Whenever an athelete loses money like this, people are quick to blame the advisors / business partners that bled the dry, but that isnt where the blame belongs. It belongs on the greedy and dumb player themselves. TO made $80 million. After taxes, NFLPA fees, agent fees, etc, that left him with around $35 million. Had he been happy to live on that (more money than he'd need in his lifetime...and enough money for all his illegitimate kids lives) he'd have been fine. But he threw his millions away chasing millions more. He was greedy, he wasnt happy with just have 2-3 multi-million dollar properties....all the cars he could dream of and still tens of millions left in the bank to earn guaranteed returns of tens of millions. Instead, like the suckers who got maddoff'd he was chasing millions more...he was chasing wealth for the sake of wealth and his ego made him believe he was special and that somehow he and his advisors had a window to money making opportunities that elude everyone else. TO had a good ride, but in the end his greed and his arrogance were his undoing. How do you feel sorry for someone like that? And why would you blame others for the problems that started with him? A fool and his money are easily parted....this isn't just some corny statement, it's a tenant of capitalism. TO's broke because a guy like TO will always go broke, whether he makes $100 million or $100.
  11. David Boston also got that size using a major dose of HGH which lead to a lot of the injuries that ended his career. Looking at Landry though, it might be hard to argue he isnt also juicing to some degree.
  12. I did 10 for 12 in 4 minutes...but this test wasn't completely cake. Add the fact that those taking it are under insane pressure and these questions are a lot more challenging. Sitting on your duff with nothing to lose, most people still can’t score perfect....now imagine millions of dollars and your future livelihood at stake. I could see this thing being terrifying. All of that said, anyone who can’t get at least a double digit final score should be sterilized.
  13. Definitely Olsen...I had to do a double take to make sure it wasn't him. And that's saying something cause I think Olsen is dead.
  14. Well done Crayonz...you get them everytime.
  15. That's the thing though...IF the money was equal. Buffalo has always had to overpay for talent...even in their more competitive years. Bryce Paup anyone? Super Mario is the kind of move that turns this team around. You add him, and instantly you have one of the best front fours in the NFL. This is a team that but for its horrible string of injuries and even worse defense would have been in the playoffs last year. Pay whatever it takes to get Williams and you have a very good shot of kick starting a cycle of winning and money that even Ralph's greedy heirs will apreciate. Of course this is all a pipe dream because Ralph (and his financial advisors) will not allow Nix et al to make the necessary offer. So Mario will wind up on another team because the best the Bills will do is market rate or a little worse...if they even get involved int he bidding at all. I have the sick feeling the "splash" Buffalo will make in this year's free agency will be to sign Vincent Jackson after Stevie walks....and I'm not convinced that would be an upgrade.
  16. Well in "real games" he took a lot of downs off and registered 7.5 sacks. Take away the 4 sacks tallied against division 2 James Madison, and the fake division 1 team, Duke, and all Coples tallied against moderate ACC talent was 3.5 sacks. In the bowl game this year vs MO he registered all of three tackles and an assist. Totalling it up, that's a pretty pathetic year for a top ten NFL draft pick.
  17. For starters, I wanted them to draft Orakpo...he was peaking as a senior, never routinely quit on plays, generally looked like a stud...even if alot of the "experts" you cite to didn't think nearly as much of him as you say they do for Coples. Draft history is littered with examples of players with all the talent in the world who fail because they dont have the heart. Coples to me seems like another in that long line. If you doubt me on this, do take notice that almost every draft guru says how great coples' physical talent is, but notes his lack of consistency. They do this so later if / when he doesnt pan out they can say they called it. Now dont get me wrong, if he's there at 10 and Ingram and or Upshaw arent he very well could be worth the risk. But I wouldnt cry if he didnt fall to us...and I really wouldnt want to see the Bills trade up to get him.
  18. Pros dog the pro bowl because it is pointless. The Senior Bowl is an evaluation tool every bit as important as the combine. Von Miller went balls out last year, Upshaw did this year.
  19. I keep hearing about how this guy is a monster, heard how his Senior Bowl performance was great and meant he'd shoot up the draft board, going as high as top 5...but watching the guy in the Senior Bowl and reading up on it, I just dont get it. The knock on Coples has been he lacks heart and the desire to be those force he physically can be. People have been eager given his build and school to compare him to J Peppers, but at every turn he's done enough to make even his greatest supporters say such a comparisson is waay off. In the Senior Bowl he played decently. Largely going against Collegiate Right Tackles in the game he registered one sack and 3-4 preasures....but thats it. For an elite prospect playing in a game worth more to his financial future than any other game he didnt seem to dominate. He often was easily nutralized by an RT who wont be drafted in the top two rounds and may never start at RT in the NFL. Im not saying he's going to bust, but from what he showed at the senior bowl he does seem like a guy who's motor isnt always going, and I just dont know why giving him millions in guaranteed money would do anything to change that. What am I missing?
  20. When I was a prosecutor we weren't allowed to say crack when presenting our case in court we had to referrer to all cocaine as a white rock like substance...that tested positive for cocaine. I guess that means mularkey's son is a white rock like substance head according to the PC police.
  21. +1....or this year's ponder. Either way I hope the Bills stay far away from a guy like this in the first round. I wouldn't mind seeing the Bills take a guy like tannehill or weedon or foles in round two...but there is too much talent to blow a top ten pick on a longshot. At ten the Bills will likely have a shot at a DE who could start immediately for them, a stud LT, a high quality CB, or impact WR.
  22. This is an awesome idea that the police should do at every NFL game. I sometimes get drunk at sporting events but I never cross any decency lines, try to fight anyone or hurt anyone else's enjoyment of the games, so I cant figure out why so many aholes do. Moves like this by the SFPD are great cause they target the real trouble makers, and put everyone on notice to act like they've got some sense.
  23. He was "too good" to even interview for the lowly Bills head coaching opening a couple of years ago, and the national media applauded his move to hold out for something better. Now he's seen as a joke offensive coordinator and has been booted from the Jets. It is awesome watching the arrogance of Jets coaches blow up in their face.
  24. One of Donahoe's great picks has two fumbles today and might be the goat that get's the Broncos bounced from the playoffs.
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