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DC Grid

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Everything posted by DC Grid

  1. It sounds like from the article that Chan still isn't ready to get rid of Edwards. Wannstead wont take anything less than DC. The Bills should give it to him, but I don't think they will which stinks.
  2. Mallett at 3 might be too high, but at pick 34 he's the steal of the draft.
  3. I think he's likely to bust, doesn't show big potential to be a prototype NFL passer, and has poor character. But as a second round pick he's like a lottery ticket when the powerball is high, worth the risk.
  4. Especially at the time when you have been crazy not to think it'd be a high 4th and 6th for a low 3rd. But personally I think all of this is Bs. The story breaks now? Come-on.
  5. It's the coaching staff newton looks to the sideline every play for the audible call. He is literally only a body out there. No thinking allowed for any players on aub's offense. I've never really seen something like this.
  6. Amen. Fairley helps us beat the snot out of Brady and Sanchez every time we play them and gives us a better chance in those games. Newton helps us lose by 30 two years from now.
  7. So wrong it's scary. Dude is like Jamarcus Russell, Vince Young, and Ryan Leaf all rolled into one.
  8. The draft picks you listed somewhat cut against your / his point. Maybin -- It was my understanding that this pick was a classic overrule. Leading up to the draft I remember the word being Bills FO LOVED Cushing and thought decently of Orakpo, then when the selection of Maybin came down it was said it was Juaron's call. Lynch -- They wanted Patrick Willis, he was taken directly in front of them. They needed RB help so they picked the best one on the board at that time. I have a hard time seeing Lynch as a failure. He seems like a solid RB and far from a bust even given being picked at 12th overall. They got rid of him this year as drafting Spiller meant they had 1 too many backs, but you can't blame that on Modrak as Chan Gailey made the call on Spiller. Trent Edwards -- Guy was a 3rd round pick and if he hadn't gotten his head scrambled he looked like he had potential. He showed enough in the early going that if he was just a little tougher he might be a starter in the league. I can't see how this pick can be trashed AT ALL. John McCargo -- Big mistake no way around that. James Hardy -- Ditto, though he might have made the team if Modrak didn't so effectively pick winners late in the Draft like S Johnson, or find UDFA gems like Nelson. Chris Ellis -- again a 3rd round flyer. I have a hard time slamming a FO for missing on a 3rd round pick, especially when in that same draft they knocked it out of the park by finding both Bell and Johnson in the 7th. In all looking at these draft picks seems to indicate that the owner and HC meddling is the biggest reason Modrak hasn't done better.
  9. I really hope the Bills don't go anywhere near Gabbert, even in the second round. People talk about how everyone is high on him, but the reality is all of the positive press is coming from only two places, Mizzou or McShay. McShay and the ESPN Scouts.com crew love this guy, but in the 2 games I watched of him this year (I know limited sample size) this guy was awful. In the Iowa game in particular he exhibited almost nothing you'd like to see in a pro qb. He had happy feet, was inaccurate and error prone on his throws that were over 10 yards. He captained a 12th ranked team to a loss against the unranked opponent throwing two picks along the way, and plays in a spread system that exagerates his stats. He physically is nothing like Daniels, but the reality is he hasn't done much better in the same system. Add to that the fact that he's lost every big game he played in, and I just can't see why McShay is pimping this kid so hard, and / or why so many people seem to be falling for it. The Bills already have a system Qb on the roster that they don't need in Brohm, they should be looking to replace him with someone much better, and not just another guy who will fail in the NFL.
  10. No way they get even close to that. Id say a 4th at best, and probably not even that. Broncos must have forgot the only moron in the NFL who would come even close to making such a dumb trade, was just fired. BY THEM.
  11. I know I'm probably wrong, but I just don't want to see them cut Maybin. I know there is about a 99% chance he will remain a total bust, but for that 1% I'd keep him. Give him one more year to make it at OLB, or at least give him the preseason. But I have no problem handing McCargo and Stroud their walking papers this afternoon.
  12. The offseason starts today for the Bills. The mock drafts are already flowing and fights over who the Bills need to add via the draft and free agency have already begun. But before the Bills front office can go out filling holes and working to improve the team it has to first fully evaluate the roster it already has. Part of that process is cutting the dead weight and moving on. So who would you cut from the Bills who is under contract for 2011? The first cut that came to my mind was Stroud. Simply put, this guys appears done. I would love it if the Bills took the non-gaurenteed money they are scheduled to pay him next year and try to get a better DE for the 3-4 or add it to a pile of cash and throw it at a true NT like Solari.
  13. ....the Buffalo Bills select.....? Who do we want? On the plus side it is actually impossible for them to draft Maybin again, so rejoice.
  14. Obviously Gaither has been injured much of this year, and might have long term back issues, but part of me is really wishing Nix would have accepted the Gaither for Mckelvin offer.
  15. It was my understanding that SOS only came into play if two teams had the same record and didn't play each other that year. Bills beat Cin, so all that moves buffalo up is a worse record.
  16. Give Tebow more than two starts. Next season won't go well for him.
  17. Obviously Cam doesn't have the same mechanical problems VY did coming out, and he has offield issues unlike VY when he came out of college, but statistically the comparison isn't crazy. Both are physically large QBs who are mobile and known for leading their teams to big victories. Both played in the BCS championship in their 3rd year of eligibility, and their stats are below: VY 3,036 yards, 26 TDs, 10 ints, 1,050 rush yards, 6.8 avg, 12 TDs. Cam 2,589 yards, 28 Tds, 6 ints, 1,409 rush yards, 5.8 avg, 20 TDs. How could you ever compare two completely different qbs? What basis could there possibly be?
  18. A lot of people talk about how Tebow has a strong arm, but I don't buy it. Long passes tend to turn into ducks on him and he seems to have to loft anything over 20 yards. Maybe it's just his bad mechanics, but Ive always chalked up throwing a bad deep ball to a lack of arm strength. Fwiw, in ESPN's pre draft breakdown they said Tebow had good nor elite arm strength and graded his arm strength as being in the second tier.
  19. Here here! And let's only play the starters in the preseason. Every win is a must, consequences be darned. Bills should also forfeit their first founders from here on out. Let's really make the scouting department earn their keep.
  20. Can anyone name a QB like Newton who has had long term success in the NFL? Long term being defined as sustained high quality play and at least a modicum of post season success. The ONLY one I can think of is Steve Young. Guys like Vick, Randall Cunningham, VY,and Tebow just don't work out in the NFL. Even Steve Young had his career cut short because of his running, and only had success while surrounded by an amazing supporting cast. Take a look at Vick this year. His best year as a pro, he's missed games because of injury and appears to be wearing down right in time for the playoffs. But I do have to admit, watching Cam play, I wouldn't hate it if the Bills took a chance on him. Cam is like Tebow, except better in his mechanics and physical attributes. Assuming he will put in the time off the field, maybe he could buck the trend.
  21. I generally agree with this, but if there isn't a clear elite contributor who can play in the front seven when the Bills are on the clock, I'd rather they take an elite cover corner who could shutdown every other teams top receiver. A lot more info will pour in before the draft, but right now there appears to be 4-5 elite front 7 guys. If they are gone, Id rather see them grab a corner than reach for a QB, or take an elite WR like Aj green. I don't see this as too likely unless the Bills win this Sunday and drop to the 9th pick.
  22. Fact is, a win costs the Bills 4-5 draft spots in every round. That is often huge not only in the 1st round but also the second. Often times teams picking high in the second get a shot at 1st round talent that fell for no reason but the position needs of the teams that drafted in the last 3rd of the first round. Also let's put this "win" into perspective. A win won't get the Bills into the playoffs. A win could provide a psychological benefit if it came against a team in the Division that was actually at full strength, which is precisely why I was hoping the Bills would pull out all the stops and beat the pats last week. But if the Jets are pulling starters, what does a win against them achieve? For all those who think it's stupid to believe the Bills are better off losing against the Jets backups, what is the quantitative upside to such a win? The downside is clear, the Bills draft position will be significantly hurt. Are those who hope for a win against the Jets backups also disappointed when the Bills don't play their starters for every minute of the preseason?
  23. If it was up to me Id draft Brady ahead of more interior line help. But I can't argue with a lot of the rest.
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