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DC Grid

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Everything posted by DC Grid

  1. Owen Marcesic? Played FB and LB at Stanford. Would be great on special teams and a great short distance back. Way better than mcentyre.
  2. Seems a little off. That said, TSN and their preview magazine are the most accurate year after year. Lindys and ESPN appear more accurate right around the draft, and do a better job projecting where guys will go, but if you want to know where guys should go, TSN is the best source. I Hung on to old draft mags since 2000 just to see which were the most accurate and TSN is way ahead of everyone else. But also remember we are still early in the process, combine is yet to come, so everyone's rankings are bound to shift a bit.
  3. It's a Packers super bowl not making beer brats is unacceptable. Remember the key is to use skunked miller high life. Or fresh hieniken. Go Pack.
  4. I wouldn't hate that, but I think Taylor sneaks into the first and I really don't like Dalton.
  5. Of course he stays neutral. PA and WI are swing states (WI more than PA) so if you want to get reelected you don't want to piss off either fan base. If he really is a bears fan I'm sure he hates the pack, but then again most of the country hates the steelers. It could always be he hates them both. Or maybe he's slightly more worried about Egypt on the verge of disaster and hasn't given it much thought. You should really read Under The Banner of Heaven before you vote.
  6. Reed deserves to make it but he won't. ESPN and others are doing their best to push so many others I think it will cost reed his birth. I will hate it if Curtis "i run for 3.2 a carry" Martin makes it over him.
  7. Anyone who spends one minute looking into Haley's record should know he has problems with everyone and he is almost always to blame. He is an awful coach and a horrible boss. List of people Haley has openly fought with during his tenure in KC. Chan Gailey Dwayne Bowe Tyler Thigpen Charlie Wiess Haley is a moron who has only had success through the hard work of others. There is no way he lasts more than a year or two more. He is the worst coach in the NFL.
  8. My top 3. 1st - D. Bowers 2nd - P. Taylor 3rd - J. Locker
  9. Further proof that Tom Modrak has no idea what he's doing! Trading a great guy like Henry for only a 3rd rounder, what a bonehead.
  10. +1 People give Poz a lot of grief and they are right that he isn't a world beater, but for a 2nd round pick he's pretty good. I'd say far above the average.
  11. Considering Kolb is a waste of time. Eagles want 2 first rounders for him. And while that's crazy they really can't take any less than a blockbuster. Vick had the best year of his career last year he missed 2 games due to injury and had nothing left in the tank at the end of the year. Vick is likely to have to play with the franchise tag this year because the Eagles front office doesn't trust that Vick can be the franchise QB for the next five years. They will deal Kolb if the offer is just too good to turn down, but short of a blockbuster there is no way they let him go for much less. For a Bills team that has HUGE holes at DE, LB, OT and could stand to upgrade all but a few positions dealing away multiple first round picks for anything short of Brady or Rogers would be a colossal mistake. Now of course if the Eagles would take a 3rd or a 4th the Bills should do it, but if the eagles were willing to do that, it's just as likely that the Pats will give up Brady for a couple of 1sts so the Bills should do that instead.
  12. In the senior bowl background piece on the visit to the children's hospital there was a player wearing a Bills cap. He stood out as no other players were. It was Von Miller. Maybe this is just a move by him to help his draft status but I hope it's an omen of things to come. Id usually be inclined to write this off to a lot of Bills gear lying around, and a player just grabbing gear like others, but they showed around 20 players from the south team, and he was the only one wearing any non senior bowl or college gear.
  13. I think you're dead right. The lineup should be: DE Kyle Williams NT Troupe DE A. Carington, backed up by Edwards Then draft Von Miller at OLB. He isn't the next Patrick Willis, but he could be the next Lamar Woodly or Shawne Merriman.
  14. Not only is this possible, it's pretty easy to put together. Draft Bowers at 3, and trade a future 3rd for Haynesworth as soon as a cba is done. Bills instantly have the best front four in the NFL.
  15. I stand corrected on Maybin. But for Donte...according to ESPN Scouts: Donte Whitner = 94 Haloti Ngata = 96 Ernie Sims = 96 Jay Cutler = 96 But I should note that according to Mel and Sporting News Maybin had a 2nd round grade that year.
  16. What crap. The Bills drafted for need for the 10 years before Nix became GM. That is exactly why the Bills have done so poorly. Looking at the best teams talent wise they routinely take the Best Player Available in the first round. In later rounds where the talent is more of a mixed bag you draft for need as the Packers and Steelers and all successful teams so often do. But in the first you should grab the best player possible. I love that so many people slam the Bills for taking Spiller, but if they would have reached and taken an OT who flamed out everyone would be whining about how they didn't take the BPA. BPA is a strategy, and if Spiller develops into all he can be, he will be a cornerstone for the Bills offense and part of the reason they finally dig their way out of futility. Dolts like DiCesare would have the Bills reach for Gabbert, Newton etc then they would spend the whole next year saying it was stupid to reach. If the Bills had been drafting BPA for the past 11 years they'd be an annual playoff team. The BPA for the last 5 first round Bills picks (based upon the consensus rankings at the time): 2010: CJ Spiller, RB 2009: Brian Orakpo, DE / OLB 2008: Chris Williams, OT 2007: Darrelle Revis, CB 2006: Haloti Ngata, NT If they simply followed the ESPN rankings of BPA and took them in the first round for the past 5 years this is what theyd have right now. So for those who are against BPA I dare you to find me a better track record than this.
  17. Theoretically yes. After march 3 the owners could declare an impasse and implement whatever rules they want. I can't imagine they'd restrict such trades, but everything is in play. After declaring an impasse and implementing new contractual rules the teams could go ahead and start up the FA and off-season program. Of course the players will likely strike at that point....or sue.
  18. Here's my plan (remember the draft comes before FA this year): Roster moves that can be done now: 1. Free up money by cutting dead weight. Dead weight: Stroud, Maybin. 2. Promote Wanny to DC. Return to 4-3 scheme which is a better use of our personel. Draft: 1. Take best Def player available in the first (likely DE Bowers, CB Peterson) 2. Take whatever 1st round talent QB is there in the second (if any): Locker, Gabbert, Newton, Mallett, if not take a the best LB available if the value is there. 3. Take defense throughout the rest of the draft unless a any decent OTs are available. Free Agency: 1. Give Ryan Calabo 7 million a season to become out RT. 2. Do not resign Donte...give his money plus some more to David Harris. 3. Send a 3rd round pick to Washington for Albert Haynesworth 4. Resign Poz, Ubrik, and Wilson. Results: Our offensive line is now stabilized and we have a road grader at RT who can finally allow spiller to run wide to the right side and this plus a stout interior means that if Bell can hold his own Bills could have one of the best young lines in the NFL. On defense we go from swiss cheese to top ten in one offseason. Our starting front seven RDE: Bowers – Outstanding pass rusher DT: Haynesworth – Outstanding DT in a 4-3 who is a monster when he is handled correctly DT: Kyle Williams – Next to Fat Al, Kyle will be even more amazing LDE: Kelsay – Plays well in the 4-3 and can be spotted by a host of other Des WLB: Arthur Moats – Speedy can be brought on blitzes from the weak side and is great for a 4-3 MLB: David Harris – A perfect fit can be the sideline to sideline player Poz can’t be. SLB: Poz – Might be a stretch but I think Poz does well over the TE and can actually cover TEs. In this defense the front 4 alone could generate tremendous pressure (key to a cover 2 scheme) and make life miserable for the likes of Brady and others. Try just once to step up into a pocket that Williams and Haynesworth will be collapsing every play. I dare you.
  19. Impossible. Ralph is too cheap Nix is a moron, Modrak ruins everything.
  20. The owners will win because they have all the leverage. Tv contracts are guaranteed regardless of whether there is a season or not, so if there is no season the owners will make BIG money. Many teams clear only around 2-7 million a year after all expenses, if Forbes can be believed. Take away players salary from that equation, and after accounting for lost revenues from the gameday take, they still come out way ahead. Some articles I've seen said teams could make the same profit in a lockout year that they would otherwise make in 10 seasons of play.
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