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DC Grid

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Everything posted by DC Grid

  1. You missed: -Te'o looks to be clearly in on it. Very screwed. Comical irony? A guy who devotes his life to a religion founded by a convicted con artist, turns out to have pulled off the biggest hoax in college football history. How is that not approriate to note?
  2. So what round should the Bills draft him? I say 3....but i assume the Bengals will grab him in the second. How do you even chart this kind of stuff on the bad character scale.
  3. Usually I am on board with throwing out PC rules, but this situation is different. Redskins is basically the equivalent to calling them the DC "darkies" or worse. What's the harm in changing it to the warriors? It goes against the principle of being a racist? The principle of pissing off people you can get away with crapping on? The principle of never changing anything because you are too stuck in your ways?
  4. FedEx is a total hole, and this year was the first year MOST of the reported sellouts were real. That's with RG3 winning and after the skins removed thousands of seats. The team has a huge season ticket waiting list, but that is truthfully for the non club seats. Usually when people sign up for the waiting list they are told it will be years, then magically a month or so later they are told of a unique and wonderful opportunity to but club seats for $250 a pop. That is the ring of yellow seats in the stadium that are usually empty. Because they are classified as club / lux seats there's some sort of end around the skins do with them re ths blackout rule. You're right though FedEx while the worst stadium in the entire nfl and horribly located compared to a city that has everything else directly on a metro line and in the heart of it all, is a cash machine. But the deal the city has said to have offered is something noOne on the planner would turn down. Snyder said he'd pay for the stadium at the RFK site of the city would just give him the land it's on and the city is willing to do that. The city is willing to do that because the people who run it are morons to a sickening degree. The land RFK is on is worth roughly $2-3 BILLION. Snyder, the king of shady leveraged deals could instantly leverage the land to pay for the stadium and retail and condo complex he wants and not even put in a done of his own money. Luckily DC doesn't own the land, they merely get a revolving lease from the federal government. And the Feds are smart enough that they won't give a billion dollar gift to Snyder for nothing. To get it he'll have to grease scumbags like Issa, which he's feverishly attempting at this moment. Still it will likely be a tough road as the only people too stupid to make a deal like this, no matter how much money Snyder can throw, are the morons that get elected in DC.
  5. This might seem a bit crazy, but it seems like all that matters in today's NFL is who your QB is. So let's lean into it and see what happens. Assuming no QBs go before the Bills pick at 8, they should draft the one they have rated highest on their board; Mike Glennon, Geno Smith, Barkley etc. Thenn in round two grab Nassib, after that draft LBs or WRs the rest of the way. They do this plus sign their own FAs this offseason and I think they give themselves the best possible chance for righting the ship. I realize this strategy will get trashed but considering the long list of duds the Bills usually take in the second round (Cordy Glenn last year being an exception), I think this strategy has a lot of merit. And I know a lot of people might say just grab whatever QB falls in the second round and grab a better value guy at another position like LB at 8, but recent history has shown that teams seem more willing than ever to reach for QBs, even when they have their starters already. (Seattle - Wilson, Washington - Cousins, Philly - Foles, etc). My fear is that in typical Buffalo fashion the Bills will let gems like Byrd and Levitre go (not to mention Carrington) and wind up having to burn draft picks on inferior replacements.
  6. From Stripes...."And then depression set in." at the 2:18 mark.
  7. That way when they fail to upgrade at QB next year and don't draft a QB till the third or fourth they can still con us by saying tavaris might be the franchise qb they need and we'll have no way of knowing. Genius.
  8. Do they keep stats on individual CBs....specifically to the extent they give up big plays? I don't know what the numbers would be but i've never seen a CB get more often in an entire season than Williams did in the games he played this year. It's hard not to notice how much better the DBs have played as a whole since his departure. I would hate to see him step back into any starting role ever.
  9. Alright the Bills are 5-7 showing signs of life,but banged up and almost guaranteed to finish 7-9 or 8-8....not in the playoffs, and surprise drafting just out of the top 10. So what do you want to see this offseason? I expect that Ralph's status means everyone in the don't office, and also the coaching staff is safe. Drafting at 11 to 16 it seems the Bills could get a falling QB like Geno or Barkley or their choice of whoever else may emerge, barring a completely insane run on reach QBs early. With all that in mind, i'd love to see them spend their money this offseason on Wes Welker. Many were eager to trash the Bills spending spree earlier this year, but it seems clear that while anderson was a disaster Mario looks worth the scratch (relative to how FAs work). Why not follow it up by grabbing a great possession WR who can complete the WR corps, be a great option for Fitz and then a young 1at round QB starting out? Added bonus it hurts the Pats. If the Bills can do that plus resign their key FAs like Byrd, maybe there's reason to think this awful drought might be ending next year....maybe.
  10. Makes sense. Klein is just like Tebow, and he's so good he can't even push a strugling Sanchez.
  11. One thing that stands out in a good way is that the success rate seems to be improving. The past two years we've seen 3 arguably guaranteed franchise QBs taken (Cam, Luck, RG3) Two very possible franchise QBs (Ponder, Tannehill) and Two potentially serviceable QBs (Weeden and Gabbert). I know Gabbert had a horrible first year, but this year he has showed a lot more promise. In all I don't think any of the teams, save the Browns, regret their first round QB picks over the past 2 years....and part of the Browns regret is that they will likely be drafting high enough this year to grab a true franchise QB. That doesn't mean you should always take a QB in the first round, but if it is a guy that has a consensus first round grade there seems to be some strong indicators that his selection will be a great choice.
  12. Trying to appreciate how bad Gilmore is playing on a defense that is also starting Aaron Williams, is like trying to hear a dog whistle while a fog horn is blowing.
  13. The Bills will get between 6-8 wins this year, assuring themselves a mid range draft pick and securing years more of stagnation. You're right that it's not time to panic, it's time to accept that the Bills are a below average team, with extermely poor defensive coaching, that is still a long way from the playoffs.
  14. Mistake. He will make them look really dumb when another team signs him this week.
  15. Newspapers that charge immediately lose my attention, but it makes sense their doing so. Local newspapers are like the NHL, they have a diehard customer base that will walk through hell for them and are casually enjoyed by people like me who occasionally stumble on an article or two that are interesting, but don't give damn about whether they exist or not. This is why, like hockey they can overcharge for their services...in this sense they also are like pay per view events. Unlike PPV and hockey though, the vast majority of newsprint supporters are over the age of fifty and dying off. When the generation that was born in the 60s is gone, local newspapers will be too.
  16. I think as everyone is expecting it, coaches are best off pretending they will do it but not calling a timeout. I keep seeing missed and blocked kicks on first tries before timeouts because the offense is treating it like a dry run.
  17. Spiller must have a broken collar bone....for those who think it could be anything less you obviously have forgotten that God hates the Bills.
  18. How bad is dareus hurt? Looks like he hurt his wrist, then never came back.
  19. Time to pull a skins. Trade everything you have to and get a Franchise QB next draft.
  20. Wilson had a good first partial game against some second stringers, but while i like the guy and was one of those who wanted the Bills to draft him (no earlier than late 3rd early 4th) I'd say the praise is a little over the top at this point. Watching the game i was surprised how uncomfotable Wilson still looks in the pocket. He was great on the move, but if Tenn had actually game planned for him and forced him to throw from the pocket I think they would have feasted on a QB who looks to have a LONG way to go. If Wilson really is a good as some are saying he'll get a chance to show it soon enough because Flynn also seemed Bradford esqe in his inability to extend beyond a 10 yard range....but perhaps that is a rush to judgement too, just one game into the preseason.
  21. Depends on where you are. That is the comcast sports network for DC so if you arent in Buffalo and you get the channel, you'll be able to watch it live.
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