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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. I mean, to paraphrase that guy on the Progressive commercial, Let's not talk about replacing him until he's actually interviewed for another job!
  2. According to the link in the OP, "In his press conference after the game, Prescott said the intended play was something he and his teammates had practiced. "We've practiced it," Prescott said. "You hand it to the center. The umpire, all he has to do is usually come in and tap the ball. Don't necessarily know exactly ... why the hit (with the official) happened, I guess. Yeah, I know he's going to come in and touch the ball. We could say, 'Yeah, he needs to be closer to the ball,' or whatever, but in hindsight, it's just tough. Just tough to accept."
  3. Pay from the car, at the pump ...are there other options now
  4. Lead singer of the Ronettes, older folks here remember a lot (or at least a few) of their songs. Toured with The Rolling Stones. Thank you for your contributions to the music industry. Billy Joel's Say Goodbye to Hollywood was written for her, somehow seems appropriate now. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ronnie-spector-dies-age-78-cancer/
  5. Be up front, don't make excuses, if someone asks you if you want to go to the game and you really don't just say "I'll pass, too cold"
  6. Before McDermott we were referring to the Wade Phillips era as the good old days!
  7. 1. Hate to say it, 2007 Patriots🤮 2. 1985 Chicago Bears 3. 1990 Buffalo Bills 4. 1998 Minnesota Vikings 5. 1994 San Francisco 49ers At least the undefeated Dolphins didn't crack the list.
  8. Lincoln never said this, not possible. The internet was known as the "world wide web" in his day, the term internet was not used until several years after his death. BUSTED!!!
  9. Hopefully we make up for it in the playoffs and overperform by 2+ wins.
  10. Well, according to Joe, as he said in yesterday's press conference, there's a lot of reasons to be hopeful in 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt_8HJss1Co
  11. So quality of life is the key. As stated in my answer, both my parents lived past 100, 95 will be just fine. Both golfed until 92 and had 3ish decent years after that. Who wouldn't sign on the dotted line for that? The last 7 years, well, I just kept telling their North Carolina grandchildren not to come to visit, it isn't how they would want to be remembered.
  12. So Milano is our best Linebacker. Tried to resist the temptation to say in other breaking news the sky is blue, water is wet, and Princess Di is still dead, but I just couldn't.
  13. Mom died at 101yrs, 246 days - Dad at 100yrs, 282 days. Mom had broken her hip or she would likely still be here. At Mom's 100th birthday party one of the guests commented that it was the first 100th birthday party he'd ever been to - told him it was the second one I'd hosted in the past year and a half. At any rate 95 will be just fine, I've seen 100, don't care to make it.
  14. Totally agree Diggs counts as a first round pick. As to trading up for a prime target, rather not. Using 2020 as the baseline as that's where the Diggs pick comes in to play, had we stood pat at 22 and gone wide receiver, we would likely have taken Justin Jefferson who was the 5th WR taken in that draft and has to date been the most productive - the only one with stats that surpass Diggs. Instead of trading up for an unproven rookie Beane traded out for a proven player which so far has proved to be the better decision. Prefer this route to trading up for an unknown when you can just stand pat for a different unknown that may prove to be better that the one you traded up for.
  15. re why - might be a playoff opponent re couldn't care less - If a topic doesn't interest me I simply scroll past it. That way I'm not open to sarcastic remarks.
  16. Here's the Allen trip. Hope he gets fined.
  17. It's what almost everyone calls me
  18. If I wasn't depressed before I sure as hell am after listening to this
  19. I thought this thread was going to start with "Here me out.."
  20. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/denverpost/name/michael-blanchard-obituary?id=8793878 Someone posted this here back in 2012. Not as funny as Renay's but still a good one. I'll toast both Renay and "Flathead" tonight!
  21. Biden for the year, but the past 24 hours go to Meyer.
  22. The game was a microcosm of being a bills fan. First half - almost unwatchable a la teams of the late 60's and late 70's, mid 80's, and first decade and a half of this century. Second half - excitement and reason for hope, a la OJ in his prime years, early 80's Knox teams, late 80's and 90's Kelly etc. teams, and of course the McBeane era. OT - Great comeback only to have our hearts ripped out at the end...Ferguson delay of game, Harmon drop, HR throwback, and of course 4 SB losses to name just a few. The feeling after the game was familiar to long time Bills fans. For those that have become fans during the past two decades, well, get used to this feeling. Why did Dad have to move to from Mass. to Western NY before starting a family, I could have been a New England fan.
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