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Everything posted by NoSaint

  1. *milano has to return to better than a street free agent in December to be a step forward from last year. Milano-Bernard has to just be better than Bernard-Klein or Bernard-dodson *I agree it’s a low bar. I’m not holding my breathe that he’s great but he won’t be worse and could be better *having followed much of Brady’s career and being well familiar with Dorsey I feel comfortable speaking on a level higher than ppg in a 3 week window while running Dorsey’s offense - and am totally comfortable with saying who I’d hire if I had a choice between the two
  2. knock on wood - compared to last year: douglas should be better than tre was Milano has a running partner Kincaid should step up big time Torrence may also see a jump with a year in the system. vonn can’t be worse. better offensive coordinator really, it’s finding WR2 (matching gabe not unlikely, and could improve there) and figuring out the d line. safety and center are holes but they are the least intimidating positions to address on their sides of the ball. Just don’t require elite athletes. Center may be filled as I trust kromer, and even if you hate McD I think he’s earned some leash on filling the back end of the defense it shouldn’t be scary to think with a couple mid tier free agents and and hitting on the 1st round pick that this 53 on week 1 could be more intimidating than it was last year week 1
  3. Also, no longer a dude. Can only get so excited for 5 for 40 and no TD stat lines for so long
  4. a ton of not yet guaranteed money
  5. I think we are going to be better than a wild card loser but not likely a Super Bowl team injury or dumb luck of how a ball bounces could effect that but generally top 8 but not top 2
  6. Well, yea, but I was replying to someone saying to restructure (or convert his salary to bonus) and not renegotiate (ie reduce his salary) even if von doesn’t return to form yesterdays deal is fine all incentives are either likely or unlikely to be earned for accounting purposes
  7. im obviously oversimplifying for the sake of a 3 sentence post but in broad strokes it gets pretty darn close there are some other pressure and pain points - cash flows through to egos and PR - but quick and dirty is we can both walk away looking like idiots or we can both walk away looking good. Salary vs bonus, or incentives have some range of covering the nuances but two guys did the mutually beneficial thing. Not a mastermind GM or a DE with a heart of gold at play. “your pay will be the same as if you are cut but I’ll give you some incentives if you regain form” “I’ll still play for you because the alternative would be quite publicly humbling for me and that’s the most I could make this year anyway” is that first 1m bonus for 4 sacks or 6? Or is it $2m? Sure, there’s some noise I oversimplified but for today all we know is the other choices sucked and I’m glad neither side tried to play hard ball or call a bluff
  8. Your definition of not being here for a day sure is strange. did you just mean the daylight hours?
  9. john has a banner in his house for 2023 afc #2 seed I think he will raise it week 1 of next season Yes, to kick off the season but also it is going to hang from his ceiling fan and he’d prefer to make it through the summer first
  10. all that cash being paid this year would both be real dollars out of pegulas pocket and also new money to account for against the cap he reduced those today to be in line with what would’ve hit if he was cut. you can chose to believe it was pure goodness in his heart if you want but common sense says he was told “you will receive x dollars, do you prefer to be a bill or a free agent at that number?” transplant is still working on figuring out void years. Don’t let him teach you about l likely to be earned bonuses
  11. and truly, I’m good with that. Happy they could find the best of the bad paths forward but I think it was in easy alignment for both sides - not particularly generous of von or cunning of beane. Just the best option for each party happening to match in a bad situation.
  12. vons alternative was to be cut, be signed to a meager deal and look bad this was simply a good business decision for both sides in the midst of a bad set of alternatives for each
  13. I get the initial gut reaction from many but I think when you break it down- today wasn’t as noteworthy on the field as it was sentimental. The fan base is really holding onto “the guys that broke the curse” and a bunch left today. but several were already gone or holding on by a thread last year. And the only one at a premium position (tre) was already replaced last year
  14. I guess… 4 out of 5 starters on the line back gabe Davis the only skill position starter gone tre was already replaced last year, so cb and lb staying static 2 new safeties, a center and a wr2 isn’t crazy. 3 of the 4 are non premium positions figuring out the DL is the biggest piece if you assume a WR by the end of round 2 and dl wasn’t really hit today so it’s not so much a drastic makeover today as much as some long tenured names
  15. which as a floor is not great but not a catastrophic drop. Really safety and center are of the most manageable holes to fill so those don’t worry me. We already replaced tre WR and if we can find a little juice on the DL are the two big questions. Kincaid should help with the pass catching question even if WR2 isn’t an instant hit. it’s really not a terrible spot even with the moves today.
  16. the rookies may be 10m in cap but they are replacing about 7m in guys that will be cut if you don’t even knock out a player that’s above vet minimum with someone you draft. kincaid and Torrence combined for like 3.5 in cap space last year
  17. he’s likely a middle of the pack signing. Sometimes there’s value in setting a floor when you need to fill 3 spots (2 starters and a backup)
  18. could also not have major guarantees in year 2 if they sign another and draft one it could be 3 guys less than 10m
  19. heck I wouldn’t be totally shocked if he’s on the market pretty late in the game or during the season as a guy jumping onto a roster cheap if a contender (ie Buffalo) had an injury
  20. literally anyone. I have nearly zero worry. Almost to the point of a punt (and kick) catcher ala wade. so few impact plays and an offense that marches the field regularly. Even our couple big returns, there was a good chance the offense scores anyway and gives our defense a breather to boot
  21. what bet? He wasn’t getting more on the market so he will try to play under his already guaranteed salary instead of getting cut and collecting the same elsewhere -subsidized by the bills- and with the humbling nature of being signed to a cheaper and shorter deal
  22. exactly- he knew he wasn’t getting what he signed today as a free agent so he took his guaranteed dollars as a win and let him save face none of it was charitable. Good business for both parties aligned with good or for both parties. No one wanted to sign todays deal. It was just the most profitable move for both.
  23. what day did his salary this year guarantee?
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