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DC Grid

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Everything posted by DC Grid

  1. Wow...there seems to be a lot of kid hate on the TBD board. I get people's concerns but if the guy wants to give it a shot and he's responsible what gives. I've only been to 10 or so Bills games at the Ralph but the horrors I've seen were never visited upon children. He's going to hear curse words see a lot of drunks and not understand much of anything. But what's the harm? If anything (with ear protection) now might be the best time to take the little one to a game. He'll have pictures of him self at his first. Bills game to show off if he becomes a bills fan, or laugh at if he becomes a skins fan. He won't get messed up by what he sees and hears because he'll be too young. I'd say the real maniacs are the people who take kids above 4 and under whatever age you give up on trying to get them not binge drinking, to the games. I think a 14 year old who sees 10,000 adults on the verge of alcohol poisoning while another 65,000 plus cheer is far more influenced / scarred than a 1 year old. And I say that as so one who's been one of the 10,000 at the Ralph. As for the people complaining about kids bothering others at a stadium....how is that even possible. If you are sitting in a section calm and quiet enough to even notice the antics of a kid, you likely aren't at a football game in the US.
  2. Shouldn't his chosing to remain with his old team with a better established QB and passing attack be at least looked upon neutrally, if not positively. I get it he turned the Bills down, but he did the smart thing career wise...or at least it seems that way. I'm not saying he'll be great, but for a measily late round pick and less than $1m the Bills get to find out if he's worth the money / contract they were trying to give him this offseason. For a team that is young and looking to build, a move like this could be a big difference maker.
  3. Redskins are shopping him. Assuming he can be had for a 5th or 6th rounder I'd love to see the Bills try to get him. What's the downside. He's far more athletic than any TE the Bills have had in a decade plus right? You see what he has left this year than sign him to an extension in the offseason if he'd worth it. Can't imagine they do better next year in the 5th or 6th round than a starting TE that's flashed big potential in the past. (That's not a knock against Whaley etc just reality of most drafts.)
  4. Maybe he had the Bills in a super teaser and realized the chances of success with no play called and no time left were far outweighed by the chances the Jets would score a defensive TD and blow the 13.5 spread....just saying.
  5. That guy HATES the Bills. He's a Pats homer through and through who wrote for a hack pats site before ESPN plucked him out of the ooze. Assuming he's not someone's kid in Bristol, he'll be gone soon enough. His in depth Bills article last week was to transcribe a radio interview Marrone did.
  6. Bridgewater is far from a sure thing. If I were the Browns I'd target Hundley but the Jags will be doing the same and they are capable of losing ever game. The Browns will have a lot of picks next year but if they do anything but nail them all this move will go down as a big blunder. They just traded a top 3 RB for a first round pick in the low 20s.
  7. Good lord, when did taking football and trashing rivals on TwoBillsDrive become an innerbeauty forum for people who are naive about how the world works to whine? Men are mostly motivated by looks, women in pretty much every poll ever done say they're looking for a guy who can make them laugh and feel secure...when asked to define security financial terms are the ones most frequently used. If you are decent looking, have your s together, and have some money you can land a good girl who'll have a great personality and is pretty and loyal as can be. You don't have to settle for some land monster to find true love. Getting down to brass tacks for Vince, who cares if some hottie is going to use him until his money runs dry. Have you seen he guy? He won't be around another 20 years to find out what happens when the money's gone. Lighten up folks, the world is a cruel place and those of us poking fun at a Patriots wife are just having a little fun with it. Ps Have you seen how hot Eric Wood's wife is? Seems like some football players have their head screwed on right.
  8. When I see something like Vince's wife, all I can think is why bust your ass to be rich only to bang something a dirty homeless man would turn down. To borrow form Archer, banging her would be a physical impossibility as I'd have to be so drunk I'd be dead.
  9. Bills MUST blitz. Part of changing culture is making teams HATE playing the Bills. The Jets have done better than the Bills the past 5 years against the Pats because they get in Brady's face. They make him pay. The Bills are in a marathon back to the top of the East not a sprint. They need to help put more miles on Brady anyway they legally can. Make him PAY. These hits have a cumulative effect. Make Brady hate playing the Bills now they'll beat him later and / or get him out of the division and enjoying a long retirement earlier.
  10. And the guy who started the whole craze...Scott Mitchell.
  11. Powell is the worst punter in the NFL. Anyone might be an upgrade.
  12. I'd like to seem them keep 7 WRs and just two TEs. I hate the idea of carrying horrible players just becasue of positional scarcity. Obviously there are certain positions you can't short (OL, QB etc) but keeping 3 TEs from this crop seems like a waste. Certainly one of these guys can be stashed on the practice squad.
  13. EJ walking off the bus is better than Fitz's best performance from last year.
  14. This! Stevie is 1. The Bills need to figure out the other 5(?) WRs they plan to keep. Looks like it might be a tough decsion. It'd be great to have Stevie be out there developing a chemistry with EJ, but healing up that leg must be the top priority.
  15. The NFL is an increasingly offensive biased league. That's why for me racking up more sacks than Deacon (deacon claimed he had 187.5) decades later makes Bruce clearly better. The NFL has evolved more than any other sport....you drop Bruce into Deacon's era he might have 400 sacks. Then again I'm also a firm believer that Tyson at his prime would drop Ali like a bag of dirt.
  16. As an a I'd hater of clowns I'd like to remind you that clowns and humans aren't the same thing.
  17. Anyone who gives a damn what these players do in their personal life is watching the wrong league. Most are doing a lot worse things than loving some guy. See Lynch, Marshawn. Or Ochoslaps girls, or Donte Killer Stallworth, or Brady baby killer. Ok I don't have proof about the last one, but it's a safe assumption.
  18. The first day of Free Agency meant very little to me as the Bills are too far away from competing to think one or two players available on this market will matter. Usually by this time of year I'm living and breathing the draft, hopeful of what the Bills might get, but frankly the thrill is sort of gone. With few if any good QBs available in this draft it's not clear how the Bills get any more than a collection of southern kids Nix loves but who are at best equal parts good or bad. The only thing that will get me excited is if they take a couple of shots at getting a franchise QB in the draft, but what is everyone else looking for the Bills to do to restore their faith? Is everyone hoping the Bills do something crazy like take a QB like Barkley in the first and Nassib in the third? Or are there other moves that could provide some realistic reason for hope?
  19. So at what point does someone at TBD start the new topic: Mario for Lennay?
  20. I think the joke that the hoax was to cover up his affair with Tebow is equally likley.
  21. +1. Either Te'o is the victim of the most elaborate hoax ever played for zero financial benefit, or he's in on it. When you hear hoof beats you should think horses, not magical fairy unicorns from Mars.
  22. You missed: -Te'o looks to be clearly in on it. Very screwed. Comical irony? A guy who devotes his life to a religion founded by a convicted con artist, turns out to have pulled off the biggest hoax in college football history. How is that not approriate to note?
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