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DC Grid

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Everything posted by DC Grid

  1. Kuechly would be awesome and I do believe he could play all three LB positions. If Buddy truly sticks with BPA Kuechly has to be it...if he's there at 10. Not because they play the same way or have the same talent, but the situation reminds me a lot of Von Miller last year and Denver. Von wasn't the perfect scheme fit (made more sense in a 3-4 than a 4-3 which Denver runs) and it wasn't clear where he would fit, but Denver saw a clear talent, so they took him and hit a home run. I see Kuechly being the same thing.
  2. You can never be sure. You cant be sure that Luck and RG3 have higher grades on every team's draft boards than Tannehill....but you can draw reasonable conclusions from what is generally being said and what you see. There is a reason soooo many people say Glenn is a guard...not a Tackle. In the end perhaps the proof of what I'm saying will be where Glenn goes if the bills dont take him at 10...my bet is he doesnt go before 20.
  3. If they want Glenn they'd be wise to trade down a good bit, because he is a big reach at 10. They could likely trade down ten spots and still be guaranteed to get Glenn, and a move like that would get them at least an extra third. Then I could see making that move. Otherwise Glenn at 10 is a bitter pill to swallow.
  4. I'm enjoying football as much as I can now, because between concussions and the dismantling of defense and special teams, NFL will be nothing more than soccer in pads within another 20 years.
  5. On the plus side if those truly are the replicas they have in the pics they're greatly improved over the completely mesh replicas of the past.
  6. If Blackmon is there, he's got to be the pick. But I voted for Reiff because Blackmon will be gone by 6 at the latest.
  7. Reiff could go at 7 to Jax or if Miami passes on Tannehill, or gets jumped by another team taking him, they might also grab Reiff. At worst Reiff is a stud RT and tons better than Bulaga, who is a solid starting RT for the Pack. Blackmon will never make it to 10. I like Floyd too though and wouldnt be sad to see the Bills grab him at 10. Nothing's certain, but there is a reason Hairston was a 4th rounder and Reiff will be a 1st. Hairston couldn't even unseat an OT Bell after he came back from injury. The same Bell the Bills were happy to let walk, when keeping him was cheap. Hairston played well in spurts but was inconsistent and is a long way from being a dependable starter. Given the opportunity to address Hairston this offseason, Chan has gone out of his way to point out that Hairston has a lot of work to do before the team can count on him. If Reiff was on the Bills it would shock most NFL observers if he wasn't starting over Hairston. That's the reason so many draft experts have the Bills taking Reiff.
  8. Reiff is in no way a reach at 10....heck there's a good chance he flys off the board before 10. The main issue with him is he might not be a true LT long term. That said he'd be far better an OT than any thing the Bills will start this year at LT or RT.
  9. 100% agree....put it all on Fitz....anything less than playoffs, then the Bills should make a skins like move and draft the best QB they can next year.
  10. What 34 are you a fan of? Certainly not Thurman or any Bills player right? As much venom as you're spewing about Fitz and the team, and hoping a guy you think has a future goes to denver instead of Buffalo, I assume you're some front runner who still rocks his Bo Jackson throwback....bought last year. I guess my real question is are you hoping to grab a Brock / Denver jersey after the draft or just keep representing in your brand new Manning jersey.
  11. I like the comparison because it let me know immediately that you are out of your mind. Romo is a true franchise QB, and likely a top ten QB, who is constantly undervalued by arm chair GMs, spoiled Cowboy fans, and lazy reporters just looking for something to write about. I would be making my playoff plans now if Romo was the Bills QB and if Fitz can even comes close to playing as well as Romo for the entirety of this season then the Bills playoff drought ends this year. Unfortunately, Fitz isn't Buffalo's Romo...he's Buffalo's Fitz which is much, much worse. That said I still hold out hope that he can be the Bills Rypen or Hostetler or Sims, and be just good enough to finally get the Bills back into the playoffs.
  12. Does anyone have, or know of, a complete list of potential 2012 draftees that have been brought into Buffalo to visit with the Bills? Hoping Kuechly has visited, but generally curious about who they've brought in.
  13. It seems like coaches in the NFL have term contracts, as when they get fired they are typically paid the balance of their contract. So a coach quitting to do something other than an NFL job could be sued for damages.
  14. I'd never want to see this happen. Bills need to take the BPA this year and see if Fitz is playoff capable. If he isn't they need to make a redskins esq trade for a top QB next year in the draft. The Bills have playoff talent, but cant afford to mortgage future drafts until they are sure they have a proven franchise QB. Fitz has yet to prove himself.
  15. It seems clear right now this was no conspiracy. To me the funny part was how much this release has changed the dynamic in the league office. One of my college roomates works for the league office and over the weekend he indicated the suspension of Payton was likely being reduced. When this news broke I texted him to see if that was still the chance and his quick response was fat chance.
  16. "While Buffalo's team sack total will rise in 2012, offenses will know exactly which front-four member to target on running plays: Mark Anderson." It is never impressive when someone makes an obvious factual statement, but treats it like a big reveal and proof of their argument. Wow. Teams will run at Anderson given their choice of the Bills front four? They won't run at two of the best run stopping DTs in the NFL or a DE who might be the best run stuffing 4-3 DE in the league? Instead they will run at the other guy? Well that does it, that other guy must be overpaid. Forget for a second that there are probably only 5-10 guys in the entire NFL who teams wouldn't run towards when facing the other three options on the Bills line. In his first draft did the writer include the fact that Anderson is also overpaid because he isn't likely to be as effective at throwing the football as Fitzpatrick?
  17. Passing on Blackmon because he isn't a field stretcher would be like passing on Larry Fitzgerald. A bad idea the team would regret for a decade. If Blackmon is there the Bills should be sprinting up to take him. To bad there is zero chance he makes it past 6.
  18. Dude can't read or doesn't care. Either way the Bills should avoid like the plague. Statistically he should have scored better just filling in all As.
  19. Wallace wants the same money as Calvin and Larry.....AND he would cost the Bills their first pick. PASS.
  20. +1,000,000. As the one who started the Buddy Nix thread I'll chime in. I use to try to play it safe, play that Karma game BS. Not make any crazy statements or happy predictions and what did it get me. 2 lost SBs (I bragged before the first 2) and decades of dissapointment. You can play it Karma safe, but the team is still going to get shredded by the injury bug if universe bounces that way. You can tiptoe around co-workers who hate your team and avoid saying anything that makes you look like a homer, but at the end of the year you're still going to catch hell if the team sucks. I say you're better to just lean into it. Support your team, make crazy statements, and be proud of your Bills....just don't vote for SJ on the Madden cover that curse is real.
  21. If you love the Bills you should only be voting for a Patriot on the cover of Madden.
  22. First he resigns Stevie for relatively cheap...you might even say dirt cheap given what some bum WRs got this year. Next he gets THE free agent prize at DE. Then he gets another solid pass rushing DE in his prime (Anderson)...and keeps the guy from returning to New England. And on top of all that he does a pretty decent job of resigning some sinificant role players. If Buddy et al put together another stellar draft this could be the best offseason the Buffalo Bills have ever had.
  23. This coming from the organization that was so smart with the contracts they are in a mess welker. They could have signed him for less than the Bills gave stevie if they would have acted before FA started. Now that big money is being handed out to borderline bum receivers Welker is going to hold out for a lot more.
  24. I remember an article on him shortly after he left the Bills as there was talk he might be interested in reversing course and going to a 4-3 team, ironically Houston back then, and Shobel talked about how he didnt want to do this and said he was tired of having to maintain a strict diet and workout all the time. I cant see a guy with a mindset like that staying in any kind of shape but round.
  25. I feel like this thread and the general Mario mania needs a theme song. I propose the 1980s hit by Mike and the Mechanics, All I Need Is A Miracle.
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