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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. For all of his faults, he has a Doug Flutie-like way of making plays at times. He would come dirt cheap with a myriad of behavior clauses. He would be a affordable backup. But ultimately the only way I think a team would take a chance on him is if he agreed to regular blood/breathalyzer tests in addition to random tests at the team's request.
  2. Elway is "looking to make a splash" in the offseason. And given reports that Romo's first pick is Denver, seems like a lock
  3. His name alone will draw coverage. That would be enough to get a healthy Watkins open
  4. I remember seeing EJ's Sports Science segment and thinking we got a steal in the draft. And up until his injury against the Browns his rookie year, he seemed on a decent progression trajectory to my untrained eyes. But he was never the same. Overly hesitant. Basically Trent Edwards jr.
  5. I don't know what's worse, having a wife who actively roots for a hated rival, or my wife who is overly sympathetic to the point of almost mocking. Having 1% chance of making the playoffs is preferable to where we've been in December most of the past two decades
  6. If anyone actually gave a crap about the legality of weed, no one would have used it since 1937.
  7. The only time you can count on them to win is when it hurts draft position
  8. If by "'mathematically we are not done" means we need at least 3 teams to lose out, then yes. We're totally in the thick of it.
  9. Seasons like this one, but mostly games like this one are the reason the only rule at Christmas is no Bills gear as gifts. We haven't been relevant in the past two decades to enjoy a Bills gift at Christmas
  10. I predict Carpenter will have a Scott Norwood experience from 91 and miss 3 field goals only to hit the game winner 30-27
  11. Doesn't everyone wish we had Fitz back so he could go for 250 and 2 tds but a game losing INT?
  12. Likely the same reason other teams can overcome two score deficits in the 4th quarter to win and a field goal deficit at the half is insurmountable for us
  13. It's exactly what he did to us. His principles told him to be a backup on another team for less money. I see him doing the same thing again.
  14. Just so he can leave us to be another team's backup for less money again?
  15. Everyone has moved on except you. The Fitz Friendzone
  16. We'll see if he's humbled. Doesn't look like it so far
  17. It is so sweet that there are those still burning a candle for Fitz. Unfortuntely we've seen this show before. But those 4 other teams must be wrong, right?
  18. Saving people the time of looking it up would've justified your caps lock. We need for:Kansas City loses out. Pittsburgh loses two of three games. New York Jets lose two games (one of which would be to the Bills). Oakland to lose one game.
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